DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
MUPDF(1) DragonFly General Commands Manual MUPDF(1)
mupdf - MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer written in portable C
mupdf [options] PDFfile
This manual page briefly describes the mupdf command.
A description of each of the supported options is included below.
-p password
Uses the given password to open an encrypted PDF file. The
password is tried both as user and owner password.
-r resolution
Changes the initial zoom level, specified as the resolution in
dpi. The default value is 72.
-A bits
Changes the anti-aliasing quality, specified as a number of bits
between 0 (off) and 8 (best). The default value is 8.
Sets the full-page tint using hexadecimal color syntax. The
default value is FFFAF0.
-W width
Page width in points for EPUB layout.
-H height
Page height in points for EPUB layout.
-S size
Font size in points for EPUB layout.
Left mouse button click
A left click on a hyper link follows the link.
Left mouse button drag
Pan the page. Panning beyond the bottom or top edge will go to
the next or previous page.
Right mouse button drag
Select text in an area. On X11, the selected text can be pasted
in another application with a middle click. Press Ctl+C to copy
the selected text to the clipboard. On windows, the selected
text will automatically be copied to the clipboard.
Scroll wheel
Pan page up or down. Does not change page when reaching the
bottom or top edge.
Shift * Scroll wheel
Pan page left or right.
Control * Scroll wheel
Zoom in or out.
L, R Rotate page left (counter-clockwise) or right (clockwise).
h, j, k, l
Pan page left, down, up, or right.
+, - Zoom in or out.
W, H Zoom page to exactly fit width or height of window.
w Shrinkwrap window to fit the page.
r Reload file.
. pgdn right space
Go to the next page
, pgup left b backspace
Go to the previous page
<, > Skip back/forth 10 pages at a time.
m Mark current page for snap back. Up to 256 pages can be marked.
t Pop back to the latest mark.
[0-9]m Save the current page number in the numbered register.
[0-9]t Go to the page saved in the numbered register.
123g Go to page 123.
g, G Go to the first or last page.
/, ? Search for text forwards or backwards.
n, N Find the next/previous search result.
f Toggles fullscreen mode.
p Toggle presentation mode.
c Toggle between color and grayscale rendering.
C Toggle full-page color tinting. i Toggle between normal and
inverted color rendering.
q Quit.
SIGHUP Sending a SIGHUP signal to the mupdf process will also cause the
viewed file to be reloaded automatically, for use in e.g. build
MuPDF is Copyright 2006-2014 Artifex Software, Inc.
May 25, 2015 MUPDF(1)