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icmconf(7)            configuration file for icmbuild(1)            icmconf(7)


icmconf - Configuration file for the icmbuild(1) program maintenance script


The icmconf configuration file is used to specify and tailor the characteristics of program maintenance performed by the icmbuild(1) icmake script. It can be used to activate and specify various directives that determine how the program or library maintenance will proceed. The directives are biased towards the construction of a C++ program, but program maintenance for other languages (e.g., C) can easily be realized as well.


Traditional make-utilities recompile sources once header files are modified. In the context of C++ program development this is often a bad idea, as adding a new member to a class does not normally require you to recompile the class's sources. To handle class dependencies in a more sensible way, icmake(1)'s CLASSES file may define dependencies among classes. If a class Y depends on class X as in: class Y: public X { ... }; or as in: class Y { X d_y; ... }; then the sources of class Y should be recompiled if X's data organization has changed. In cases like these Y depends on X. Such class dependencies can be specified in the CLASSES file using the form: y x where x and y are the directories holding the respective class sources. Then, when altering X's data organization, do 'touch x/a', followed by 'icmbuild program': x's sources as well as the sources in directories (in)directly depending on x (e.g., y) are then automatically recompiled by icmbuild. Multiple dependencies can also be specified. If the class organization looks like this: class Z: public Y { X d_x; }; then Z depends on both Y and X. In the CLASSES file this may be indicated by the line z x y Indirect dependencies are automatically followed. After changing X's data organization where CLASSES contains the lines x y x z y then 'icmbuild program' results in recompiling all of the sources in classes x, y and z. By default, class-dependencies are not interpreted. To activate them the line //#define USE_ALL "a" in the icmconf file must be uncommented: #define USE_ALL "a" Empty lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a hash-mark (#) or whose first non-blank characters are two consecutive forward slashes (//) are ignored. Long lines can be split over multiple lines by using a final backslash character at lines which continue at the next line. E.g., name1 depends on multiple other classes


o #define ADD_LIBRARIES "" When a program must be linked against additional libraries (other than the name of the program's library itself, if specified at LIBRARY) then those libraries should be specified, blank space separated, here. E.g., when a program is linked against libbobcat then the specification is: #define ADD_LIBRARIES "bobcat" o #define ADD_LIBRARY_PATHS "" When the additional libraries (specified at ADD_LIBRARIES) are located in non-standard library locations (e.g., not in /lib and /usr/lib) then these additional paths are (blank space separated) specified here. Specify only the paths, not the -L flags. o #define CLS The clear screen directive. If defined tput clear is called to clear the terminal screen before starting the compilation. By default it is not defined. o #define CXX "g++" The C++ compiler to use. For a C compiler use, e.g., #define CC "gcc". Its setting is overruled by an identically named environment variable. o #define CXXFLAGS "--std=c++0x -Wall -g -O2" The compiler options to use. The default options are shown. When the C compiler is used, use #define CFLAGS rather than CXXFLAGS. Its setting is overruled by an identically named environment variable. o #define DEFCOM "..." A DEFCOM directive may be added to the icmconf file by icmstart. It may be defined as: #define DEFCOM "program" in which case icmbuild will do program maintenance. Alternatively it may be defined as: #define DEFCOM "program strip" in which case icmbuild will do program maintenance, creating a stripped binary program. It may also be defined as #define DEFCOM "library" in which case icmbuild will de library maintenance. If this directive was not added by icmstart(1) it can always be added to icmconf by hand. o #define LDFLAGS "" The linker options to use. By default no options are passed to the linker. Its setting is overruled by an identically named environment variable. o #define LIBRARY "modules" By default this directive is not defined. If defined a local library is constructed. When a binary program is built it will be linked against this library rather than to the individual object modules. If a library construction is intended (see also the DEFCOM directive), then the LIBRARY directive defines the base name (without the lib prefix and without the .a extension) of the library to be constructed. After a library construction install static dir installs the static library at dir, which install shared dir installs the shared library (see below at #define SHARED) at dir. o #define MAIN "main.cc" The source file defining the int main function. This specification may be left as-is or may completely be removed if icmbuild(1) is used for library maintenance rather than program maintenance. o #define OBJ_EXT ".o" The extension of object modules created by the compiler. o #define PARSER_DIR "" The subdirectory containing the parser's specification file. Leave empty if no parser class is used and if no parser is generated. The following directives, beginning with PARS, are only interpreted when PARSER_DIR is defined as a non-empty string. o #define PARSFILES "" If the parser specification file named at PARSSPEC itself includes additional specification files, then patterns matching these additional grammar specification files should be specified here. The pattern is interpreted in the directory specified at PARSER_DIR and could contain a subdirectory name (e.g. specs/*). When files matching the pattern are modified then a new parser will be created. By default no additional specification files are used. o #define PARSFLAGS "-V" The flags to use when calling the program specified at PARSGEN. o #define PARSGEN "bisonc++" The name of the program generating the parser. o #define PARSOUT "parse.cc" The name of the file generated by the parser generator (which is used by icmbuild to compare the timestamps of the parser specification s against). o #define PARSSPEC "grammar" The name of the parser specification file. This file is expected in the directory specified at PARSER_DIR. o #define REFRESH Define REFRESH to relink the binary program at every icmbuild program call. By default REFRESH is not defined. o #define SCANNER_DIR "" The subdirectory containing the scanner's specification file. Leave empty if no scanner class is used and if no lexical scanner is generated. The following directives, beginning with SCAN, are only interpreted when SCANNER_DIR is defined as a non-empty string. o #define SCANFILES "" If the lexical scanner specification file named at SCANSPEC itself includes additional specification files, then patterns matching these additional lexer specification files should be specified here. The pattern is interpreted in the directory specified at SCANNER_DIR and could contain a subdirectory name (e.g. specs/*). When files matching the pattern are modified then a new lexical scanner will be created. By default no additional specification files are used. o #define SCANFLAGS "" The flags to use when calling the program specified at SCANGEN. o #define SCANGEN "flexc++" The name of the program generating the lexical scanner. o #define SCANOUT "lex.cc" The name of the file generated by the lexical scanner (which is used by icmbuild to compare the timestamps of the scanner specification s against). o #define SCANSPEC "lexer" The name of the lexical scanner specification file. This file is expected in the directory specified at SCANNER_DIR. o #define SHARED This directive is only interpreted if LIBRARY was also specified. If defined a static library (extension .a) as well as a shared library (extension .so*) is built. If not specified, but LIBRARY was specified, only the static library is built. By default SHARED is not defined. The shared library receives as its major version number VERSION's major version number, and receives VERSION as its full version number. E.g., if VERSION is defined as 1.02.03 and LIBRARY is defined as demo then the shared library libdemo.so.1.02.03 is constructed, with libdemo.so.1 soft-linking to it, with libdemo.so in turn soft-linking to libdemo.so.1. o #define SHAREDREQ "" When creating a shared library SHAREDREQ specifies the names of libraries and library paths that are required by the shared library. E.g., if a library is found in /usr/lib/special, assuming that the name of the required library is libspecial.so, then use the specification "-L/usr/lib/special -lspecial". The /lib and /usr/lib paths are usually predefined and need not be specified. This directive is only interpreted if SHARED and LIBRARY were also defined. o #define SOURCES "*.cc" The pattern to locate sources in a directory. The default value is shown. o #define TMP_DIR "tmp" The directory in which intermediate results are stored. Relative to the current working directory unless an absolute path is specified. o #define USE_ALL "a" After defining this directive (by default it is not defined) a class dependency setup defined in the CLASSES file is interpreted. In this case, when a directory contains a file named at the USE_ALL directive, then all sources of that class as well as all sources of all classes depending on it are (re)compiled. The program's root directory is assumed to depend on all other directories. Class dependencies in CLASSES consist of the class name (as the first word on a line) optionally followed by additional class names, which are the classes on which the line's first class name depends. Assuming that a program uses five classes One, Two, Three, Four and Five and that class Three depends on class Two, which in turn depends on class One, while class Five depends on Three and Four, then the file CLASSES may reflect these dependencies as follows: one two one three two four five three four Now touching (creating) the file two/a (using e.g., the command touch two/a) causes all sources of the classes Two, Three and Five as well as all the sources in the program's root directory to be recompiled: Two is recompiled because of the existence of two/a, Three is recompiled because it depends on Two, Five is recompiled because it depends on Three, the sources in the program's root directory are recompiled because at least one directory is recompiled. This facility was added to the icmbuild script because C++ header files are often modified without the need to recompile all their depending sources. No recompilation is necessary when a new class member function is declared. Recompilation, however, is necessary when the class's internal organization changes, e.g., when the organization of its data members is modified. Simply touching a file "a" is sufficient to perform the necessary recompilations. Following the recompilations the USE_ALL s are removed. When the USE_ALL directive was defined the command icmbuild clean also removes any leftover USE_ALL files from the program's direct subdirectories. o #define USE_ECHO ON When specified as ON (rather than OFF) commands executed by icmbuild are echoed. o #define USE_VERSION If defined (which is the default) the file VERSION is read by icmconf to determine the program/library's version, and the project's release years.


o BINARY "" This #define may safely be removed from older icmconf files as it is no longer used by icmbuild. When a binary program is constructed it is created as TMP_DIR "/bin/binary", while install program path installs the binary program at path. o BIN_INSTALL This #define may safely be removed from older icmconf files as it is no longer used by icmbuild. See #define BINARY for details about how to install a binary program o #define COMPILER "" This #define should be replaced by CXX or CC. o #define COMPILER_OPTIONS "" This #define should be replaced by CXXFLAGS or CFLAGS. o LIB_INSTALL This #define may safely be removed from older icmconf files as it is no longer used by icmbuild. See #define LIBRARY for details about how to install libraries. o #define LINKER_OPTIONS "" This #define should be replaced by LDFLAGS.


The mentioned paths are sugestive only and may be installation dependent: o /usr/share/icmake/CLASSES Example of an icmconf CLASSES file. o /usr/share/icmake/icmconf Default skeleton icmbuild resource file. o /etc/icmake Directory containing the default system-wide icmake(1) configuration files (like VERSION and icmstart.rc) o $HOME/.icmake Optional directory containing user-defined specifications overruling the system-wide definitions. This directory is the proper location for a file AUTHOR defining the AUTHOR directive with the user's name. E.g., my .icmake/AUTHOR file contains: #define AUTHOR "Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl)";


icmake(1), icmbuild(1), icmstart(1), icmstart.rc(7).


The interpretation of the class dependencies (see section COMPILING AND LINKING has altered when icmake was updated to version 7.16.00.


This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl). icmake.7.22.01.tar.gz 1992-2015 icmconf(7)

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