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BSQLODBC(FreeTDS)     FreeTDS (freetds reference manual)     BSQLODBC(FreeTDS)


bsqlodbc - batch SQL script processor using ODBC


bsqlodbc [-hqv] [-U username] [-P password] [-S server] [-D database] [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-e error_file] [-t field_term] [-V odbc_version]


bsqlodbc is a utility program distributed with FreeTDS. bsqlodbc is a non-interactive equivalent of the `isql' utility programs distributed by Sybase and Microsoft. Like them, bsqlodbc uses the command `go' on a line by itself as a separator between batches. The last batch need not be followed by `go'. bsqlodbc makes use of the ODBC API provided by FreeTDS. This API is of course also available to application developers.


-U username Database server login name. -P password Database server password. -S server Database server to which to connect. -D database Database to use. -i input_file Name of script file, containing SQL. -o output_file Name of output file, holding result data. -e error_file Name of file for errors. -t field_term Specifies the field terminator. Default is two spaces ( ` ' ). Recognized escape sequences are tab ( `\t' ), carriage return ( `\r' ), newline ( `\n' ), and backslash ( `\\' ). -h Print column headers with the data to the same file. -q Do not print column metadata, return status, or rowcount. Overrides -h. -v Verbose mode, for more information about the ODBC interaction. This also reports the result set metadata, including and return code. All verbose data are written to standard error (or -e), so as not to interfere with the data stream. -V odbc_version Specify ODBC version (2 or 3).


bsqlodbc is a filter; it reads from standard input, writes to standard output, and writes errors to standard error. The -i, -o, and -e options override these defaults.


bsqlodbc exits 0 on success, and >0 if the server cannot process the query.


bsqlodbc first appeared in FreeTDS 0.65.


The bsqlodbc utility was written by James K. Lowden <jklowden@freetds.org>. FreeTDS dev.0.99.479 March 25, 2015 FreeTDS dev.0.99.479

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