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MYSQL-GENOCIDE(1)     User Contributed Perl Documentation    MYSQL-GENOCIDE(1)


mysql-genocide - Parallel operation on MySQL processlist


mysql-genocide [OPTIONS] [FILTER] Options: -h, --help Show help. Connection: -h, --host=name Connect to host. -P, --port=# Port number to use for connection. -D, --database=name Database to use. -u, --user=name User for login if not current user. -p, --password=name Password to use when connecting to server. Filters: -e, --exclude Exclude queries by different criteria -s, --selects-only Exclude everything but selects -t, --min-time=# Exclude queries with exec time lower than # -T, --timeout Exclude queries with exec time lower than query time hint -l, --limit=# Only take first # lines -g, --placeholder Replace values in queries by placeholders -d, --distinct Only keep the first occurence of the same query --sort Sort result Actions: -L, --list Output list of queries -K, --kill Kill every matched threads -S, --stats Show some stats about processlist -i, --interval[=#] Repeat the command at regular interval


--help Print a brief help message and exits. --host, --port, --database, --user, --password See mysql cli help for more information on those parameters. --exclude=[!]name Exclude from the running thread list queries matching the argument. This parameter can be repeated several times to exclude different kinds of queries. If you prefix the argument with an exclamation mark (!), all thread not matching this argument will be excluded. Allowed parameters are: select, insert, replace, update, delete, create, drop, alter Exclude SQL query which command is of the same name. write Exclude every SQL query doing write operation (insert, replace, update, delete). other Exclude SQL query which are none of the above type. sleep Exclude all sleeping threads system Exclude thread ran by the system (often used for replication threads) user=<user> Exclude threads ran by given mysql username. db=<db> Exclude threads using given database. state=<state> Exclude threads in given state. See <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/general-thread-states.html> for the list of possible states command=<command> Exclude threads using given command. See <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/thread-commands.html> for the list of possible commands. --selects-only This is equivalent to: --exclude=write --exclude=other --exclude=sleep --exclude=system. --min-time=# Exclude queries with execution time lower than given parameter. --timeout Keep only queries with a timeout provided and with an execution time which exceeded this timeout. The timeout can be provided with the query in a comment like this: SELECT /* timeout:40 */ * FROM table; Timeout is expressed in second. --limit=# Take first # threads and excludes others. --placeholder Will try to make queries more generic by replacing all values by either "i" for numbers or "s" for strings. --distinct Keep only the first query from group of identical queries and exlude others. Note: If you use this option with --placeholder, queries that would differ only by values used will become identical. This is useful to distinct big type of queries. --sort[=name] Sort matched queries by parameter given as argument. Allowed parameters are as follow: concurrency or c Sort queries by most repeated ones. time or t Sort queries by longer execution time. --list[=template] Output the result to the terminal. The default output format can be changed by supplying a template with desired field. Available fields are: Id, User, Command, State, Db, Host, Time, Info, Group, Concurrency, QType, Timeout Default template is: <Id> <User> <Db> <Time> <Info> --kill Kill every threads that match the given filters. --stats Show statistics about queries matched by filters. --interval[=#] Repeat the command at regular interval. Interval in second can be specified as argument. If not specified, default interval is 5 seconds.


mysql-genocide helps you play with big MySQL processlists. It can filter it using different criterias like execution time, query type, user or regexp matching of the SQL query etc. Actions can then be peformed on the result like killing, sorting or generating statistics.


Kill all selects with execution time geater than 60 seconds: mysql-genocide --selects-only --min-time 60 --kill Same as before but limited on queries matching a pattern: mysql-genocide -s -t 60 -K 'FROM user ' Kill all queries timed out: mysql-genocide --timeout --kill Replace queries values by placeholders and group identical queries together, sort them by most concurrent and keep only the 10 most concurent ones: mysql-genocide --placeholder --group --sort concurrency --limit 10 --list


You can add some information in your SQL queries to help mysql-genocide to do some decisions. To pass this kind of information, you can use SQL comments like this: /* VARIABLE[:VALUE] */ SELECT * FROM... NOTE: in certain versions of mysql CLI client strip comments before to send them to the server. AVAILABLE EXTENDED INFO TIMEOUT:SECONDS This option hint "mysql-genocide" on the maximum execution time the query should take. The option --timeout will keep only queries with an execution time which exceeded this value. The timeout can be provided with the query in a comment like this: /* timeout:40 */ SELECT * FROM table; Timeout is expressed in second. DO_NOT_KILL If this option is present in query, the query won't be killed when --kill option is used, even if it match the filters. If you combine --list and --kill on the same command, such queries will appear in the listed queries but won't be killed. Example query: /* DO_NOT_KILL */ SELECT * FROM important_data;




This script requires the "DBD::mysql", "Getopt::Long" and "Pod::Usage" modules.




Olivier Poitrey <rs@dailymotion.com> perl v5.20.2 2008-06-14 MYSQL-GENOCIDE(1)

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