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MBUF(9)               DragonFly Kernel Developer's Manual              MBUF(9)


mbuf - memory management in the kernel IPC subsystem


#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/mbuf.h> Mbuf allocation macros MGET(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how, short type); MGETHDR(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how, short type); MCLGET(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how); Mbuf utility macros void * mtod(struct mbuf *mbuf, type); M_ALIGN(struct mbuf *mbuf, u_int len); MH_ALIGN(struct mbuf *mbuf, u_int len); int M_LEADINGSPACE(struct mbuf *mbuf); int M_TRAILINGSPACE(struct mbuf *mbuf); M_PREPEND(struct mbuf *mbuf, int len, int how); Mbuf allocation functions struct mbuf * m_get(int how, int type); struct mbuf * m_getm(struct mbuf *orig, int len, int how, int type); struct mbuf * m_getclr(int how, int type); struct mbuf * m_gethdr(int how, int type); struct mbuf * m_free(struct mbuf *mbuf); void m_freem(struct mbuf *mbuf); Mbuf utility functions void m_adj(struct mbuf *mbuf, int len); struct mbuf * m_prepend(struct mbuf *mbuf, int len, int how); struct mbuf * m_pullup(struct mbuf *mbuf, int len); struct mbuf * m_copym(const struct mbuf *mbuf, int offset, int len, int how); struct mbuf * m_copypacket(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how); struct mbuf * m_dup(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how); void m_copydata(const struct mbuf *mbuf, int offset, int len, void *buf); void m_copyback(struct mbuf *mbuf, int offset, int len, const void *buf); int m_copyback2(struct mbuf *mbuf, int offset, int len, const void *buf, int how); struct mbuf * m_devget(void *buf, int len, int offset, struct ifnet *ifp); void m_cat(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *n); struct mbuf * m_split(struct mbuf *mbuf, int len, int how); struct mbuf * m_unshare(struct mbuf *mbuf, int how);


An mbuf is a basic unit of memory management in the kernel IPC subsystem. Network packets and socket buffers are stored in mbufs. A network packet may span multiple mbufs arranged into a chain (linked list), which allows adding or trimming network headers with little overhead. While a developer should not bother with mbuf internals without serious reason in order to avoid incompatibilities with future changes, it is useful to understand the mbuf's general structure. An mbuf consists of a variable-sized header and a small internal buffer for data. The mbuf's total size, MSIZE, is a constant defined in <sys/param.h>. The mbuf header includes: m_next a pointer to the next buffer in the chain m_nextpkt a pointer to the next chain in the queue m_data a pointer to the data m_len the length of the data m_type the type of data m_flags the mbuf flags The mbuf flag bits are defined as follows: /* mbuf flags */ #define M_EXT 0x0001 /* has associated external storage */ #define M_PKTHDR 0x0002 /* start of record */ #define M_EOR 0x0004 /* end of record */ #define M_PROTO1 0x0010 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO2 0x0020 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO3 0x0040 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO4 0x0080 /* protocol-specific */ #define M_PROTO5 0x0100 /* protocol-specific */ /* mbuf pkthdr flags, also in m_flags */ #define M_BCAST 0x0200 /* send/received as link-level broadcast */ #define M_MCAST 0x0400 /* send/received as link-level multicast */ #define M_FRAG 0x0800 /* packet is fragment of larger packet */ #define M_FIRSTFRAG 0x1000 /* packet is first fragment */ #define M_LASTFRAG 0x2000 /* packet is last fragment */ The available mbuf types are defined as follows: /* mbuf types */ #define MT_FREE 0 /* should be on free list */ #define MT_DATA 1 /* dynamic (data) allocation */ #define MT_HEADER 2 /* packet header */ #define MT_SONAME 8 /* socket name */ #define MT_FTABLE 11 /* fragment reassembly header */ #define MT_CONTROL 14 /* extra-data protocol message */ #define MT_OOBDATA 15 /* expedited data */ If the M_PKTHDR flag is set, a struct pkthdr m_pkthdr is added to the mbuf header. It contains a pointer to the interface the packet has been received from (struct ifnet *rcvif), and the total packet length (int len). If small enough, data is stored in the mbuf's internal data buffer. If the data is sufficiently large, another mbuf may be added to the chain, or external storage may be associated with the mbuf. MHLEN bytes of data can fit into an mbuf with the M_PKTHDR flag set, MLEN bytes can otherwise. If external storage is being associated with an mbuf, the m_ext header is added at the cost of losing the internal data buffer. It includes a pointer to external storage, the size of the storage, a pointer to a function used for freeing the storage, a pointer to an optional argument that can be passed to the function, and a pointer to a reference counter. An mbuf using external storage has the M_EXT flag set. The system supplies a default type of external storage buffer called an "mbuf cluster". Mbuf clusters can be allocated and configured with the use of the MCLGET macro. Each cluster is MCLBYTES in size, where MCLBYTES is a machine-dependent constant. The system defines an advisory macro MINCLSIZE, which is the smallest amount of data to put into a cluster. It's equal to the sum of MLEN and MHLEN. It is typically preferable to store data into an mbuf's data region, if size permits, as opposed to allocating a separate mbuf cluster to hold the same data. Macros and Functions There are numerous predefined macros and functions that provide the developer with common utilities. mtod(mbuf, type) Convert an mbuf pointer to a data pointer. The macro expands to the data pointer cast to the pointer of the specified type. Note: It is advisable to ensure that there is enough contiguous data in the mbuf. See m_pullup() for details. MGET(mbuf, how, type) Allocate an mbuf and initialize it to contain internal data. mbuf will point to the allocated mbuf on success, or be set to NULL on failure. The how argument is to be set to M_WAITOK or M_NOWAIT. If how is M_WAITOK, this macro will await resources if necessary; if how is M_NOWAIT and resources are not available, this macro fails. A number of other mbuf-related functions and macros have the same argument because they may at some point need to allocate new mbufs. MGETHDR(mbuf, how, type) Allocate an mbuf and initialize it to contain a packet header and internal data. See MGET() for details. MCLGET(mbuf, how) Allocate and attach an mbuf cluster to an mbuf. If the macro fails, the M_EXT flag won't be set in the mbuf. M_PREPEND(mbuf, len, how) This macro operates on an mbuf chain. It is an optimized wrapper for m_prepend() that can make use of possible empty space before data (e.g. left after trimming of a link-layer header). The new chain pointer or NULL is in mbuf after the call. The functions are: m_get(how, type) A function version of MGET() for non-critical paths. m_getm(orig, len, how, type) Allocate len bytes worth of mbufs and mbuf clusters if necessary and append the resulting allocated chain to the orig mbuf chain, if it is non-NULL. If the allocation fails at any point, free whatever was allocated and return NULL. If orig is non-NULL, it will not be freed. It is possible to use m_getm() to either append len bytes to an existing mbuf or mbuf chain (for example, one which may be sitting in a pre-allocated ring) or to simply perform an all-or-nothing mbuf and mbuf cluster allocation. m_gethdr(how, type) A function version of MGETHDR() for non-critical paths. m_getclr(how, type) Allocate an mbuf and zero out the data region. The functions below operate on mbuf chains. m_freem(mbuf) Free an entire mbuf chain, including any external storage. m_adj(mbuf, len) Trim len bytes from the head of an mbuf chain if len is positive, from the tail otherwise. m_prepend(mbuf, len, how) Allocate a new mbuf and prepend it to the chain, handle M_PKTHDR properly. Note: It doesn't allocate any clusters, so len must be less than MLEN or MHLEN, depending on the M_PKTHDR flag setting. m_pullup(mbuf, len) Arrange that the first len bytes of an mbuf chain are contiguous and lay in the data area of mbuf, so they are accessible with mtod(mbuf, type). Return the new chain on success, NULL on failure (the chain is freed in this case). Note: It doesn't allocate any clusters, so len must be less than MHLEN. m_copym(mbuf, offset, len, how) Make a copy of an mbuf chain starting offset bytes from the beginning, continuing for len bytes. If len is M_COPYALL, copy to the end of the mbuf chain. Note: The copy is read-only, because clusters are not copied, only their reference counts are incremented. m_copypacket(mbuf, how) Copy an entire packet including header, which must be present. This is an optimized version of the common case m_copym(mbuf, 0, M_COPYALL, how). Note: the copy is read-only, because clusters are not copied, only their reference counts are incremented. m_dup(mbuf, how) Copy a packet header mbuf chain into a completely new chain, including copying any mbuf clusters. Use this instead of m_copypacket() when you need a writable copy of an mbuf chain. m_copydata(mbuf, offset, len, buf) Copy data from an mbuf chain starting off bytes from the beginning, continuing for len bytes, into the indicated buffer buf. m_copyback(mbuf, offset, len, buf) Similar to the m_copyback2() function below, but forbid mbuf expansion. So the caller must ensure that the mbuf (chain) has enough space; otherwise, the copy would fail and it would be hard for the caller to discriminate due to the lack of a return value. In the failure case, the input mbuf (chain) may be modified but will not be freed. m_copyback2(mbuf, offset, len, buf, how) Copy len bytes from the buffer buf back into the indicated mbuf chain, starting at offset bytes from the beginning of the chain, extending the mbuf chain if necessary. Mbuf clusters will be allocated if appropriate. Note: It's safe to set offset beyond the current chain end: zeroed mbufs will be allocated to fill the space. m_devget(buf, len, offset, ifp) Copy data from a device local memory pointed to by buf to an mbuf chain, using bcopy(). m_cat(m, n) Concatenate n to m. Both chains must be of the same type. N is still valid after the function returned. Note: It does not handle M_PKTHDR and friends. m_split(mbuf, len, how) Partition an mbuf chain in two pieces, returning the tail: all but the first len bytes. In case of failure, it returns NULL and attempts to restore the chain to its original state. m_unshare(mbuf, how) Create a version of the specified mbuf chain whose contents can be safely modified without affecting other users. If allocation fails and this operation can not be completed, NULL will be returned. The original mbuf chain is always reclaimed and the reference count of any shared mbuf clusters is decremented. As a side-effect of this process the returned mbuf chain may be compacted. This function is especially useful in the transmit path of network code, when data must be encrypted or otherwise altered prior to transmission.


When running a kernel compiled with the option MBUF_STRESS_TEST, the following sysctl(8)-controlled options may be used to create various failure/extreme cases for testing of network drivers and other parts of the kernel that rely on mbufs. net.inet.ip.mbuf_frag_size Causes ip_output() to fragment outgoing mbuf chains into fragments of the specified size. Setting this variable to 1 is an excellent way to test the long mbuf chain handling ability of network drivers. kern.ipc.m_defragrandomfailures Causes the function m_defrag() to randomly fail, returning NULL. Any piece of code which uses m_defrag() should be tested with this feature.


See above.


Mbufs appeared in an early version of BSD. Besides for being used for network packets, they were used to store various dynamic structures, such as routing table entries, interface addresses, protocol control blocks, etc.


The original mbuf man page was written by Yar Tikhiy. DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT December 27, 2023 DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT

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