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chmoddic(1)            DragonFly General Commands Manual           chmoddic(1)


cchhmmooddddiicc - change access rights for a directory


cchhmmooddddiicc [[{{((--ccss || -- ccaannnnaasseerrvveerr}} canna-server]] {{+* || --}}{{rr||ww||rrww||wwrr}} [[--GG]] dicname


Add and/or remove READ/WRITE rights for the dictionary dicname. The access rights for the dictionary cannot be changed if it is being used.


--ccss cannaserver (or --ccaannnnaasseerrvveerr canna-server) Specify the server machine which has a dictionary to be changed. -- Remove the following access rights. +* Add the following access rights. rr Change READ rights. w can be specified at the same time. ww Change WRITE rights. r can be specified at the same time. --GG Change the access rights for the user's own group dictionary.


cchhmmooddddiicc --rr +*ww tteesstt Remove READ rights from and add WRITE rights for user dictionary test. cchhmmooddddiicc +*wwrr --GG tteesstt Add READ/WRITE rights to group dictionary test.


llssddiicc(1), mmkkddiicc(1) Japanese Facility Utilities chmoddic(1)

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