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HPT(1)                 DragonFly General Commands Manual                HPT(1)


hpt - toss pkt files to squish/msg/jam bases and export messages


Toss pkt files from inbound hpt toss Toss messages from badarea (force) hpt toss -b[f] Scan echomail messages hpt scan Scan echomail messages without HighWaters of position hpt scan -w Scan echomail messages from alternative echotoss file hpt scan -f <echotoss.log> (see info hpt for more details) Scan echomail messages from areas matching <pattern> hpt scan -a <pattern> Pack netmail messages hpt pack Links echomail messages hpt link [areamask] Process areafix hpt afix [<addr> command] hpt qupd - update queue file and do some areafix jobs hpt qrep - make report based on information from queue file hpt qrep -d - print info described above, but show only changes Post a message to area hpt post [options] file options are: -nf "name from" message sender's name, if not included post use sysop name (see fidoconfig) -nt "name to" message receiver's name, if not included post use "All" -af "address from" message sender's address, if not included post use first system address (see fidoconfig) -at "address to" message receiver's address, *MUST BE PRESENT* -s "subject" subject line, if not included then assumed to be empty -e "echo area" area to post echomail message into, if not included message is posted to netmail -z "tearline" tearline, if not included then assumed to be empty line -o "origin" origin, if not included then assumed to be name of station in config-file -f flag(s) flags to set to the posted msg. possible ones are: pvt, crash, read, sent, att, fwd, orphan, k/s, loc, hld, xx2, frq, rrq, cpt, arq, urq; use it without trailing brackets like this: pvt loc k/s -x export message to echo links -d erase input file after posting -u[size] uue-multipart posting size - number of lines per section(150 for default) -h get help file - text file to post into echo or "-" for stdin Refresh area subscription hpt relink <addr> Set pause for links who don't poll our system hpt pause Quiet mode (no screen output) hpt -q Set config-file name, if needed hpt -c /path/to/config


Highly Portable Tosser is the way to toss your fidonet mail.


I suppose there are :). So, report me, if you found any. Every time you changed the config-file please run tparser to see if your config is valid...


1997-1999: Matthias Tichy, 2:2432/645 (mtt@tichy.de) 1999-2002: Max Levenkov, 2:5000/117 (sackett@mail.ru) Highly Portable Tosser (v1.1.0) HPT(1)

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