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cl_consumer(1)         DragonFly General Commands Manual        cl_consumer(1)

       Authors: Enrique Marcote Pena (enrique.marcote@nomasystems.com)




This module implements the gen_server behaviour.


A queue consumer pops elements from a priority queue and applies a function to it. Elements are consumed at a given rate of requests per second (RPS). The consumer keeps a constant pace and requests are evenly distributed in time. START/STOP EXPORTS Start/stop functions. start_link(QueueSrv, Fun, Rps) -> Result Types QueueSrv = pid() Fun = fun(Elem) -> void() Rps = int() Starts a new consumer for the queue controlled by QueueSrv. The consumer pops elements from the queue and applies Fun to them. The rate at which elements are extracted from the queue is defined by Rps (number of requests per second). If Rps is 0 the consumer will be in pause state after the startup. stop(Pid) -> ok Types Pid = pid() Stops the consumer identified by Pid. The function return ok once the consumer is stopped.


Exported functions to manage RPS. pause(Pid) -> ok Types Pid = pid() Pauses the consumer. While paused the consumer does not extract any elements from the queue. This function returns ok after the consumer has been sucessfully paused. resume(Pid) -> ok Types Pid = pid() Resumes the execution on a paused consumer. If the consumer is already running nothing happens. rps(Pid) -> Rps Types Pid = pid() Rps = int() Returns the currently configured number of requests per second. rps(Pid, Rps) -> ok Types Pid = pid() Rps = int() Sets the number of requests per second to Rps. If the consumer is paused it will not be resumed.


common_lib(1) common_lib Version: 3.3.4 cl_consumer(1)

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