DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
getfields(l) BEGEMOT Library getfields(l)
getfields, getmfields, setfields - split string into fields
# include <begemot.h>
int getfields(char *str, char **fields, int nfields);
int getmfields(char *str, char **fields, int nfields);
char *setfields(char *delim);
getfields and getmfields split the input string in substrings as
defined by a set of delimiting characters. The pointer array fields is
filled with pointers to the starts of the substrings. Each substring is
terminated with a NUL character (the original string is modified). The
number of entries in the array is given with nfields. If the string
contains more substrings than nfields specifies, the last pointer in
fields will point to the rest of the string. If there are lesser
substrings than entries in fields, the substring pointer array will be
NULL terminated. Both functions return the number of substrings found.
getfields and getmfields differ in the interpretation of multiple
delimiting characters. getfields interprets two consecutive delimiters
as an empty field, whereas getmfields collapses multiple delimiters.
setfields sets a new set of delimiters. A string containing the old
delimiting characters is returned. The default set is "\t ". The NUL
character is always interpreted as a delimiter and end of string.
getfields and getmfields return the number of substrings. setfields
returns a pointer to static memory containing the old delimiting
characters. This is valid only until the next call to setfields and
can directly be feed into the next setfields call.
Could, perhaps, be more performant.
BEGEMOT 12 Sep 1996 getfields(l)