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ceylon info(1)                                                  ceylon info(1)


ceylon info - Prints information about modules in repositories


ceylon info [--cacherep=url] [--cwd=dir] [--dependency-depth=depth] [--exact-match] [--find-member=member-name] [--find-package=package-name] [--formatting=formatting] [--maven-overrides=url] [--no-default-repositories] [--offline] [--overrides=url] [--print-overrides] [--rep=url...] [--require- all] [--show-dependencies] [--show-full-description] [--show- incompatible=mode] [--show-names] [--show-type=type] [--show-versions] [--src=dir...] [--sysrep=url] [--timeout=seconds] [--verbose[=flags]] [--] {module}...


When passed a search query like *foo* it will look at all the modules in all repositories and see if the word foo appears anywhere in the name, description, version, license or any other field in the module's descriptor and print their names. When passed a partial module name like com.acme.foo* it will look at all the modules in all the repositories and see if their names start with com.acme.foo and print their names. When passed a complete module name like com.acme.foobar it will print the list of available versions for that module, with the module repository in which each version was found. Versions marked with * are not currently available on the local file system but will be downloaded on-demand from remote servers. When passed a complete module name and version like com.acme.foobar/1.0 it will print information about the contents of a module archive, its description, its licence and its dependencies


--cacherep=url Specifies the folder to use for caching downloaded modules. (default: ~/.ceylon/cache) --cwd=dir Specifies the current working directory for this tool. (default: the directory where the tool is run from) --dependency-depth=depth The depth of the dependency tree to show, or all for the full tree. (Allowed values: any positive integer or all, default: 1) --exact-match Only returns exact matches when using the find-member or find-package option --find-member=member-name Shows only those modules that contain members whose name match the given argument. --find-package=package-name Shows only those modules that contain packages whose name match the given argument. --formatting=formatting Set the output formatting to use, can be simple or fancy --maven-overrides=url Specifies the xml file to use to load Maven artifact overrides. See http://ceylon- lang.org/documentation/current/reference/repository/maven/ for information. Deprecated: use --overrides. --no-default-repositories Indicates that the default repositories should not be used. --offline, -L Enables offline mode that will prevent connections to remote repositories. --overrides=url Specifies the xml file to use to load module overrides. See http://ceylon- lang.org/documentation/current/reference/repository/maven/ for information. Experimental. --print-overrides Print a usable module overrides file when there are duplicate versions, selecting the latest versions --rep=url Specifies a module repository containing dependencies. Can be specified multiple times. (default: modules, ~/.ceylon/repo, http://modules.ceylon-lang.org/repo/1) --require-all Only show those results that have all the requested artifact types --show-dependencies Show the dependencies whenever versions are shown --show-full-description Shows the full description for module details --show-incompatible=mode Also show versions incompatible with the current Ceylon installation. allowed values are: 'yes', 'no' and 'auto' --show-names Show the matching items when using the find-member or find-package option --show-type=type The artifact types to show information for. Allowed values include: all, jvm, car, jar, js, src, code, ceylon (default is all). --show-versions Show the versions when searching for modules --src=dir A directory containing Ceylon and/or Java source code (default: ./source) --sysrep=url Specifies the system repository containing essential modules. (default: $CEYLON_HOME/repo) --timeout=seconds, -T seconds Sets the timeout for connections to remote repositories, use 0 for no timeout (default: 20). --verbose[=flags], -d Produce verbose output. If no flags are given then be verbose about everything, otherwise just be verbose about the flags which are present. Allowed flags include: all, loader.


First list the available modules in the 'ceylon' namespace: ceylon info 'ceylon.*' .fi Next list the versions of a module: ceylon info ceylon.collection .fi Then view information for a particular version: ceylon info ceylon.collection/1.2.0 28 October 2015 ceylon info(1)

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