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gdsreader(1)                        Utility                       gdsreader(1)


gdsreader - simple Calma parser/printer tool


gdsreader [-h|--help] gdsreader [-i|--ifile <filename>] [-H|--hpglfile <filename>] [-p|--psfile <filename>] [-v|--povfile <filename>] [-c|--configfile <filename>] [-s|--struct <filename>]


This program produces HPGL, PS, and POVRAY scene files from Calma (GDS2) files. To do this it requires a configuration file supplied by the user describing the GDS layers and the preferences as to how they be drawn.


-h, --help: prints this help text -H, --hpglfile "file": opens "file" for writing HPGL (defaults to result.plt) -p, --psfile "file": opens "file" for writing PostScript (defaults to result.ps) -v, --povfile "file": opens "file" for writing POVRAY (defaults to result.pov) -i, --ifile "file": opens "file" as the GDSii input file (if not specified, stdin is used) -c, --configfile "file": opens "file" as the layers definition file (defaults to .layers.config) -s, --struct "sname": "sname" is the top cell to be printed (if not specified, the names of all structures and layers are written to stdout. No PS/HPGL/POV files are generated)


result.*, *.gds, layers.config


NONE No special Environment variables


To run this program the standard way type: gdsreader -i mygdsfile.gds -c mylayers.config (This would produce result.ps, result.plt, and result.pov) In the install directory, under doc/gdsreader, there should be a sample test.gds and layers.config file. The layers.config file should contain layer descriptions of the form: [...] newlayer gdsno 15 hidden no name Ndiff red 0.9 green 0.1 blue 0.9 fill no hatch no thickness 0.1 depth -0.02 endlayer [...] The depth and thickness parameters are only used for povray output.


Serban-Mihai Popescu <serbanp@ix.netcom.com> Peter F. Curran (povray mods) <curran@rpi.edu>


maptolayer(1), povray(1) Serban-Mihai Popescu (serbanp@ix.netcom.com) 0.3.1 gdsreader(1)

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