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gcloud_sql_instances_create - creates a new Cloud SQL instance


gcloud sql instances create INSTANCE [--activation-policy ACTIVATION_POLICY] [--assign-ip] [--async] [--authorized-gae-apps AUTHORIZED_GAE_APPS [AUTHORIZED_GAE_APPS ...]] [--authorized-networks AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS [AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS ...]] [--backup-start-time BACKUP_START_TIME] [--database-flags DATABASE_FLAGS [DATABASE_FLAGS ...]] [--database-version DATABASE_VERSION; default="MYSQL_5_5"] [--enable-bin-log] [--follow-gae-app FOLLOW_GAE_APP] [--format FORMAT] [--gce-zone GCE_ZONE] [--help] [--master-instance-name MASTER_INSTANCE_NAME] [--no-backup] [--pricing-plan PRICING_PLAN, -p PRICING_PLAN; default="PER_USE"] [--project PROJECT_ID] [--quiet, -q] [--region REGION; default="us-east1"] [--replication REPLICATION] [--require-ssl] [--tier TIER, -t TIER; default="D1"] [-h]


Creates a new Cloud SQL instance.


INSTANCE Cloud SQL instance ID.


--activation-policy ACTIVATION_POLICY The activation policy for this instance. This specifies when the instance should be activated and is applicable only when the instance state is RUNNABLE. --assign-ip Specified if the instance must be assigned an IP address. --async Do not wait for the operation to complete. --authorized-gae-apps AUTHORIZED_GAE_APPS [AUTHORIZED_GAE_APPS ...] List of App Engine app IDs that can access this instance. --authorized-networks AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS [AUTHORIZED_NETWORKS ...] The list of external networks that are allowed to connect to the instance. Specified in CIDR notation, also known as slash notation (e.g. --backup-start-time BACKUP_START_TIME The start time of daily backups, specified in the 24 hour format - HH:MM, in the UTC timezone. --database-flags DATABASE_FLAGS [DATABASE_FLAGS ...] A space-separated list of database flags to set on the instance. Use an equals sign to separate flag name and value. Flags without values, like skip_grant_tables, can be written out without a value after, e.g., skip_grant_tables=. Use on/off for booleans. View the Instance Resource API for allowed flags. (e.g., --database-flags max_allowed_packet=55555 skip_grant_tables= log_output=1) --database-version DATABASE_VERSION; default="MYSQL_5_5" The database engine type and version. Can be MYSQL_5_5 or MYSQL_5_6. --enable-bin-log Specified if binary log should be enabled. If backup configuration is disabled, binary log must be disabled as well. --follow-gae-app FOLLOW_GAE_APP The App Engine app this instance should follow. It must be in the same region as the instance. --gce-zone GCE_ZONE The preferred Compute Engine zone (e.g. us-central1-a, us-central1-b, etc.). --master-instance-name MASTER_INSTANCE_NAME Name of the instance which will act as master in the replication setup. The newly created instance will be a read replica of the specified master instance. --no-backup Specified if daily backup should be disabled. --pricing-plan PRICING_PLAN, -p PRICING_PLAN; default="PER_USE" The pricing plan for this instance. --region REGION; default="us-east1" The geographical region. Can be us-east1 or europe-west1. --replication REPLICATION The type of replication this instance uses. --require-ssl Specified if users connecting over IP must use SSL. --tier TIER, -t TIER; default="D1" The tier of service for this instance, for example D0, D1. GLOBAL FLAGS --format FORMAT Specify a format for printed output. By default, a command-specific human-friendly output format is used. Setting this flag to one of the available options will serialize the result of the command in the chosen format and print it to stdout. Supported formats are: json, text, yaml. --help Display detailed help. --project PROJECT_ID The Google Cloud Platform project name to use for this invocation. If omitted then the current project is assumed. --quiet, -q Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised. -h Print a summary help and exit.


This command is in the Google Cloud SDK sql component. See installing components if it is not installed. GCLOUD SQL INSTANCES CREATE(1)

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