DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
CALCULATOR(1) DragonFly General Commands Manual CALCULATOR(1)
calculator - simple desktop calculator
The FOX Calculator is a simple desktop calculator geared toward the
programmer. It supports not only a full complement scientific
functions, but also common operations that programmers need, such as
bitwise operations, bitwise shifting, and base-2 logarithm and
exponents, and numeric conversion between hexadecimal, octal, binary,
and decimal.
The FOX Calculator implements correct operator precedences, so
expressions like 2+3*5 yield the correct result, which is 17, and not
25. Also featured is a constant memory, which permanently stores its
value even if you exit the calculator and restart it later.
Pressing on the calculator icon brings up the Calculator Preferences
dialog. The Calculator Preferences dialog comprises three settings:
- Settings for the calculator itself;
- Color settings of the button groups;
- Information about the calculator.
In the Calculator settings panel, you can change font used for the
display, by pressing the "Set..." button to bring up the standard Font
Selection Dialog.
You can change the way numbers are printed as well. Checking "Always
show exponent" will cause the calculator display always to display the
number in exponential notation. Checking "Never show exponent" will
cause the calculator to render the number in simple dot notation.
The precision can be set by means of the spin button; the default
precision is set to 16. Finally, the calculator can be set to beep
when errors occur.
In the Color settings panel, you can change the colors of the various
button groups. The buttons are grouped by function; the numbers are in
one group, and the operators are in another, and so on.
In the About panel, some information is presented about the calculator,
like version number and author's contact.
You can enter a number by clicking on the digit buttons, or simply hit
the right digit on the keyboard. Numbers in exponential notation are
entered by entering the mantissa first, then hitting the "EXP" button,
and then entering the exponent. Up to 3 digits may be entered for the
exponent; entering more than 3 will cause the digits to shift, i.e. the
first digit entered will be dropped and replaced by the second, the
second digit will be replaced by the third, and the third will be
replaced by the new input.
Changing the sign of the exponent is accomplished by hittin the At any
time, you can hit the Backspace key to delete the last digit entered.
Two numbers, pi and e (euler's number) may be entered with a single
pi - Enters the number 3.1415926535897932384626433833
e - Enters the number 2.7182818284590452353602874713 (hit the "inv"
button first)
The operators in the FOX Calculator are the usual suspects:
+ Addition
- Substraction
* Multiplication
/ Floating point division
In addition, FOX Calculator also includes bitwise operators, such as:
AND Bit-wise logical and
OR Bit-wise logical or
XOR Bit-wise logical exclusive or
NOT Bit-wise logical not
SHL Bit-wise shift left
SHR Bit-wise shift right
SAR Bit-wise signed shift right (hit the "inv" button first)
Also nice for programmers is the inclusion of integer operations:
mod Integer modulo
div Integer division (hit the
All the operators have certain precedence relations with each other, so
that an expression is evaluated correctly.
The Calculator incorporates the usual trigonometric functions:
sin Sine
cos Cosine
tan Tangent
asin Inverse sine or arc sine (hit the "inv" button first)
acos Inverse cosine
atan Inverse tangent
sinh Hyperbolic sine (hit the "hyp" button first)
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
tanh Hyperbolic tangent
asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine (hit the "hyp" and "inv"buttons first)
acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine
atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent
For the first 6 functions, the angle mode determines whether the
argument is specified in terms of degrees, radians, or grad. Note that
the angle mode is preserved across invocations of the Calculator.
Other functions supported by the calculator are the following:
log Base 10 logarithm
ln Natural logarithm
2log Base 2 logarithm
x! Factorial
nPr Permutations
nCr Combinations
sqrt Square root
x^y X raised to the power y
1/x Reciprocal
10^x Base 10 exponentiation (hit the "inv" button first)
e^x Exponentiation
2^x Base 2 exponentiation
x^1/y X raised to the power 1/y
x^2 X squared
The calculator works in IEEE 746 double precision mode; for bit-wise
operations, it uses 32 bit integers. Thus, the numeric limits are as
Smallest real number: 2.2250738585072010e-308
Largest real number: 1.7976931348623158e+308
Smallest integer number: 0
Largest integer number: 4294967295
This man page was originally written by Bastian Kleineidam
<calvin@debian.org> for the Debian distribution of the FOX Toolkit.
The main author of FOX is Jeroen van der Zijp <jeroen@fox-toolkit.com>.
For a list of contributors see /usr/share/doc/libfox0.99/AUTHORS.
01 January 2013 CALCULATOR(1)