DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
gcloud_compute_routes_create - create a new route
gcloud compute routes create NAME [--description DESCRIPTION]
--destination-range DESTINATION_RANGE [--format FORMAT] [--help]
[--network NETWORK; default="default"]
[--next-hop-address NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS |
--next-hop-gateway NEXT_HOP_GATEWAY |
--next-hop-instance NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE]
[--next-hop-instance-zone NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_ZONE]
[--priority PRIORITY; default="1000"] [--project PROJECT_ID]
[--quiet, -q] [--tags TAG [TAG ...]] [-h]
gcloud compute routes create is used to create routes. A route is a
rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the
virtual network. Routes are associated with virtual machine instances
by tag, and the set of routes for a particular VM is called its routing
table. For each packet leaving a virtual machine, the system searches
that machine's routing table for a single best matching route.
Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or
more specific ranges over larger ones (see --destination-range). If
there is a tie, the system selects the route with the smallest priority
value. If there is still a tie, it uses the layer three and four packet
headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The packet
is then forwarded as specified by --next-hop-address,
--next-hop-instance, or --next-hop-gateway of the winning route.
Packets that do not match any route in the sending virtual machine
routing table will be dropped.
Exactly one of --next-hop-address, --next-hop-gateway, or
--next-hop-instance must be provided with this command.
The name to assign to the route.
--description DESCRIPTION
An optional, textual description for the route.
--destination-range DESTINATION_RANGE
The destination range of outgoing packets that the route will apply
to. To match all traffic, use
--network NETWORK; default="default"
Specifies the network to which the route will be applied.
--next-hop-address NEXT_HOP_ADDRESS
Specifies the IP address of an instance that should handle matching
packets. The instance must have IP forwarding enabled (i.e.,
include --can-ip-forward when creating the instance using gcloud
compute instances create)
--next-hop-gateway NEXT_HOP_GATEWAY
Specifies the gateway that should handle matching packets.
Currently, the only acceptable value is default-internet-gateway
which is a gateway operated by Google Compute Engine.
--next-hop-instance NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE
Specifies the name of an instance that should handle traffic
matching this route. When this flag is specified, the zone of the
instance must be specified using --next-hop-instance-zone.
--next-hop-instance-zone NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE_ZONE
The zone of the next hop instance. If not specified, you will be
prompted to select a zone.
To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, you can set the
compute/zone property:
$ gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE
A list of zones can fetched by running:
$ gcloud compute zones list
To unset the property, run:
$ gcloud config unset compute/zone
Alternatively, the zone can be stored in the environment variable
--priority PRIORITY; default="1000"
Specifies the priority of this route relative to other routes with
the same specifity. The lower the value, the higher the priority.
--tags TAG [TAG ...]
Identifies the set of instances that this route will apply to. If
no tags are provided, the route will apply to all instances in the
--format FORMAT
Specify a format for printed output. By default, a command-specific
human-friendly output format is used. Setting this flag to one of
the available options will serialize the result of the command in
the chosen format and print it to stdout. Supported formats are:
json, text, yaml.
Display detailed help.
--project PROJECT_ID
The Google Cloud Platform project name to use for this invocation.
If omitted then the current project is assumed.
--quiet, -q
Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If
input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be
Print a summary help and exit.
This command is in the Google Cloud SDK compute component. See
installing components if it is not installed.