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fish_indent(1)                       fish                       fish_indent(1)


fish_indent -- indenter and prettifier Synopsis fish_indent [OPTIONS] Description fish_indent is used to indent a piece of fish code. fish_indent reads commands from standard input and outputs them to standard output. The following options are available: o -i or --no-indent do not indent commands; only reformat to one job per line o -v or --version displays the current fish version and then exits o --ansi colorizes the output using ANSI escape sequences, appropriate for the current $TERM, using the colors defined in the environment (such as $fish_color_command). o --html outputs HTML, which supports syntax highlighting if the appropriate CSS is defined. The CSS class names are the same as the variable names, such as fish_color_command Version 2.2.0 Mon Jul 6 2015 fish_indent(1)

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