DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
LATEXMLPOST(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation LATEXMLPOST(1)
"latexmlpost" - postprocesses an xml file generated by "latexml" to
perform common tasks, such as convert math to images and processing
graphics inclusions for the web.
latexmlpost [options] xmlfile
--verbose shows progress during processing.
--VERSION show version number.
--help shows help message.
--sourcedirectory=sourcedir sets directory of the original
source TeX file.
--validate, --novalidate Enables (the default) or disables
validation of the source xml.
--format=html|html5|html4|xhtml|xml requests the output format.
(html defaults to html5)
--destination=file sets output file (and directory).
--omitdoctype omits the Doctype declaration,
--noomitdoctype disables the omission (the default)
--numbersections enables (the default) the inclusion of
section numbers in titles, crossrefs.
--nonumbersections disables the above
--stylesheet=xslfile requests the XSL transform using the
given xslfile as stylesheet.
--css=cssfile adds css stylesheet to (x)html(5)
(can be repeated)
--nodefaultresources disables processing built-in resources
--javscript=jsfile adds a link to a javascript file into
html4/html5/xhtml (can be repeated)
--xsltparameter=name:value passes parameters to the XSLT.
--split requests splitting each document
--nosplit disables the above (default)
--splitat sets level to split the document
--splitpath=xpath sets xpath expression to use for
splitting (default splits at
sections, if splitting is enabled)
--splitnaming=(id|idrelative|label|labelrelative) specifies
how to name split files (idrelative).
--scan scans documents to extract ids,
labels, etc.
section titles, etc. (default)
--noscan disables the above
--crossref fills in crossreferences (default)
--nocrossref disables the above
--urlstyle=(server|negotiated|file) format to use for urls
(default server).
--navigationtoc=(context|none) generates a table of contents
in navigation bar
--index requests creating an index (default)
--noindex disables the above
--splitindex Splits index into pages per initial.
--nosplitindex disables the above (default)
--permutedindex permutes index phrases in the index
--nopermutedindex disables the above (default)
--bibliography=file sets a bibliography file
--splitbibliography splits the bibliography into pages per
--nosplitbibliography disables the above (default)
--prescan carries out only the split (if
enabled) and scan, storing
cross-referencing data in dbfile
(default is complete processing)
--dbfile=dbfile sets file to store crossreferences
--sitedirectory=dir sets the base directory of the site
--mathimages converts math to images
(default for html4 format)
--nomathimages disables the above
--mathsvg converts math to svg images
--nomathsvg disables the above
--mathimagemagnification=mag sets magnification factor
--presentationmathml converts math to Presentation MathML
(default for xhtml & html5 formats)
--pmml alias for --presentationmathml
--nopresentationmathml disables the above
--linelength=n formats presentation mathml to a
linelength max of n characters
--contentmathml converts math to Content MathML
--nocontentmathml disables the above (default)
--cmml alias for --contentmathml
--openmath converts math to OpenMath
--noopenmath disables the above (default)
--om alias for --openmath
--keepXMath preserves the intermediate XMath
representation (default is to remove)
--plane1 use plane-1 unicode for symbols
(default, if needed)
--noplane1 do not use plane-1 unicode
--graphicimages converts graphics to images (default)
--nographicimages disables the above
--graphicsmap=type.type specifies a graphics file mapping
--pictureimages converts picture environments to
images (default)
--nopictureimages disables the above
--svg converts picture environments to SVG
--nosvg disables the above (default)
If xmlfile is '-', latexmlpost reads the XML from standard input.
General Options
Requests informative output as processing proceeds. Can be repeated
to increase the amount of information.
Shows the version number of the LaTeXML package..
Shows this help message.
Source Options
Specifies the directory where the original latex source is located.
Unless latexmlpost is run from that directory, or it can be
determined from the xml filename, it may be necessary to specify
this option in order to find graphics and style files.
"--validate", "--novalidate"
Enables (or disables) the validation of the source XML document
(the default).
Format Options
Specifies the output format for post processing. By default, it
will be guessed from the file extension of the destination (if
given), with html implying "html5", xhtml implying "xhtml" and the
default being "xml", which you probably don't want.
The "html5" format converts the material to html5 form with
mathematics as MathML; "html5" supports SVG. "html4" format
converts the material to the earlier html form, version 4, and the
mathematics to png images. "xhtml" format converts to xhtml and
uses presentation MathML (after attempting to parse the
mathematics) for representing the math. "html5" similarly converts
math to presentation MathML. In these cases, any graphics will be
converted to web-friendly formats and/or copied to the destination
directory. If you simply specify "html", it will treat that as
For the default, "xml", the output is left in LaTeXML's internal
xml, but the math is parsed and converted to presentation MathML.
For html, html5 and xhtml, a default stylesheet is provided, but
see the "--stylesheet" option.
Specifies the destination file and directory. The directory is
needed for mathimages, mathsvg and graphics processing.
"--omitdoctype", "--noomitdoctype"
Omits (or includes) the document type declaration. The default is
to include it if the document model was based on a DTD.
"--numbersections", "--nonumbersections"
Includes (default), or disables the inclusion of section, equation,
etc, numbers in the formatted document and crossreference links.
Requests the XSL transformation of the document using the given
xslfile as stylesheet. If the stylesheet is omitted, a `standard'
one appropriate for the format (html4, html5 or xhtml) will be
Adds cssfile as a css stylesheet to be used in the transformed
html/html5/xhtml. Multiple stylesheets can be used; they are
included in the html in the order given, following the default
"ltx-LaTeXML.css" (unless "--nodefaultcss"). The stylesheet is
copied to the destination directory, unless it is an absolute url.
Some stylesheets included in the distribution are
--css=navbar-left Puts a navigation bar on the left.
(default omits navbar)
--css=navbar-right Puts a navigation bar on the left.
--css=theme-blue A blue coloring theme for headings.
--css=amsart A style suitable for journal articles.
Includes a link to the javascript file jsfile, to be used in the
transformed html/html5/xhtml. Multiple javascript files can be
included; they are linked in the html in the order given. The
javascript file is copied to the destination directory, unless it
is an absolute url.
Copies iconfile to the destination directory and sets up the
linkage in the transformed html/html5/xhtml to use that as the
Disables the copying and inclusion of resources added by the
binding files; This includes CSS, javascript or other files. This
does not affect resources explicitly requested by the "--css" or
"--javascript" options.
Provides a timestamp (typically a time and date) to be embedded in
the comments by the stock XSLT stylesheets. If you don't supply a
timestamp, the current time and date will be used. (You can use
"--timestamp=0" to omit the timestamp).
Passes parameters to the XSLT stylesheet. See the manual or the
stylesheet itself for available parameters.
Site & Crossreferencing Options
"--split", "--nosplit"
Enables or disables (default) the splitting of documents into
multiple `pages'. If enabled, the the document will be split into
sections, bibliography, index and appendices (if any) by default,
unless "--splitpath" is specified.
Specifies what level of the document to split at. Should be one of
"chapter", "section" (the default), "subsection" or
"subsubsection". For more control, see "--splitpath".
Specifies an XPath expression to select nodes that will generate
separate pages. The default splitpath is
//ltx:section | //ltx:bibliography | //ltx:appendix | //ltx:index
--splitpath="//ltx:section | //ltx:subsection
| //ltx:bibliography | //ltx:appendix | //ltx:index"
would split the document at subsections as well as sections.
Specifies how to name the files for subdocuments created by
splitting. The values "id" and "label" simply use the id or label
of the subdocument's root node for it's filename. "idrelative" and
"labelrelative" use the portion of the id or label that follows the
parent document's id or label. Furthermore, to impose structure and
uniqueness, if a split document has children that are also split,
that document (and it's children) will be in a separate
subdirectory with the name index.
"--scan", "--noscan"
Enables (default) or disables the scanning of documents for ids,
labels, references, indexmarks, etc, for use in filling in refs,
cites, index and so on. It may be useful to disable when
generating documents not based on the LaTeXML doctype.
"--crossref", "--nocrossref"
Enables (default) or disables the filling in of references, hrefs,
etc based on a previous scan (either from "--scan", or "--dbfile")
It may be useful to disable when generating documents not based on
the LaTeXML doctype.
This option determines the way that URLs within the documents are
formatted, depending on the way they are intended to be served.
The default, "server", eliminates unneccessary trailing
"index.html". With "negotiated", the trailing file extension
(typically "html" or "xhtml") are eliminated. The scheme "file"
preserves complete (but relative) urls so that the site can be
browsed as files without any server.
Generates a table of contents in the navigation bar; default is
"none". The `context' style of TOC, is somewhat verbose and
reveals more detail near the current page; it is most suitable for
navigation bars placed on the left or right. Other styles of TOC
should be developed and added here, such as a short form.
"--index", "--noindex"
Enables (default) or disables the generation of an index from
indexmarks embedded within the document. Enabling this has no
effect unless there is an index element in the document (generated
by \printindex).
"--splitindex", "--nosplitindex"
Enables or disables (default) the splitting of generated indexes
into separate pages per initial letter.
Specifies a bibliography generated from a BibTeX file to be used to
fill in a bibliography element. Hand-written bibliographies placed
in a "thebibliography" environment do not need this. The option
has no effect unless there is an bibliography element in the
document (generated by \bibliography).
Note that this option provides the bibliography to be used to fill
in the bibliography element (generated by "\bibliography");
latexmlpost does not (currently) directly process and format such a
"--splitbibliography", "--nosplitbibliography"
Enables or disables (default) the splitting of generated
bibliographies into separate pages per initial letter.
By default "latexmlpost" processes a single document into one (or
more; see "--split") destination files in a single pass. When
generating a complicated site consisting of several documents it
may be advantageous to first scan through the documents to extract
and store (in "dbfile") cross-referencing data (such as ids,
titles, urls, and so on). A later pass then has complete
information allowing all documents to reference each other, and
also constructs an index and bibliography that reflects the entire
document set. The same effect (though less efficient) can be
achieved by running "latexmlpost" twice, provided a "dbfile" is
Specifies a filename to use for the crossreferencing data when
using two-pass processing. This file may reside in the
intermediate destination directory.
Specifies the base directory of the overall web site. Pathnames in
the database are stored in a form relative to this directory to
make it more portable.
Math Options
These options specify how math should be converted into other formats.
Multiple formats can be requested; how they will be combined depends on
the format and other options.
"--mathimages", "--nomathimages"
Requests or disables the conversion of math to images (png by
default). Conversion is the default for html4 format.
"--mathsvg", "--nomathsvg"
Requests or disables the conversion of math to svg images.
Specifies the magnification used for math images (both png and
svg), if they are made. Default is 1.75.
"--presentationmathml", "--nopresentationmathml"
Requests or disables conversion of math to Presentation MathML.
Conversion is the default for xhtml and html5 formats.
(Experimental) Line-breaks the generated Presentation MathML so
that it is no longer than number `characters'.
Converts the content of Presentation MathML token elements to the
appropriate Unicode Plane-1 codepoints according to the selected
font, when applicable (the default).
Converts the content of Presentation MathML token elements to the
appropriate Unicode Plane-1 codepoints according to the selected
font, but only for the mathvariants double-struck, fraktur and
script. This gives support for current (as of August 2009)
versions of Firefox and MathPlayer, provided a sufficient set of
fonts is available (eg. STIX).
"--contentmathml", "--nocontentmathml"
Requests or disables conversion of math to Content MathML.
Conversion is disabled by default. Note that this conversion is
only partially implemented.
Requests or disables conversion of math to OpenMath. Conversion is
disabled by default. Note that this conversion is only partially
By default, when any of the MathML or OpenMath conversions are
used, the intermediate math representation will be removed; this
option preserves it; it will be used as secondary parallel markup,
when it follows the options for other math representations.
Graphics Options
"--graphicimages", "--nographicimages"
Enables (default) or disables the conversion of graphics to web-
appropriate format (png).
Specifies a mapping of graphics file types. Typically, graphics
elements specify a graphics file that will be converted to a more
appropriate file target format; for example, postscript files used
for graphics with LaTeX will be converted to png format for use on
the web. As with LaTeX, when a graphics file is specified without
a file type, the system will search for the most appropriate target
type file.
When this option is used, it overrides and replaces the defaults
and provides a mapping of sourcetype to desttype. The option can
be repeated to provide several mappings, with the earlier formats
preferred. If the desttype is omitted, it specifies copying files
of type sourcetype, unchanged.
The default settings is equivalent to having supplied the options:
svg png gif jpg jpeg eps.png ps.png ai.png pdf.png
The first formats are preferred and used unchanged, while the
latter ones are converted to png.
"--pictureimages", "--nopictureimages"
Enables (default) or disables the conversion of picture
environments and pstricks material into images.
"--svg", "--nosvg"
Enables or disables (default) the conversion of picture
environments and pstricks material to SVG.
latexml, latexmlmath, LaTeXML
perl v5.20.2 2014-10-17 LATEXMLPOST(1)