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multi-aterm(0.1)                    X Tools                   multi-aterm(0.1)


multi-aterm - a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X-Window


multi-aterm [options]


multi-aterm is a terminal emulator. It is based on aterm 0.4.2, features most of functionalties of aterm (pseudo fast-transparency, next-step look scroll bar) and mostly and notebook functionality. Thus, you can have several terminals in the same window. Each terminal can be configure (name, background, ...) with a configuration file. Like aterm, it aims to be light and fast and desktop independant, meaning KDE or GNOME are not required. Several configurations files can be used. Specific files override resources of standard files, and options override resources found in files.


-iconic -display|-d displayname -tn termname value of the TERM environment variable -geometry|-g geometry geometry at startup -rv|+rv reverse video -tr|+tr transparent background -sb|+sb scrollbar -sr|+sr scrollbar on right -trsb|+trsb transparent scrollbar -st|+st scrollbar without a trough -si|+si scroll-on-tty-output inhibit -sk|+sk scroll-on-keypress -tint color tinted transparency color -sh % make transparent background x% darker -bgtype type transformation type for background pixmap -tinttype type function applied for background tinting -txttype type function applied for text drawing -pixmap file[;geometry] background pixmap, tranparency must be turn off -name name client instance, icon, and title strings -n fontname icon name for window -iconic|+iconic start iconic -sl number number of scrolled lines to save -tn name value of the TERM environment variable -fg color foreground color -bg color background color -ls|+ls login shell -bw number border width -mbw number minimum number of columns stored in buffer -ut|+ut utmp inhibit -vb|+vb visual bell -bd color border color -nt number numbers of tab at startup -fade fontname make colors x% darker when aterm is loosing focus -font fontname normal text font -fb fontname bold text font -cf file resource configuration file -C intercept console messages


Here is list of resources supported by multi-aterm. Each as a default value assigned to it. multi-aterm support the XTerm class and application name is materm. The first character of class components is capitalized and the first letter of name components is in lowercase. For example, XTerm.Foreground is a class component and materm.foreground is a name component. Below is the list of resource : XTerm.Geometry: geometry set the geometry XTerm.ReverseVideo: boolean XTerm.Foreground: color XTerm.Background: color XTerm.LoginShell: boolean XTerm.BorderWidth: number XTerm.Scrollbar: boolean XTerm.ScrollbarRight: boolean XTerm.ScrollbarFloating: boolean XTerm.ScrollbarTtyOutput: boolean XTerm.ScrollbarTtyKeypress: boolean XTerm.Transpscrollbar: boolean XTerm.ScrollColor: color XTerm.TroughColor: color XTerm.Vt.Transparent: boolean XTerm.Vt.Tinting: color XTerm.Vt.Shading: amount XTerm.Vt.BgType: type XTerm.Vt.TintingType: type XTerm.Vt.Pixmap: ile[;geometry] XTerm.Vt.Title: name XTerm.Vt.SaveLines: number XTerm.TextType: type XTerm.Name: name XTerm.IconName: name XTerm.TermName: name XTerm.MinBufferWidth: number XTerm.UtmpInhibit: boolean XTerm.VisualBell: boolean XTerm.BorderColor: color XTerm.NbTerm: number XTerm.Fading: amount XTerm.Colorn: color XTerm.ColorBD: color XTerm.ColorUL: color XTerm.Path: path XTerm.FontName: fontname XTerm.BoldFont: fontname XTerm.Fontn: fontname XTerm.MFont: fontname XTerm.MFontn: fontname XTerm.PointerColor: color XTerm.CursorColor: color XTerm.CursorColor2: color XTerm.Bigfont_key: keysym XTerm.Smallfont_key: keysym XTerm.Cutchars: string XTerm.Meta8: keysym XTerm.Modifier: keysym XTerm.Backspacekey: keysym XTerm.Deletekey: keysym XTerm.MapAlert: keysym Example: XTerm.Geometry: 80x25 XTerm.Scrollbar: True XTerm.Vt.Transparent: True XTerm.Vt.Shading: 70 XTerm.Vt.SaveLines: 300 materm.vt0.shading: 90 materm.vt0.title: me materm.vt1.title: root materm.vt1.saveLines: 20 Put those lines in your $HOME/.Xdefaults file or in a configuration file you will load with -cf <file> at startup.


/etc/utmp System file for login records. /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt Color names. /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm if enable at compiled time, this is the first configuration file read. ~/.Xdefaults if presents, resources read from this file override existing resources. ~/.Xresources if .Xdefaults was not found, try this one.


You have several shortcut to ease the use of the app. Here is the lsit of shortcut : ctrl+alt+n : create a new terminal ctrl+d : close a terminal (note this is a shell sequence) shift+left_arrow: active left terminal shift+right_arrow: active right terminal shift+up_arrow: sroll up line by line shift+down_arrow: sroll down line by line shift+page_up: sroll up screen by screen shift+page_down: sroll down screen by screen



Transparency is global, not specific to a terminal The same apply for the bgtype Some problems with pseudo-terminal somethimes Font size change is working very bad This man page is not finished


John Bovey University of Kent, 1992, wrote the original Xvt. Rob Nation <nation@rocket.sanders.lockheed.com> very heavily modified Xvt and came up with Rxvt Angelo Haritsis <ah@doc.ic.ac.uk> wrote the Greek Keyboard Input mj olesen <olesen@me.QueensU.CA> Wrote the menu system. Project Coordinator (changes.txt 2.11 to 2.21) Oezguer Kesim <kesim@math.fu-berlin.de> Project Coordinator (changes.txt 2.21a to 2.4.5) Geoff Wing <gcw@pobox.com> Rewrote screen display and text selection routines. Project Coordinator (changes.txt 2.4.6 - ) Sasha Vasko <sashav@sprintmail.com> branched rxvt with Alfredo Kojima additions to aterm. Alexis <materm@tuxfamily.org> Modifications of aterm to add tabbed terminals and notebook bar. X Version 11 14 November 2003 multi-aterm(0.1)

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