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ltm(1)                                                                  ltm(1)


ltm - Statseeker Real Time LAN Analyzer


Statseeker LTM is a high speed statistical LAN Analyzer that monitors Ethernet LAN segments via the bpf(4) interface and displays various matrix tables in real time via a ncurses interface. The LAN Analyzer is provided as a "binary only" distribution in two forms: 1. FreeBSD port 2. Bootable floppy image (refer to the Statseeker web site)


* High speed packet capture on attached ethernet interfaces * Builds address and protocol matrix tables: - MAC Nodes - IP Nodes - IP Conversations - IP Protocols - Unknown UDP/TCP port numbers * Tables can be sorted by: - Address - Protocol - Total packets - Total bytes - Packets per second - Bytes per second * User defineable UDP/TCP protocols to a specific IP address * Displays a list of undefined TCP/UDP ports numbers * Realtime ncurses interface * Operates on any ethernet like inteface (eg, 10/100/1G/Wireless) * Decodes 802.1q VLAN packets * Duplicate IP address checker * Router detection * Adjustable refresh rate when using over slow links * Long and short display modes * Address searching


LTM (previously called lanstat) was originally written on FreeBSD 2.0.5 and later rewritten and incorporated into the Statseeker product as a real time and historical statististical LAN Analyzer. The historical database and reporting functionality is only available in the complete Statseeker network performance monitoring product.


Statseeker provides the real time LAN Analyzer free of charge. There is no official technical support. Questions and suggestions can be sent to ltm-support@statseeker.com and may be addressed when time/resources permit.


ltm-client, ltm-mkprotodb, bpf(4), http://www.statseeker.com Statseeker ltm(1)

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