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cl_lists(1)            DragonFly General Commands Manual           cl_lists(1)

       Authors: Enrique Marcote (enrique.marcote@erlang-consulting.com) Miguel
       Rodriguez (miguel@erlang-consulting.com)




Lists Library.


Lists exports. asearch(APred, List) -> Result Types APred = fun(X) -> true | approximate | false List = [term()] Result = {value, Element} | false Element = term() Gets the first Element on the List where APred(Element) /= false. APred is an approximate predicate that returns true, false or approximate. If matching is ambiguous, there is more than one element on the list where the approximate-predicate returns approximate, false is returned. This behaviour may be changed in the future returning the atom ambiguous is such circumstances. count(Elem, List) -> int() Types Elem = term() List = [term()] Returns the number of times Elem appears in List. cut(List, Index) -> {Prefix, Suffix} Types List = [term()] Index = int() Prefix = [term()] Suffix = [term()] Cuts a List by an Index into two sublists. Prefix ++ Suffix == List. > my_lists:cut([a, b, c, d, e], 3). {[a, b, c], [d, e]} delete(Element, N, TupleList1) -> TupleList2 Types Element = term() N = int() TupleList1 = [tuple()] TupleList2 = [tuple()] Returns a copy of TupleList1 where the all the occurrences of a tuple whose N th element is Element is deleted, if present. first(Pred, List) -> Element Types List = [Element] Element = term() Gets the first Element of List where Pred is true. This function fails if no element on List satisfies Pred. has_duplicates(List) -> bool() Types List = term() Determines if a list has duplicates or not. hexlist_to_intlist(HexList) -> IntList Types HexList = [Hex] Hex = int() IntList = [int()] Creates an integer list from an hex string. Where Hex is $1|$2|$3|$4|$5|$6|$7|$8|$9|$A|$B|$C|$D|$E|$F index(Elem, List) -> Index Types Elem = term() List = [term()] Index = int() Returns the first Index where Elem ocurrs on List. The functions fails if Elem is not a member of List. intersec(List1, List2) -> List3 Types List1 = [term()] List2 = [term()] List3 = [term()] Returns the intersection of two lists. List3 contains all elements in List1 which also belong to List2. intlist_to_hexlist(IntList) -> HexList Types IntList = [int()] HexList = [Hex] Hex = int() Creates an hex string from an integer list. Where Hex is $1|$2|$3|$4|$5|$6|$7|$8|$9|$A|$B|$C|$D|$E|$F is_deep(List) -> bool() Types List = [Element] Element = term() Returns true if List is a deep list, false otherwise. keyextract(Key, N, TupleList) -> {Element, TupleList2} Types Key = term() N = int() TupleList = [Tuple] Tuple = tuple() Element = term() TupleList2 = [Tuple] Extracts the first Element from TupleList whose Nth element is Key. The functions fails if no element with such a Key exists on TupleList. TupleList2 preserves the order of TupleList1 keyindex(Key, N, TupleList) -> Index Types Key = term() N = int() TupleList = [Tuple] Tuple = tuple() Index = int() Gets the Index of the tuple on TupleList whose Nth element is Key. The functions fails if no element with such a Key exists on TupleList. random(Max, Length) -> List Types Max = int() Lenght = int() List = [int()] Creates a list of random integers with Length elementes. Duplicates allowed, the values will be between 1 and Max (both included). random_seq(Max, Length) -> List Types Max = int() Lenght = int() List = [int()] Creates an ordered list of random integers with Length elements. No duplicates allowed, the values will be between 1 and Max (both included). search(Pred, List) -> Result Types Pred = fun(X) -> bool() List = [term()] Result = {value, Element} | false Element = term() Gets the first Element on the List where Pred(Element) == true. split(List, N) -> {List1, List2} Types List = [Element] List1 = [Element] List2 = [Element] Element = term() N = int() Splits a List into two lists where List == List1 ++ List2 and length(List1) == N. I couldn't find it, but I'm sure this function must already exist. split2(List) -> Chunks Types List = [term()] Chunks = [Chunk] Splits a List into two elements lists. split2("2AF1B3") == ["2A", "F1", "B3"] splitwith(Pred, List) -> {List1, List2} Types Pred = fun(X) -> bool() List = [term()] List1 = [term()] List2 = [term()] Splits a List into two lists where elements on List1 satisfy Pred. List2 holds the elements for which Pred is false. Ordering is preserved. to_integer(OctetList) -> int() Types OctetList = [Octet] Octet = char() Converts a list of octets to an integer. Please notice the difference: > my_lists:to_integer("100"). 3223600 > list_to_integer("100"). 100 > my_lists:to_integer("F"). 70 > list_to_integer("F"). =ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2003::12:38:43 === Error in process <0.118.0> with exit value: {badarg, [{erlang,list_to_integer,["F"]},{erl_eval,expr,3},{erl_eval,exprs,4}, {shell,eval_loop,2}]} ** exited: {badarg,[{erlang,list_to_integer,["F"]}, {erl_eval,expr,3}, {erl_eval,exprs,4}, {shell,eval_loop,2}]} ** to_number(List) -> Number Types List = string() Number = int() | float() Returns the Number, integer or float, given the string representation. ukeymerge(N, List1, List2) -> List3 Types N = int() List1 = [tuple()] List2 = [tuple()] List3 = [tuple()] Returns the sorted list formed by merging List1 and List2 while removing consecutive elements with the same key. The merge is performed on the Nth element of each tuple. Both List1 and List2 must be key-sorted prior to evaluating this function; otherwise the result will be undefined. When elements in the input lists have the same key, element from List1 are picked before elements from List2 (this how I expected lists:ukeymerge/3 to work). 1> lists:ukeymerge(1, [{a, 1},{b, 1},{d, 1}], [{a, 2},{b, 2},{c, 2}]). [{a,1},{a,2},{b,1},{b,2},{c,2},{d,1}] 2> my_lists:ukeymerge(1, [{a, 1},{b, 1},{d, 1}], [{a, 2},{b, 2},{c, 2}]). [{a,1},{b,1},{c,2},{d,1}] random_add(Max, Count, List1) -> List2 Types Adds Count random elements to List1. Every added element will be smaller (or equal) than Max. Only NOT members of List1 are to be added.


common_lib(1) common_lib Version: 3.3.4 cl_lists(1)

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