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gen_mc(1)              DragonFly General Commands Manual             gen_mc(1)

       Authors: Enrique Marcote (enrique.marcote@erlang-consulting.com) Miguel
       Rodriguez (miguel@erlang-consulting.com)




This module implements the gen_server and gen_esme_session behaviours.


The gen_mc behaviour acts as an extended gen_server, homonymous functions have the exact same meaning. The MC keeps track of a list of SMPP sessions. On start time no SMPP session is initiated and the MC starts listening for incoming connections on the given port. The MC starts a log manager, see smpp_log_mgr(3), but no log handlers are installed by default. The function add_log_handler/3 can be used to install log handlers. Two sample log handlers are included in oserl, smpp_disk_log_hlr(3) and smpp_tty_log_hlr(3). This behaviour implements a simple MC that may not suite all needs, if something more complex is required, it is recommended to implement the MC using the gen_mc_session behaviour directly. Please refer to test/test_mc.erl for a minimal MC example. START/STOP EXPORTS Exported functions. start(Module, Args, Opts) -> Result start(SrvName, Module, Args, Opts) -> Result start_link(Module, Args, Opts) -> Result start_link(SrvName, Module, Args, Opts) -> Result Types SrvName = {local, Name} | {global, Name} Name = atom() Module = atom() Opts = [Opt] Opt = {debug, Dbgs} | {timeout, Time} | {spawn_opt, SOpts} | {addr, Addr} | {port, Port} | {timers, Timers} Dbgs = [Dbg] Dbg = trace | log | statistics | {log_to_file, FileName} | {install, {Func, FuncSt}} Time = int() SOpts = [term()] Addr = ip_address() Port = int() Timers = timers_smpp() Result = {ok, Pid} | ignore | {error, Error} Pid = pid() Error = {already_started, Pid} | term() Starts the MC server. SrvName, Module, Args and debug, timeout and spawn_opt Opts have the exact same meaning as in gen_server behavior MC options are the following: o addr: IP address of the listening interface, if undefined the default address will be determined as follows: default_addr() -> {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(), {ok, Addr} = inet:getaddr(Host, inet), Addr. o port: is the SMPP port where the MC listens at. If not defined the default 2775 is used. o timers: SMPP timers_smpp for the sessions. If not defined default timers are used.


Exported functions. call(SrvRef, Req) -> Reply Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Name = atom() Node = atom() Req = term() Reply = term() Equivalent to gen_server:call/2. call(SrvRef, Req, Timeout) -> Reply Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Name = atom() Node = atom() Req = term() Timeout = int() | infinity Reply = term() Equivalent to gen_server:call/3. cast(SrvRef, Req) -> Reply Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Name = atom() Node = atom() Req = term() Reply = term() Equivalent to gen_server:cast/2. reply(Client, Reply) -> true Types Client = term() Reply = term() Equivalent to gen_server:reply/2.


Functions to handle connections on the SMPP sessions. close(SrvRef, Session) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Asychronous call to closes the SMPP session identified by Session. Note that the session is terminated regardless of its current state. See handle_closed/3.


SMPP operations. alert_notification(SrvRef, Session, Params) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Params = [{ParamName, ParamValue}] ParamName = atom() ParamValue = term() Issues an alert_notification operation on the session identified by Session. This function always returns ok. data_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args) -> ok data_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args, Timeout) -> ok deliver_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args) -> ok deliver_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args, Timeout) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() Args = term() Timeout = int() Issues an asynchronous data_sm and deliver_sm operation on the session identified by Session. The function returns ok and the SMPP request is issued immediately. The request does not go through the ESME queue and is not controlled by the throttle controller. Right after sending the request to the other peer, the callback handle_req/5 is called to notify the reference of the request to the callback module. This reference is later passed as the second argument to handle_resp/4 when the response arrives. Args is an arbitrary term that is passed as is to handle_req/5. The default Timeout is 2 minutes (TCP SYN_SENT). outbind(SrvRef, Addr, Opts, Params) -> Result outbind(SrvRef, Addr, Opts, Params, Timeout) -> Result Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Addr = ip_address() Opts = [Opt] Opt = {port, Port} | {timers, Timers} | {rps, Rps} | {file_queue, File} Port = int() Timers = timers_smpp() Throttle = int() File = string() Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() Result = {ok, Session} | {error, Reason} Session = pid() Reason = term() Opens a session to Addr and Port and sends and outbind request once the connection is established. This function returns the pid of the newly created session or an error if the connection could not be established. If the other peer later attempts to bind, a call to handle_bind_receiver/4, handle_bind_transceiver/4 or handle_bind_transmitter/4 will be received. If the connection is later dropped, a call to handle_closed/3 is received. Opts is a list of options with the following meaning: o port: SMPP port. If not defined 2775 is used. o timers: SMPP timers_smpp for the session. If not defined default timers are used. o rps: Max number of SMPP requests per second. If not defined, the default value is 1000. o file_queue: Filename where the queue is stored. If not defined memory queues will be used instead. Persistent disk queues are preserved across failures. The default Timeout is 2 minutes (TCP SYN_SENT). unbind(SrvRef, Session, Args) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Args = term() Issues an unbind operation on the session identified by Session. The function returns ok and the unbind request is issued immediately. The request does not go through the ESME queue and is not controlled by the throttle controller. Right after sending the request to the other peer, the callback handle_req/5 is called to notify the reference of the request to the callback module. This reference is later passed as the second argument to handle_resp/4 when the response arrives.


Exported functions using the requests queue. queue_data_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args) -> ok queue_data_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args, Priority) -> ok queue_deliver_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args) -> ok queue_deliver_sm(SrvRef, Session, Params, Args, Priority) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() Args = term() Priority = int() Queues an asynchronous data_sm and deliver_sm operation on the session identified by Session. The function returns ok and the SMPP request is inserted into the session queue. Once the request is sent to the other peer, the callback handle_req/5 is called to notify the reference of the request to the callback module. This reference is later passed as the second argument to handle_resp/4 when the response arrives. If unspecified Priority is 10. 0 is the highest priority. Requests with higher priority are processed first. Args is an arbitrary term that is passed as is to handle_req/5. queue_len(SrvRef, Session) -> Len Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Name = atom() Node = atom() Len = int() Returns the length of the queue (number of queued requests) for the session identified by Session. queue_out(SrvRef, Session) -> Reqs queue_out(SrvRef, Session, Num) -> Reqs Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Name = atom() Node = atom() Num = int() Reqs = [Req] Req = {CmdName, Params} CmdName = data_sm | deliver_sm Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() Removes Num requests from the queue of the session identified by Session. Returns the list of requests removed. If there are no enough requests on the queue, Reqs may contain less elements than Num. If the queue is empty an empty list is returned. If Num is not specified, 1 request will be removed. Notice that the returned requests will be removed from the queue and not processed.


Log related exports. Please refer to smpp_log_mgr(3) for greater details. add_log_handler(SrvRef, Handler, Args) -> Result Types Handler, Args, Result -- see smpp_log_mgr:add_handler/3 Adds a new log handler to the ESME log manager. The event handler must be implemented as a gen_event callback module, see smpp_log_mgr(3). SrvRef is the name or the process id of the ESME. delete_log_handler(SrvRef, Handler, Args) -> Result Types Handler, Args, Result -- see smpp_log_mgr:delete_handler/3 Deletes a log handler from the ESME log manager, see smpp_log_mgr(3). swap_log_handler(SrvRef, {Handler1, Args}, {Handler2, Args}) -> Result Types Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2, Result -- see smpp_log_mgr:swap_handler/3 Replaces an old log handler with a new log handler in the ESME log manager. The configuration from the old handler is passed to the second handler and used as default if not defined.


RPS (Requests Per Second) exports. pause(SrvRef, Session) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Pauses processing queued messages for session Session. Requests in the queue are kept until resume/1 is called. Requests sent using alert_notification/3, data_sm/4, deliver_sm/4, outbind/4 and unbind/2 are not affected. resume(SrvRef, Session) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Resumes processing queued messages at the configured rate (see rps_max/1) for session Session. rps(SrvRef, Session) -> Rps Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Rps = int() Returns the calculated Requests Per Second. It may be different than the configured maximum RPS returned by rps_max. Notice that requests sent using alert_notification/3, data_sm/4, deliver_sm/4, outbind/4 and unbind/2 are not counted. rps_avg(SrvRef, Session) -> Rps Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Rps = int() Returns the calculated average Requests Per Second. It may be different than the configured maximum RPS returned by rps_max. Notice that requests sent using alert_notification/3, data_sm/4, deliver_sm/4, outbind/4 and unbind/2 are not counted. rps_max(SrvRef, Session) -> Rps Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Rps = int() Returns the current configured value for the maximun number of requests per second for session Session. rps_max(SrvRef, Session, Rps) -> ok Types SrvRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid() Session = pid() Rps = int() Sets the max number of requests per second to Rps for session Session.


A module implementing this behaviour must export these functions. Leaving a callback undefined crashes the entire ESME whenever that particular function is called. init(Args) -> Result Types Args = term() Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. terminate(Reason, St) -> ok Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. handle_call(Req, From, St) -> Result Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. handle_cast(Req, St) -> Result Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. handle_info(Info, St) -> Result Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. code_change(OldVsn, St, Extra) -> {ok, NewSt} Refer to OTP gen_server behaviour documentation for greater details on this callback. handle_accept(Session, Addr, From, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Addr = ip_address() From = term() St = term() Result = {reply, Reply, NewSt} | {reply, Reply, NewSt, Timeout} | {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, Reply, NewSt} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} Reply = {ok, Opts} | {error, RejectReason} Opts = [Opt] Opt = {rps, Rps} | {file_queue, File} RejectReason = term() Timeout = int() NewSt = term() Reason = term() Notifies that a session with pid Session from Addr has been accepted. This callback must return ok to keep the session open and wait for a bind request, or {error, RejectReason} to drop the connection and terminate the session with RejectReason. Opts is a list of options with the following meaning: o rps: Max number of SMPP requests per second. If not defined, the default value is 1000. o file_queue: Filename where the queue is stored. If not defined memory queues will be used instead. Persistent disk queues are preserved across failures. handle_bind_receiver(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_bind_transceiver(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_bind_transmitter(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Pdu = pdu() St = term() Result = {reply, Reply, NewSt} | {reply, Reply, NewSt, Timeout} | {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, Reply, NewSt} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} Reply = {ok, Params} | {error, CmdStatus} Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() CmdStatus = int() Timeout = int() NewSt = term() Reason = term() This function is called when the session identified by Session receives a bind_receiver, bind_transceiver or bind_transmitter request from the other peer. Return {ok, Params} to accept the bind request and move the session to the corresponding bound state. If the tuple {error, CmdStatus} is returned, the session bind request is rejected with CmdStatus and the session dropped. handle_broadcast_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_cancel_broadcast_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_cancel_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_data_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_query_broadcast_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_query_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_replace_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_submit_multi(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result handle_submit_sm(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Pdu = pdu() From = term() St = term() Result = {reply, Reply, NewSt} | {reply, Reply, NewSt, Timeout} | {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, Reply, NewSt} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} Reply = {ok, Params} | {error, CmdStatus} Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() CmdStatus = int() Timeout = int() NewSt = term() Reason = term() CmdStatus = int() Forwards broadcast_sm, cancel_broadcast_sm, cancel_sm data_sm, query_broadcast_sm, query_sm, replace_sm, submit_multi and submit_sm operations received by Session to the callback MC. The Params included in the response are used to construct the response PDU. If {error, CmdStatus} is returned, an error response PDU with CmdStatus command_status will be sent back to the other peer. In case of error, the Params are likely to be ignored by the other peer. handle_closed(Session, Reason, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Reason = term() St = term() Result = {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} Timeout = int() NewSt = term() Reason = term() This function is called when Session is closed. If {noreply, NewSt} or {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} is returned the MC continues running. If this function returns {stop, Reason, NewSt} the entire MC will exit with Reason. This function is always called when a session terminates, this also applies if the session is closed by the function close/2. handle_req(Session, Req, Args, Ref, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Req = unbind | {CmdName, Params} CmdName = broadcast_sm | cancel_broadcast_sm | cancel_sm | data_sm | query_broadcast_sm | query_sm | replace_sm | submit_multi | submit_sm Params = [{ParamName, ParamVal}] ParamName = atom() ParamVal = term() Args = term() Ref = ref() St = term() Result = {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} NewSt = term() Timeout = int() Reason = term() This callback is called when the request Req is submitted to the other peer. Session is the session identifier and Ref is the reference of the request that can be later used to match the response arriving in handle_resp/4. handle_resp(Session, Resp, Ref, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Resp = {ok, PduResp} | {error, Error} PduResp = pdu() Error = int() Ref = ref() St = term() Result = {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} NewSt = term() Timeout = int() Reason = term() This callback is called when the response Resp associated to the request with reference Ref arrives. handle_unbind(Session, Pdu, From, St) -> Result Types Session = pid() Pdu = pdu() Result = {reply, Reply, NewSt} | {reply, Reply, NewSt, Timeout} | {noreply, NewSt} | {noreply, NewSt, Timeout} | {stop, Reason, Reply, NewSt} | {stop, Reason, NewSt} Reply = ok | {error, CmdStatus} Error = int() Timeout = int() NewSt = term() Reason = term() CmdStatus = int() This callback forwards an unbind request received on Session to the callback module. If the atom ok is returned an unbind_resp with a ESME_ROK command_status is sent to the peer and the session moves to unbound state. Return {error, CmdStatus} to send an erroneous PDU back to the peer and remain in the current bound state.


oserl(1) oserl Version: gen_mc(1)

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