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drood(8)               DragonFly System Manager's Manual              drood(8)


Drood - Minimal KQueue-Based HTTP/1.1 Server


drood -r <server-root> [-i <interface> -p <port> -e <root resource> -d <scgi-dir> -m <instances> -t <read timeout> -w <write timeout> -u <user> -g <group> -l <log file> -s <host|port|suffix> -x -c]


Drood is a small, fast, and insecure web server. You configure it with command-line options. DROOD SUPPORTS: * IPv4 and IPv6 connections. * HEAD, GET, and POST request methods. * HTTP/1.1 persistent connections. * Name-based virtual hosting. * SCGI. * WebSockets. * Gzip content-encoding. * Request logging. * Graceful stops and restarts. DROOD DOES NOT SUPPORT: * TLS encrypted connections. A companion HTTPS server is included with drood, called humdinger. Humdinger has its own manual, humdinger(8). * Plain CGI. * Access authentication. * Content negotiation beyond "Accept-Encoding", "If-Modified-Since", and "If-Unmodified-Since". The only content encoding supported is gzip. * Etags * Directory listings. * The ~user notation in URLS. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Drood is a hybrid server. It forks one worker process per processor on the host system, and then each worker process becomes a kqueue(2)-based multiplexer. The master process sleeps waiting for signals. By default, FreeBSD limits each process to a low number of maximum simultaneously open descriptors. This places a limit on the number of connections drood may multiplex. The sysctl settings below accommodate a generous number of connections. Set these values at the command-line with the "sysctl" utility, or enable them permanently by placing these lines in /etc/sysctl.conf on the host machine. Your system will complain about these values if it lacks resources. kern.maxfiles=16384 kern.maxfilesperproc=16384 kern.kq_calloutmax=65536 kern.ipc.nmbclusters=32768 kern.ipc.maxsockets=32768 To increase performance, drood attempts to set the accf_http accept filter on the listening socket. For this to succeed, you must load the module before starting drood. kldload accf_http To load the module automatically at system boot-up, add the following line to /boot/loader.conf. accf_http_load="YES" DROOD CONFIGURATION Drood writes its pid into /var/run/drood.pid if it can (ie., it is started as root). You stop drood with a SIGTERM and restart it with a SIGHUP. A rc.d script is installed in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/. Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to start drood on system boot. Replace the items in brackets with values appropriate for your system. These are the minimal set of options you should start with. The available options are described in full at the end of this manual page. drood_enable="YES" drood_flags="-r <server-root> -u <user> -g <group>" Start, stop, or restart drood, or determine if it is running with the following commands. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood start /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood stop /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood restart /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood status If you do not want drood started on system start, set drood_enable="NO" and use the following commands. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood forcestart /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood forcestop /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood forcerestart /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drood forcestatus GZIP CONTENT ENCODING To enable gzip content-encoding for static resources, manually gzip the those resources. The original resources must be available in the same directory for clients which cannot handle the encoding. Gzipped versions must have the ".gz" filename suffix. Drood does not compare the modification times of the uncompressed and compressed resources. Drood sends a compressed resource if it exists, it is readable, and the client wants it. You can keep Makefiles in your html directories to keep your compressed resources up to date with gzip -k. Drood does not provide directory listings to clients, so clients cannot know about the Makefiles. As long as the Makefiles are not readable by the user or group drood is running as, client requests for them fail. MAPPING FILENAME SUFFIXES TO MIME TYPES The mappings from filename suffixes to MIME types that drood recognizes out-of-the-box are listed in /usr/local/etc/drood/types.tab. Any file that cannot be identified by these mappings is identified by the server as "text/plain; charset=utf-8". To add a mapping, add a line to types.tab. * Each line contains one filename suffix to be mapped and one MIME type separated by one or more tab characters. * The first line must not be blank. * Blank lines are ignored after the first line. * Drood refuses to run if it finds empty fields in types.tab. * If you modify types.tab, you must restart drood for the changes to take effect. REQUEST ALIASES Drood can substitute one request for another. The substitution mappings are stored in /usr/local/etc/drood/aliases.tab. To create a substitution, add a line to aliases.tab. * Each line contains one original request and one substitution separated by one or more tab characteres. * The first line must not be blank. * Blank lines are ignored after the first line. * Drood refuses to run if it finds empty fields in aliases.tab. * If you modify aliases.tab, you must restart drood for the changes to take effect. Request mapping is used to shorten dynamic URLs. All virtual hosts share the virtual SCGI directory, so request mapping affects all virtual hosts. For example, if you have configured drood to forward requests for resources with the .scgi suffix to an SCGI application server (-s option), but you want to simplify your URLS so that they do not contain the SCGI path or the .scgi suffix, you could use substitions similar to the following. /foobar<tab>/cgi-bin/foobar.scgi /tooley<tab>/cgi-bin/tooley.scgi?special If the original request contains GET parameters, they are appended to the substitution: /foobar?tiddlywinks=10 => /cgi-bin/foobar.scgi?tiddlywinks=10 /tooley?hooply=mugwump => /cgi-bin/tooley.scgi?special&hooply=mugwump SECURITY HEADERS Drood adds the following 2 headers to every response it generates. These can only be altered by modifying the source code and recompiling. X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN SCGI AND WEBSOCKETS You can configure drood to forward request to SCGI and WebSocket servers. See the -s and options in the following section of the manual. COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS The following options are recognized. Only the -r option is required. -m The -m option specifies how many worker processes are run and defaults to the number of CPUs on the host system. -r The -r option is mandatory and specifies the server root directory. The resources served-up by drood are determined by the "Host" header of requests. * For every hostname you want to be recognized by the server, create an identically-named subdirectory of the server root directory. * Place the files for each virtual host into its identically-named subdirectory. * Name one directory "default". This directory is used to fulfill static requests when no "Host" header is supplied by a client (eg., HTTP/1.0 requests). You can make this directory a symbolic link. * If you want a directory to be used for more than one hostname, create symbolic links for the extra hostnames. An example root directory follows. Only the first entry is an actual virtual host subdirectory. The rest are links to it. mammothcheese.ca -> actual subdirectory (IPv4) www.mammothcheese.ca -> link to above (IPv4) default -> link (IPv4/IPv6 HTTP/1.0) If you want to accept connections specified by IP address, include links for valid addresses: -> link (IPv4 Decimal) -> link (IPv4 Loopback) If you want to accept IPv6 connections, add entries with the hostname delimited by square brackets per RFC3986: [mammothcheese.ca] -> link for IPv6 connections [www.mammothcheese.ca] -> link for IPv6 connections [::ffff:] -> link [::1] -> link (IPv6 Loopback) If you instruct drood to listen on a port other than port 80 (-p option), that port number appears in client "Host" headers. Adjust your entries accordingly: mammothcheese.ca:8080 -> actual subdirectory (IPv4) www.mammothcheese.ca:8080 -> link to above (etc) -e The root resource of all virtual hosts defaults to a static resource named "index.html", which may be a link. Change the name of the resource with the -e option. This value specified names the root resource of all virtual hosts. The value must not begin with a virgule: /. If a request is received for any directory, that request is interpreted as a request for the root resource residing in the directory. You can specify a dynamic resource as the root resource with the -e option. If you do so, include the -d option to tell the server where SCGI programs live. drood -r /usr/local/www/drood -d cgi-bin -e cgi-bin/index.cgi -c The -c option causes drood to reject cross-origin HTTP/1.1 requests for all static resources except those whose filenames end with .html or .tar.gz. -d The -d option specifies a virtual directory that is used in URLS to specify SCGI and WebSocket requests. The value given to this option cannot contain the directory separator character "/", nor can it be ".." or ".". This directory is a virtual entity and should not exist in the filesystem. All virtual hosts share the SCGI virtual directory. If you want to know what hostname a server has been invoked for, examine the SERVER_NAME environment variable. If no "Host" header was supplied with a request, SERVER_NAME is set to the string "default". * SCGI responses must contain a "Content-Type" or "Location" header and be separated from response bodies with a blank line. Other headers are optional and are unaltered by drood. * DO NOT send Status headers. Drood creates its own status headers. * If a "Location" header is present, drood creates a "303 See Other" status header. * If no "Location" header is present, drood creates a "200 OK" status header. * Always send response bodies unless your responses contain Location headers. Report errors to clients in HTML response bodies. * If an SCGI server does not send a Content-Length header and the client request is an HTTP/1.1 request, then drood automatically adds the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header and chunks the response body for the client. Requests for SCGI resources must include the SCGI path in their URLs because this is how drood differentiates static requests from dynamic requests. If -d is "cgi-bin", then the following is a request to run foobar.cgi. http://host.domain/cgi-bin/foobar.cgi The following environment variables are set for SCGI programs. Drood does not propagate cookies to SCGI servers because drood is an insecure server. SCGI SCRIPT_NAME QUERY_STRING SERVER_SOFTWARE HTTP_USER_AGENT HTTP_REFERRER HTTP_ORIGIN SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT CONTENT_TYPE GZIP If the client can receive gzipped data, GZIP is set to 1. If the client cannot receive gzipped data, GZIP is set to 0. If an SCGI server gzips its output, the program must generate a Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n" header to notify clients of the encoding. -s The -s option inform drood what dynamic resources are supplied by SCGI and WebSocket servers. Drood uses the suffixes of dynamic resources to determine which resources are forwarded to which servers. You register each suffix to be forwarded with a separate -s option. Each option value has this form: <host>|<port>|<suffix>. * <host> is the hostname of the SCGI server or its IP address. * <port> is the port number the SCGI server is listening on. * <suffix> is the filename suffix to associate with this SCGI server. The suffix value must not contain a dot. Requests for items in the SCGI directory whose filenames are terminated by <suffix> are forwarded to the SCGI server at <host> listening on <port>. For example, to forward all requests whose URLs match this pattern http://hostname.domain/cgi-bin/*.scgi to a local server running on port 4000, use the following command line. Note that it is necessary to quote the -s option value to prevent the shell from interpreting it as a pipeline. drood -d cgi-bin -s '|4000|scgi' To specify a UNIX-domain SCGI server, leave the <host> part empty, and put the absolute path to the listening socket in the <port> part. drood -d cgi-bin -s '|/full/path/to/socket|scgi' To specify a TCP WebSocket server, prepend "ws:<protocols>:" to the hostname or IP address of the server. The <protocols> field may be empty. drood -d cgi-bin -s 'ws::|8000|echo' To specify a UNIX-domain WebSocket server, leave the hostname out of the <host> part and put the absolute path to the listening socket into the <port> part. drood -d cgi-bin -s 'ws::|/var/run/echo.socket|echo' If you want to specify the sub-protocols that a WebSocket server supports, place the list of sub-protocols into the <protocols> part of the <host> field. Protocol names must be listed in order of priority and must be separated by commas. Drood completes the WebSocket handshake and connects to the WebSocket server. Drood then sends to the server 2 newline-terminated lines. The first line names the virtual host to which the client submitted its request. The second line names the sub-protocol selected during the WebSocket handshake. mammothcheese.ca<newline> chat<newline> After sending the protocol line, drood exchanges data between the client and the WebSocket server for the lifetime of the connection. Drood does not modify the exchanged data in any way. WebSocket servers are responsible for implementing the WebSocket protocol to commmunicate with their clients. -p The -p option specifies the port to listen on. This defaults to 80. -i The -i option limits drood to accepting connections only from a specified interface. Supply the IP address of the desired interface as argument. By default, drood accepts connections on all interfaces capable of IPv4 or IPv6. -u -g The -u and the -g options specify the user and group of drood server processes. If not specified, both values default to "nobody". -t The -t option specifies the value of the read timeout in seconds. When reading a request from a client, drood drops the connection if it cannot read the complete request header within 20 seconds. To change this value, provide a number in the range of 1-60 as argument. -w The -w option specifies the value of the write timeout in minutes. When writing a response to a client, drood drops the connection if 60 minutes have elapsed. To change this value provide a number in range of 0-120 minutes as argument. Setting this value to 0 disables the write timeout. -x The -x option prevents drood from becoming a daemon. Drood runs in the foreground of the terminal where it was started and is stopped with signals (ie., Control-C). When the -x option is present, drood does not write its pid to /var/run/drood.pid. -l The -l option turns-on request logging. The option specifies the fully-qualified filename of a file to hold the log. If the file does not exist, drood attempts to create it. The file or the directory in which it resides must be writeable drood at startup before it changes to the user and group specified by the -u and -g options. Logging is turned-off by default. Request logging differs from transaction logging in that requests are logged as they arrive instead of after they have been processed. In particular, this means the response code and the number of bytes transferred are not recorded in log records, because they are not known at the time requests are logged. Drood does not use the common log file format. It uses its own, simpler-to-parse format. Each line of the logfile is a complete request record. The fields of request records are ordered as follows with all fields separated by single | characters. * The date and time of the request with this strftime(3) format. %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z * The client IP address. The IP address is expressed in IPv6 presentation format. IPv4 clients' addresses are written as IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. * The request User-Agent header or "no user-agent header". * The request method * The request URL * The request Referer (sic) header or "no referrer header". Add the following line to /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/newsyslog.conf to instruct newsyslog(8) to turn over the request log every night at midnight. The five most recent logfiles are renamed and kept on-hand. /var/log/drood-requests.log 600 5 * @T00 B /var/run/drood.pid Do use the B option. Do not use the Z option. The B option prevents newsyslog from inserting a turnover message and timestamp at the end of the old logfile. The Z option instructs newsyslog to compress the old logfile. When drood restarts, new processes use the new logfile, but old processes that use the old logfile may persist until all active connections have been closed.


James Bailie <jimmy@mammothcheese.ca> http://www.mammothcheese.ca June 13, 2015

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