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OWNET(1)                     One-Wire File System                     OWNET(1)


ownet , (libownet) - easy C-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol


libownet library to link with your program Handle OWNET_HANDLE Handle to each owserver connection Initialization OWNET_HANDLE OWNET_init( const char * owserver_tcp_address_and_port ) Associate an owserver (1) tcp/ip address with a handle. Directory listing int OWNET_dirlist( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , char ** comma_separated_list ) Create a comma-separated list of directory elements. int OWNET_dirprocess( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , void (* dirfunc ) (void *, const char *), void * passed_on_value ) void dirfunc ( void * passed_on_value , const char * directory_element ) Apply function dirfunc to each directory element, along with an arbitrary passed_on_value. Get data int OWNET_read( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , const char ** return_string ) Read a value (of specified size) from a 1-wire device. int OWNET_lread( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , const char ** return_string , size_t size , off_t offset ) Read a value (of specified size and offset) from a 1-wire device. int OWNET_present( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path ) Check if a 1-wire device is present. Set data int OWNET_put( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , const char * value_string , size_t size ) Write a value (of specified size) to a 1-wire device. int OWNET_lwrite( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle , const char * onewire_path , const char * value_string , size_t size , off_t offset ) Write a value (of specified size and offset) to a 1-wire device. Close void OWNET_close( OWNET_HANDLE owserver_handle ) Close the connection to a particular owserver. void OWNET_closeall( void ) Close all open owserver connections. void OWNET_finish( void ) Close all open owserver connections and free all memory. Temperature scale void OWNET_set_temperature_scale( char temperature_scale ) char OWNET_get_temperature_scale( void ) Set and retrieve the temperature scale used for all communications. Device format void OWNET_set_device_format( const char * device_format ) const char * OWNET_get_device_format( void ) Set and retrieve the 1-wire device serial number format used for all communications.


OW_init OW_init_string offers the full flexibility of the owfs (1) and owhttpd (1) command line. Arguments Can be as simple as jus the device name, a full parameter specification. One or more device names (includes tcp, serial, usb...) and command line switches. See owfs (1) for full syntax. Returns 0 for success. -1 on error and errno will be set. OW_finish does not need to be called if OW_init fails. Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. OW_init_args OW_init_args offers the full flexibility of the owfs (1) and owhttpd (1) command line. Arguments One or more device names (includes tcp, serial, usb...) and command line switches. See owfs (1) for full syntax. Unlike OW_init_string the arguments are in argv/argc format. Returns 0 for success. -1 on error and errno will be set. OW_finish does not need to be called if OW_init fails. Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. OW_get OW_get is used to get directory listings and file contents. The results are put in a dynamically allocated buffer. Arguments path is the path to the directory or file (property). *buffer returns a pointer to a buffer containing the directory (comma separated) or value. buffer_length returns the length of the value/string in buffer Returns number of bytes on success. -1 on error (and errno is set). Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. Important note buffer is allocated ( with malloc ) by OW_get but must be freed in your program. See malloc (3) and free (3) OW_lread OW_lread is used to read 1-wire memory chips. Think of it as a combination of lseek and read It allows random-access to the memory, specifying location and length. Unlike OW_get directories cannot be obtained and the buffer must be pre-allocated rather than allocated by the routine. buffer must be at least size length. Arguments path is the path to the file (property). buffer is the (pre- allocated) memory area where the value will be placed. size is the length of bytes requested. offset is the position in file to start reading. Returns number of bytes on success. -1 on error (and errno is set). Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. OW_put OW_put is an easy way to write to 1-wire chips. Arguments path is the path to the file (property). buffer is the value to be written. buffer_length is the length of the value buffer. Returns number of bytes on success. -1 on error (and errno is set). Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. OW_lwrite OW_lwrite is the companion of OW_lread. It allows writing to arbitrary positions in 1-wire memory. Think of it as a combination of lseek and write. buffer must be at least size length. Arguments path is the path to the file (property). buffer is the data to be written. size is the length of bytes to be written. offset is the position in file to start writing. Returns number of bytes on success. -1 on error (and errno is set). Sequence One of the init functions must be called before accessing the 1-wire bus. OW_finish is optional. OW_finish OW_finish cleans up the OWFS 1-wire routines, releases devices and memory. Arguments None. Returns None Sequence OW_finish is optional since cleanup is automatic on program exit.


See the file man1/description.1so. libowcapi libowcapi (1) is an encapsulation of the full libow library for C programs. libowcapi (1) allows a C program to use OWFS principles (consistent naming scheme, multiple adapters, devices, and compatibility) directly from a C program. There are analogous modules for other programming languages: C libowcapi perl owperl php owphp python owpython tcl owtcl


/* Simple directory listing -- no error checking */ #include <ownetapi.h> char * buf; size_t s ; OWNET_init("localhost:4304"); OWNET_dirlist("/",&buf,&s) ; printf("Directory %s0,buf); free(buf); OWNET_finish() ;


See the file man1/seealso.1so.




Paul Alfille (paul.alfille@gmail.com) OWFS Manpage 2008 OWNET(1)

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