DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
aemenu, aepanel, aesession, set-gnome-pda - programs for use with
aemenu [--config|-rc <file>] [-s|--switch]
aepanel [--config|-rc <file>]
set-gnome-pda [--left|-l n] [--right|-r n] [--top|-t n] [--bottom|-b n]
The programs listed above provide several window and session management
features to complement aewm(1x). aemenu and aepanel launch programs
and raise existing windows (or unhide iconified ones). aemenu uses a
popup menu to accomplish this (the --switch option changes the function
of this menu), while aepanel stays on the screen inbetween uses
(launching and switching functionality are both always available).
Each program comes in both a GTK+ and a Xaw version; aemenu is actually
a symlink to either aemenu-gtk or aemenu-xaw (likewise for aepanel).
The list of programs to be run by both clients is read from
$HOME/.aewm/clientsrc. There are two kinds of directives that may be
used in this file:
cmd "Description" "command"
defines a command, which whill be interpreted by sh(1).
menu "Title"
defines a submenu. The number of submenus that can be nested within
each other is limited only by stack space. Double quotes may be
included within quoted strings by escaping them with a blackslash (\"),
and quotes may be omitted around single-word descriptions or commands.
Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.
aesession is a do-nothing program; it will simply reap any children it
inherits and then sleep. By ending your $HOME/.xsession script with
"exec aesession", you can exit and restart aewm(1x) without killing
your X session. The author does not really expect anyone except WM
hackers to find this useful.
set-gnome-pda alters the GNOME_PANEL_DESKTOP_AREA hint on the root
window. This is useful if you want to prevent aewm from mapping windows
on top of some client that is attatched to one edge of the screen, but
does not set this hint itself. Values not specified will be left alone.
--verbose will dump the contents of the hint (in human-readable format)
to stdout, after any other actions specified on the command line are
Decklin Foster <decklin@red-bean.com>
Adam Sampson <ats@offog.org>