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hx509 certificate store functions(3) Heimdalx509library
hx509 certificate store functions -
int hx509_certs_init (hx509_context context, const char *name, int
flags, hx509_lock lock, hx509_certs *certs)
int hx509_certs_store (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, int
flags, hx509_lock lock)
void hx509_certs_free (hx509_certs *certs)
int hx509_certs_start_seq (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor *cursor)
int hx509_certs_next_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor cursor, hx509_cert *cert)
int hx509_certs_end_seq (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor cursor)
int hx509_certs_iter_f (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
int(*func)(hx509_context, void *, hx509_cert), void *ctx)
int hx509_ci_print_names (hx509_context context, void *ctx, hx509_cert
int hx509_certs_add (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cert cert)
int hx509_certs_find (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, const
hx509_query *q, hx509_cert *r)
int hx509_certs_filter (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, const
hx509_query *q, hx509_certs *result)
int hx509_certs_merge (hx509_context context, hx509_certs to,
hx509_certs from)
int hx509_certs_append (hx509_context context, hx509_certs to,
hx509_lock lock, const char *name)
int hx509_get_one_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cert *c)
int hx509_certs_info (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
int(*func)(void *, const char *), void *ctx)
Detailed Description
See the Certificate store operations for description and examples.
Function Documentation
int hx509_certs_add (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, hx509_cert
Add a certificate to the certificiate store.
The receiving keyset certs will either increase reference counter of
the cert or make a deep copy, either way, the caller needs to free the
cert itself.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to add the certificate to.
cert certificate to add.
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_append (hx509_context context, hx509_certs to, hx509_lock
lock, const char * name)
Same a hx509_certs_merge() but use a lock and name to describe the from
context a hx509 context.
to the store to merge into.
lock a lock that unlocks the certificates store, use NULL to select
no password/certifictes/prompt lock (see Locking and unlocking
certificates and encrypted data.).
name name of the source store
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_end_seq (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor cursor)
End the iteration over certificates.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to iterate over.
cursor cursor that will keep track of progress, freed.
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_filter (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, const
hx509_query * q, hx509_certs * result)
Filter certificate matching the query.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to search.
q query allocated with hx509 query functions functions.
result the filtered certificate store, caller must free with
Returns an hx509 error code.
Return HX509_CERT_NOT_FOUND if no certificate in certs matched the
int hx509_certs_find (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, const
hx509_query * q, hx509_cert * r)
Find a certificate matching the query.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to search.
q query allocated with hx509 query functions functions.
r return certificate (or NULL on error), should be freed with
Returns an hx509 error code.
Return HX509_CERT_NOT_FOUND if no certificate in certs matched the
void hx509_certs_free (hx509_certs * certs)
Free a certificate store.
certs certificate store to free.
int hx509_certs_info (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, int(*)(void
*, const char *) func, void * ctx)
Print some info about the certificate store.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to print information about.
func function that will get each line of the information, if NULL
is used the data is printed on a FILE descriptor that should be
passed in ctx, if ctx also is NULL, stdout is used.
ctx parameter to func.
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_init (hx509_context context, const char * name, int flags,
hx509_lock lock, hx509_certs * certs)
Open or creates a new hx509 certificate store.
context A hx509 context
name name of the store, format is TYPE:type-specific-string, if
NULL is used the MEMORY store is used.
flags list of flags:
o HX509_CERTS_CREATE create a new keystore of the specific TYPE.
o HX509_CERTS_UNPROTECT_ALL fails if any private key failed to be
lock a lock that unlocks the certificates store, use NULL to select
no password/certifictes/prompt lock (see Locking and unlocking
certificates and encrypted data.).
certs return pointer, free with hx509_certs_free().
int hx509_certs_iter_f (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
int(*)(hx509_context, void *, hx509_cert) func, void * ctx)
Iterate over all certificates in a keystore and call an function for
each fo them.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to iterate over.
func function to call for each certificate. The function should
return non-zero to abort the iteration, that value is passed back
to the caller of hx509_certs_iter_f().
ctx context variable that will passed to the function.
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_merge (hx509_context context, hx509_certs to, hx509_certs
Merge a certificate store into another. The from store is keep intact.
context a hx509 context.
to the store to merge into.
from the store to copy the object from.
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_next_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor cursor, hx509_cert * cert)
Get next ceritificate from the certificate keystore pointed out by
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to iterate over.
cursor cursor that keeps track of progress.
cert return certificate next in store, NULL if the store contains
no more certificates. Free with hx509_cert_free().
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_certs_start_seq (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cursor * cursor)
Start the integration
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to iterate over
cursor cursor that will keep track of progress, free with
Returns an hx509 error code. HX509_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION is
returned if the certificate store doesn't support the iteration
int hx509_certs_store (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs, int flags,
hx509_lock lock)
Write the certificate store to stable storage.
context A hx509 context.
certs a certificate store to store.
flags currently unused, use 0.
lock a lock that unlocks the certificates store, use NULL to select
no password/certifictes/prompt lock (see Locking and unlocking
certificates and encrypted data.).
Returns an hx509 error code. HX509_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION if the
certificate store doesn't support the store operation.
int hx509_ci_print_names (hx509_context context, void * ctx, hx509_cert c)
Iterate over all certificates in a keystore and call an function for
each fo them.
context a hx509 context.
certs certificate store to iterate over.
func function to call for each certificate. The function should
return non-zero to abort the iteration, that value is passed back
to the caller of hx509_certs_iter().
Returns an hx509 error code. Function to use to
hx509_certs_iter_f() as a function argument, the ctx variable to
hx509_certs_iter_f() should be a FILE file descriptor.
context a hx509 context.
ctx used by hx509_certs_iter_f().
c a certificate
Returns an hx509 error code.
int hx509_get_one_cert (hx509_context context, hx509_certs certs,
hx509_cert * c)
Get one random certificate from the certificate store.
context a hx509 context.
certs a certificate store to get the certificate from.
c return certificate, should be freed with hx509_cert_free().
Returns an hx509 error code.
Version 1.5.3 9 Dec 2012
hx509 certificate store functions(3)