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ck4up(1)                                                              ck4up(1)


ck4up - Check for Updates, a utility to monitor web pages for updates


ck4up [options] [<regexp> ...]


ck4up is a small command-line utility, written in ruby, primarily intended for CRUX ports maintainers to watch http and ftp sites for updates, but may also be useful for others. ck4up scans through a configuration file, fetches the listed URLs from the web, computes the md5sum of the page, and compares the value with one stored in a gdbm database. If both differ a message will be written to the standard output. To improve performance, ck4up is multi-threaded. A configurable number of threads fetches pages in parallel. The default setting is a maximum of 20 threads and can be changed at the top of the script (variable Threads_max). Regular expressions can be applied to each page in the event that ck4up produces repetitive diff messages. For example, if daily snapshots and a web counter are on the same page. To simplify maintenance of the configuration file, a kind of macro- expansion can be used.


-d, --debug Run ck4up in debug mode. All fetched pages will be written to the standard output. This is especially useful when combined with a regexp to limit the number of pages to process. -k, --keep Keep md5 values, don't update the database. -v, --verbose Verbose mode. Print a message also for unchanged pages. -h, --help Print a short help message and exit. -p, --parseonly Parse configuration file, expand macros and print lines matched by <regexp>. Do not fetch any remote data. -c, --cleandb Removes unused entries from the ck4up database. -f <file>, --config <file> Use alternative configuration from <file> instead of the default ~/.ck4up/ck4up.conf. ck4up creates a database with the same full pathname but the extension replaced by .dbm. <regexp> Process only configuration-lines matching <regexp>. If more than one expression is given, all of them are or'ed to build a regular expression.


The configuration file for ck4up contains lines with macro definitions and lines defining URLs to check for updates. Blank lines and lines beginning with a pound-sign, which are considered comments, are ignored. Spaces at the beginning of definition-lines are not allowed. The default location for the ck4up configuration file is ~/.ck4up/ck4up.conf. <name> <type> <url> [<regexp>] Lines starting with a valid character in the range [a-zA-Z] are URL lines, defining the web-pages you would like to check for updates. <name> is a symbolic name for the URL, md5 is the only valid entry for <type> at the moment, <url> is the URL of the web-site, <regexp> is an optionally extended regular expression. Don't use spaces in regexps, but \s instead. Examples: apache md5 http://www.apache.de/dist/httpd/ httpd-2[0-9.]* uw-imap md5 ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/ <@[A-Za-z0-9_]*@> <string> [<string>] Lines starting with @ define macros for later use. A system macro @NAME@, which is the <name> of the URL line, can be used in other macro definitions. This is handy if many URLs follow a common syntax. See the examples for @SF@ and @GNOME@ below. Macro expansion is done recursively, allowing macros to be nested. See the @FM@ example below which makes use of freshmeat's XML project database.


Example of a configuration file containing URL and macro definitions: @SUN@ http://mirrors.sunsite.dk @SFgrp@ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id= @SFpkg@ &package_id= @GNOME@ http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/@NAME@/2.4/ @TAR@ @NAME@-.*?\.tar\.[bg]z2? @FM_url@ http://freshmeat.net/projects-xml/@NAME@/@NAME@.xml @FM_reg@ <latest_release_version>.*</latest_release_version> @FM@ @FM_url@ @FM_reg@ @GNU@ http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/@NAME@ @TAR@ apache md5 http://www.apache.de/dist/httpd/ httpd-2[0-9.]* crux md5 @FM@ exim md5 @SUN@/exim/exim/exim4/ @TAR@ gawk md5 @GNU@ maildrop md5 @SFgrp@5404@SFpkg@7979 @TAR@ gnome-panel md5 @GNOME@ uw-imap md5 ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/ imap-200.?[a-z]*


If a environment variable HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy is set with a valid URI, e.g. http://server.localnet:3128/, ck4up make use of the proxy for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.


~/.ck4up/ck4up.conf - configuration-file ~/.ck4up/ck4up.dbm - gdbm database to store the md5 hashes


Juergen Daubert <jue@jue.li> ck4up 1.3 Apr 08 2014 ck4up(1)

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