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GIFFLIP(1)                   GIFLIB Documentation                   GIFFLIP(1)


gifflip - flip a GIF around a specified axis or rotate it 90 degrees


gifflip [-v] [-r] [-l] [-x] [-y] [-h] [gif-file]


A program to flip (mirror) GIF file along X or Y axes, or rotate the GIF file 90 degrees to the left or to the right. If no GIF file is given, gifflip will try to read a GIF file from stdin.


-v Verbose mode. Enables printout of running scan lines. -r Rotate the GIF file to the right. -l Rotate the GIF file to the left. -x Mirror the GIF file along the X axis. Very useful if GIF file was created from another format in with the first line in at image bottom. Effectively exchanges first row with last. -y Mirror the GIF file along Y axis. Effectively exchanges first column with last. -h Print one line of command line help, similar to Usage above.


Gershon Elber. GIFLIB 2 May 2012 GIFFLIP(1)

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