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PYANG(1) pyang manual PYANG(1)
pyang - validate and convert YANG modules to various formats
pyang [--canonical] [--strict] [--ietf] [--lax-xpath-checks] [--hello]
[-o outfile] [-f format] [-p path] [-W warning] [-E error]
pyang -h | --help
pyang -v | --version
One or more file parameters may be given on the command line. They
denote either YANG modules to be processed (in YANG or YIN syntax) or,
using the --hello switch, a server <hello> message conforming to RFC
6241[1] and RFC 6020[2], which completely defines the data model -
supported YANG modules as well as features and capabilities. In the
latter case, only one file parameter may be present.
If no files are given, pyang reads input from stdin, which must be one
module or a server <hello> message.
Only the most common options are listed here. See below for a complete
list of options.
The pyang program is used to validate YANG modules (RFC 6020[2]). It is
also used to convert YANG modules into equivalent YIN modules. From a
valid module a hybrid DSDL schema (RFC 6110[3]) can be generated.
If no format is given, the specified modules are validated, and the
program exits with exit code 0 if all modules are valid.
-h --help
Print a short help text and exit.
-v --version
Print the version number and exit.
-e --list-errors
Print a listing of all error codes and messages pyang might
generate, and then exit.
On errors, print the symbolic error code instead of the error
Treat warnings as errors.
Do not print any warnings.
-W errorcode
Treat errorcode as a warning, even if -Werror is given. errorcode
must be a warning or a minor error.
Use --list-errors to get a listing of all errors and warnings.
The following example treats all warnings except the warning for
unused imports as errors:
$ pyang --Werror -W UNUSED_IMPORT
-E errorcode
Treat the warning errorcode as an error.
Use --list-errors to get a listing of all errors and warnings.
The following example treats only the warning for unused import as
an error:
$ pyang --Werror -W UNUSED_IMPORT
Validate the module(s) according to the canonical YANG order.
Force strict YANG compliance. Currently this checks that the
deref() function is not used in XPath expressions and leafrefs.
Validate the module(s) according to IETF rules as specified in RFC
6087[4]. In addition, it checks that the module is in canonical
order, and that --max-line-length is 72 so that the module fits
into an RFC.
Lax checks of XPath expressions. Specifically, do not generate an
error if an XPath expression uses a variable or an unknown
-L --hello
Interpret the input file or standard input as a server <hello>
message. In this case, no more than one file parameter may be
In YIN input modules, remove leading and trailing whitespace from
every line in the arguments of the following statements: 'contact',
'description', 'error-message', 'organization' and 'reference'.
This way, the XML-indented argument texts look tidy after
translating the module to the compact YANG syntax.
--max-line-length maxlen
Give a warning if any line is longer than maxlen.
--max-identifier-length maxlen
Give a error if any identifier is longer than maxlen.
-f --format format
Convert the module(s) into format. Some translators require a
single module, and some can translate multiple modules at one time.
If no outfile file is specified, the result is printed on stdout.
The supported formats are listed in OUTPUT FORMATS below.
-o --output outfile
Write the output to the file outfile instead of stdout.
-p --path path
path is a colon (:) separated list of directories to search for
imported modules. This option may be given multiple times.
The following directories are always added to the search path:
1. current directory
3. $HOME/yang/modules
4. $YANG_INSTALL/yang/modules OR if $YANG_INSTALL is unset <the
default installation directory>/yang/modules (on Unix systems:
--plugindir plugindir
Load all YANG plugins found in the directory plugindir. This option
may be given multiple times.
list of directories to search for pyang plugins. The following
directories are always added to the search path:
1. pyang/plugins from where pyang is installed
These are the names of the files containing the modules to be
validated, or the module to be converted.
If pyang plugins are installed, these plugins may define their own
options, or add new formats to the -f option. These options and formats
are listed in pyang -h.
the XML syntax of YANG
normal YANG syntax
Hybrid DSDL schema (RELAX NG with annotations) which is primarily
intended as an interim product used by yang2dsdl(1). See RFC
6110[3] for details.
Prints a Makefile dependency rule for the module
tree structure of the module
Prints a file that can be read by plantuml to generate UML diagrams
Prints a file that can be imported to ArgoUML
HTML/JavaScript tree navigator
A hyperbolic tree navigator that can be displayed by treebolic
Generates XSLT stylesheet for transforming XML instance documents
into JSON.
Generates a driver file for transforming JSON instance documents
into XML.
Options for the yang output format:
Generate all statements in the canonical order.
Remove unused import statements from the output.
Options for the yin output format:
Generate all statements in the canonical order.
Pretty print strings, i.e. print with extra whitespace in the
string. This is not strictly correct, since the whitespace is
significant within the strings in XML, but the output is more
Options for the dsdl output format:
Do not print documentation annotations
Do not print Dublin Core metadata terms
Record translations of all top-level typedefs and groupings in the
output schema, even if they are not used. This is useful for
translating library modules.
NOTE: The XSD ouput plugin is deprecated. Use the dsdl plugin instead.
Options for the xsd output format:
Do not print YANG specific appinfo.
Do not print the lecture about how the XSD can be used.
Do not generate any xs:imports.
Break long patterns so that they fit into RFCs. The resulting
patterns might not always be valid XSD, so use with care.
The depend output generates a Makefile dependency rule for files based
on a YANG module. This is useful if files are generated from the
module. For example, suppose a .c file is generated from each YANG
module. If the YANG module imports other modules, or includes
submodules, the .c file needs to be regenerated if any of the imported
or included modules change. Such a dependency rule can be generated
like this:
$ pyang -f depend --depend-target mymod.c \
--depend-extension .yang mymod.yang
mymod.c : ietf-yang-types.yang my-types.yang
Options for the depend output format:
Makefile rule target. Default is the modulename.
YANG module file name extension. Default is no extension.
Do not generate dependencies for included submodules.
Include file path in the prerequisites. Note that if no
--depend-extension has been given, the prerequisite is the filename
as found, i.e., ending in ".yang" or ".yin".
Name of YANG module or submodule to ignore in the prerequisites.
This option can be given multiple times.
The tree output prints the resulting schema tree from one or more
modules. Use pyang --tree-help to print a description on the symbols
used by this format.
Tree output specific options:
Print help on symbols used in the tree output and exit.
--tree-depth depth
Levels of the tree to print.
--tree-path path
Subtree to print. The path is a slash ("/") separated path to a
subtree to print. For example "/nacm/groups".
The xmi output prints an XMI file that can be imported by ArgUML
Drag all classes to the diagram area in ArgoUML and use the
Arrange-Layout menu.
XMI output specific option:
The jstree output prints an HTML/JavaScript based YANG browser. It
references an images folder that needs to exist in the same folder as
the generated file. This is installed as share/yang/images in the pyang
installation directory. The easiest way is to symlink to this
jstree output specific option:
Print help on jstree usage and exit.
The hypertree output generates a hyperbolic YANG browser. The generated
xml file can be imported to treebolic. Download treebolic from
Color coding in the tree:
o Light green node background : config = True
o Light yellow node background : config = False
o Red node foreground : mandatory = True
o White leaf node background : index
o Orange foreground : presence container
The xml file references an images folder that needs to exist in the
same folder as the generated file. This is installed as
share/yang/images in the pyang installation directory. The easiest way
is to symlink to this directory.
pyang -f hypertree model.yang -o model.xml
Prepare a HTML file that links to the generated XMI file:
<applet code="treebolic.applet.Treebolic.class"
id="Treebolic" width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="doc" value="model.xml">
hypertree output specific option:
Print help on hypertree usage and exit.
Do not print association names. ArgoUML has no way of hiding the
association name and the diagram gets cluttered.
The uml output prints an output that can be used as input-file to
plantuml in order to generate a UML diagram. Download the plantuml
jar-file from http://plantuml.sourceforge.net. Note that it requires
graphviz, http://www.graphviz.org/.
For large diagrams you may need to increase the Java heap-size by the
-XmxSIZEm option, to java. For example: java -Xmx1024m -jar
plantuml.jar ....
Options for the UML output format:
Generate UML with classes only, no attributes
Generate UML output split into pages, NxN, example 2x2. One .png
file per page will be rendered.
Put the generated .png files(s) in the specified output directory.
Default is "img/"
Set the title of the generated UML diagram, (default is YANG module
Set the header of the generated UML diagram.
Set the footer of the generated UML diagram.
Use complete YANG schema identifiers for UML class names.
This option suppresses specified arguments in the generated UML
diagram. Valid arguments are: uses, leafref, identity, identityref,
typedef, annotation, import, circles, stereotypes. Annotation
suppresses YANG constructs rendered as annotations, examples module
info, config statements for containers. Example
Leafref attributes and augment elements can have long paths making
the classes too wide. This option will only show the tail of the
path. Example --uml-truncate=augment,leafref.
Render the diagram with groupings inlined.
Render the diagram with augments inlined.
NOT IMPLEMENTED: Only paths in the filter file will be included in
the diagram. A default filter file is generated by option --filter.
The jsonxsl output generates an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet that can be used
for transforming an XML instance document into JSON text as specified
in draft-lhotka-netmod-yang-json[5]. The XML document must be a valid
instance of the data model which is specified as one or more input YANG
modules on the command line (or via a <hello> message, see the --hello
The data tree(s) must be wrapped at least in either <nc:data> or
<nc:config> element, where "nc" is the namespace prefix for the
standard NETCONF URI "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0", or the
XML instance document has to be a complete NETCONF RPC request/reply or
notification. Translation of RPCs and notifications defined by the data
model is also supported.
The generated stylesheet accepts the following parameters that modify
its behaviour:
o compact: setting this parameter to 1 results in a compact
representation of the JSON text, i.e. without any whitespace. The
default is 0 which means that the JSON output is pretty-printed.
o ind-step: indentation step, i.e. the number of spaces to use for
each level. The default value is 2 spaces. Note that this setting
is only useful for pretty-printed output (compact=0).
The stylesheet also includes the file jsonxsl-templates.xsl which is a
part of pyang distribution.
The jtox output generates a driver file which can be used as one of the
inputs to json2xml for transforming a JSON document to XML as specified
in draft-lhotka-netmod-yang-json[5].
The jtox output itself is a JSON document containing a concise
representation of the data model which is specified as one or more
input YANG modules on the command line (or via a <hello> message, see
the --hello option).
See json2xml manual page for more information.
This section describes XPath functions that can be used in "must",
"when", or "path" expressions in YANG modules, in addition to the core
XPath 1.0 functions.
pyang can be instructed to reject the usage of these functions with the
parameter --strict.
Function: node-set deref(node-set)
The deref function follows the reference defined by the first node in
document order in the argument node-set, and returns the nodes it
refers to.
If the first argument node is an instance-identifier, the function
returns a node-set that contains the single node that the instance
identifier refers to, if it exists. If no such node exists, an empty
node-set is returned.
If the first argument node is a leafref, the function returns a
node-set that contains the nodes that the leafref refers to.
If the first argument node is of any other type, an empty node-set is
The following example shows how a leafref can be written with and
without the deref function:
/* without deref */
leaf my-ip {
type leafref {
path "/server/ip";
leaf my-port {
type leafref {
path "/server[ip = current()/../my-ip]/port";
/* with deref */
leaf my-ip {
type leafref {
path "/server/ip";
leaf my-port {
type leafref {
path "deref(../my-ip)/../port";
The following example validates the standard YANG modules with derived
$ pyang ietf-yang-types.yang ietf-inet-types.yang
The following example converts the ietf-yang-types module into YIN:
$ pyang -f yin -o ietf-yang-types.yin ietf-yang-types.yang
The following example converts the ietf-netconf-monitoring module into
a UML diagram:
$ pyang -f uml ietf-netconf-monitoring.yang > \
$ java -jar plantuml.jar ietf-netconf-monitoring.uml
$ open img/ietf-netconf-monitoring.png
pyang searches for referred modules in the colon (:) separated path
defined by the environment variable $YANG_MODPATH and in the directory
pyang searches for plugins in the colon (:) separated path defined by
the environment variable $PYANG_PLUGINDIR.
1. The XPath arguments for the must and when statements are checked
only for basic syntax errors.
Martin Bjorklund <mbj@tail-f.com>
Tail-f Systems
Ladislav Lhotka <lhotka@nic.cz>
Stefan Wallin <stefan@tail-f.com>
Tail-f Systems
1. RFC 6241
2. RFC 6020
3. RFC 6110
4. RFC 6087
5. draft-lhotka-netmod-yang-json
pyang-1.4.1 2013-11-11 PYANG(1)