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OREPAN2-INJECT(1)     User Contributed Perl Documentation    OREPAN2-INJECT(1)


orepan2-inject - Injector


% orepan2-inject git://github.com/tokuhirom/Text-TestBase.git@master /path/to/darkpan/ % orepan2-inject Carton /path/to/darkpan/


OrePAN2 injector. This module injects your modules into the OrePAN2 DarkPAN repository.


" --no-generate-index " Do not generate 02packages.details.txt.gz. " --author=DANKOGAI " Specify the cpan author directory name. OrePAN2 uses 'DUMMY' as a default author name. " --simple " Use a simple format for 02packages metadata. This helps avoid merge conflicts.


orepan2-inject script supports following source types. ARCHIVE FILE orepan2-inject Text-TestBase-0.10.tar.gz /path/to/darkpan/ You can inject into DarkPAN from a file. HTTP URL orepan2-inject http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TO/TOKUHIROM/Text-TestBase-0.10.tar.gz /path/to/darkpan/ You can inject into DarkPAN from an archive URL. Git repository % orepan2-inject git://github.com/tokuhirom/Text-TestBase.git@master /path/to/darkpan/ % orepan2-inject git://github.com/tokuhirom/Text-TestBase.git /path/to/darkpan/ You need to set up git repository as a installable git repo. You need to put a META.json in your repository. If you are using Minilla or Milla, your repository is already ready to install. OrePAN2::Inject supports the following URL types: git+file://path/to/repo.git git://github.com/plack/Plack.git@1.0000 # tag git://github.com/plack/Plack.git@devel # branch It's compatible with cpanm. Module name % orepan2-inject Data::Dumper /path/to/darkpan You can inject from CPAN by module name. perl v5.20.2 2015-07-14 OREPAN2-INJECT(1)

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