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XbaeMatrix(3x) xbae XbaeMatrix(3x)
XbaeMatrix - The Bellcore Application Environment (BAE) XbaeMatrix
widget class.
#include <Xbae/Matrix.h>
XbaeMatrix presents an editable array of string data to the user in a
scrollable grid-like format similar to a spreadsheet. Non editable
pixmaps can also be displayed on the matrix. The rows and columns of
the Matrix may optionally be labeled. Also, a number of fixed leading
or trailing rows or columns may be specified - these behave similarly
to the labels. While XbaeMatrix looks and acts like a grid of XmText
widgets, it actually contains only one XmText. This means that
XbaeMatrix widgets with hundreds or thousands of rows have much less
overhead than they would if they used an XmText for each cell.
Clicking on a cell with Button1 will edit the cell. While a cell is
being edited, Tab and Shift-Tab will edit the cell to the right or left
respectively. The osfUp and osfDown keys will edit the cell above or
below. Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab will traverse out of the Matrix and
into the next or previous tab groups.
The osfCancel key will cancel any edits made to a cell. The
osfActivate key will commit any edits made to a cell and store them in
the Matrix. When traversing from another tab group into the Matrix,
the focus will go to whichever cell is currently being edited. If no
cells are being edited, then the upper left most visible non-fixed cell
will be edited.
The column sizes may be dynamically resized by pressing the Shift-
Button2 combination when over a column boundary, similar to the
behaviour of some popular spreadsheets. After a column has been
resized in this manner, the XbaeMatrix calls the callbacks on the
XmNresizeColumnCallback callback list for post processing.
If the Matrix is resized until it is too small to display all of the
cells in a given dimension, then it will display a ScrollBar for that
dimension. The horizontal ScrollBar will scroll the cells and column
labels, but not the row labels, fixed columns or trailing fixed
columns. The vertical ScrollBar will scroll the cells and row labels,
but not the column labels, fixed rows or trailing fixed rows.
For the application programmer, XbaeMatrix provides callbacks to assist
in data validation. The callbacks on the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback
callback list are called before text is inserted into, or deleted from,
a cell. This callback list can be used to force user input to match a
certain pattern (e.g. a date format). Similarly, the
XmNvalueChangedCallback is called after text is inserted or deleted.
When a cell is edited (by clicking on it or tabbing into it), the
XmNleaveCellCallback callbacks are called for the previous cell being
edited, if any. The application can verify the data entered in that
cell and disallow editing of the new cell if the data is invalid. If
the data was valid, then the XmNenterCellCallback callbacks for the new
cell are called. These callbacks can be used to specify the
editability of the new cell.
The XmNtraverseCellCallback callbacks are also called when the user
attempts to edit a new cell and when the matrix gains or looses focus.
This allows the application to override the default traversal behavior
of XbaeMatrix.
The XmNdefaultActionCallback is provided to allow a double click action
in a cell to perform some function.
Motif's Drag and Drop functionality can be achieved via the
For large amounts of data, the overhead of assigning data to the widget
can be avoided using the XmNdrawCellCallback. This callback also
allows user defined pixmaps to be placed in a certain cell. When using
this callback, data for string fields can be written back to the
application by using the XmNwriteCellCallback.
XbaeMatrix inherits behavior and resources from the Core, Composite,
Constraint, and XmManager widget classes.
The class pointer is xbaeMatrixWidgetClass.
The class name is XbaeMatrix.
New Resources
The following table lists the new resources defined by XbaeMatrix. The
codes in the ``Access'' column indicate whether the given resource can
be set at creation time (C), or set by using XtSetValues (S), or
retrieved by using XtGetValues (G).
| XbaeMatrix Resource Set |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNallowColumnResize | XmCAllowResize | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNallowRowResize | XmCAllowResize | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNaltRowCount | XmCAltRowCount | int | 1 | CSG |
|XmNboldLabels | XmCBoldLabels | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNbuttonLabels | XmCButtonLabels | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNbuttonLabelBackground | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcalcCursorPosition | XmCCalcCursorPosition | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNcellBackgrounds | XmCColors | PixelTable | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcellHighlightThickness | XmCHighlightThickness | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcellMarginHeight | XmCMarginHeight | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcellMarginWidth | XmCMarginWidth | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcellShadowThickness | XmCShadowThickness | Dimension | 2 | CSG |
|XmNcellShadowType | XmCShadowType | unsigned char | XmSHADOW_OUT | CSG |
|XmNcellShadowTypes | XmCCellShadowTypes | unsigned char ** | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcellUserData | XmCCellUserData | XtPointer ** | NULL | CSG |
|XmNclipWindow | XmCClipWindow | Widget | NULL | G |
|XmNcells | XmCCells | CellTable | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolors | XmCColors | PixelTable | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnAlignments | XmCAlignments | AlignmentArray | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcolumnButtonLabels | XmCButtonLabels | BooleanArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnLabelAlignments | XmCAlignments | AlignmentArray | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcolumnLabelColor | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNcolumnLabels | XmCLabels | StringArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnMaxLengths | XmCColumnMaxLengths | MaxLengthArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnShadowTypes | XmCShadowTypes | unsigned char * | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnUserData | XmCUserDatas | XtPointer * | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumnWidthInPixels | XmCColumnWidthInPixels | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNcolumnWidths | XmCColumnWidths | WidthArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNcolumns | XmCColumns | int | 0 | CSG |
|XmNdefaultActionCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | CSG |
|XmNdoubleClickInterval | XmCDoubleClickInterval | int | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNdrawCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNenterCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNevenRowBackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNfill | XmCFill | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNhorzFill | XmCHorzFill | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNvertFill | XmCVertFill | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNfixedColumns | XmCFixedColumns | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNfixedRows | XmCFixedRows | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNfontList | XmCFontList | FontList | fixed | CSG |
|XmNgridLineColor | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNgridType | XmCGridType | GridType | XmGRID_CELL_LINE | CSG |
| XbaeMatrix Resource Set (continued) |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNhighlightedCells | XmCHighlightedCells | HighlightTable * | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNhorizontalScrollBar | XmCHorizontalScrollBar | Widget | NULL | G |
|XmNhorizontalScrollBarDisplayPolicy | XmCMatrixScrollBarDisplayPolicy | unsigned char | XmDISPLAY_AS_NEEDED | CSG |
|XmNlabelActivateCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNlabelFont | XmCFontList | FontList | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNleaveCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNleftColumn | XmCLeftColumn | int | 0 | CSG |
|XmNmodifyVerifyCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNmultiLineCell | XmCMultiLineCell | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNnonFixedDetachedLeft | XmCNonFixedDetachedLeft | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNnonFixedDetachedTop | XmCNonFixedDetachedTop | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNoddRowBackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNprocessDragCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrenderTable | XmCRenderTable | RenderTable | NULL | CSG |
|XmNresizeCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNresizeColumnCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNreverseSelect | XmCReverseSelect | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNrowButtonLabels | XmCButtonLabels | BooleanArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrowHeightInPixels | XmCRowHeightInPixels | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNrowHeights | XmCColumnWidths | WidthArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrowLabelAlignment | XmCAlignment | Alignment | XmALIGNMENT_END | CSG |
|XmNrowLabelColor | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNrowLabelWidth | XmCRowLabelWidth | Short | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNrowLabels | XmCLabels | StringArray | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrowShadowTypes | XmCShadowTypes | unsigned char * | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrowUserData | XmCUserDatas | XtPointer * | NULL | CSG |
|XmNrows | XmCRows | int | 0 | CSG |
|XmNscrollBarPlacement | XmCScrollBarPlacement | unsigned char | XmBOTTOM_RIGHT | CSG |
|XmNselectCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNselectScrollVisible | XmCSelectScrollVisible | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNselectedBackground | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNselectedCells | XmCSelectedCells | BooleanTable | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNselectedForeground | XmCColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNshadowType | XmCShadowType | unsigned char | XmSHADOW_IN | CSG |
|XmNshowArrows | XmCShowArrows | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNspace | XmCSpace | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtextBackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL | CSG |
|XmNtextBackgroundIsCell | XmCTextBackgroundIsCell | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNtextField | XmCTextField | Widget | NULL | G |
|XmNtextShadowThickness | XmCTextShadowThickness | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNtextTranslations | XmCTranslations | TranslationTable | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtopRow | XmCTopRow | int | 0 | CSG |
|XmNtrackcellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNtrailingAttachedBottom | XmCTrailingAttachedBottom | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNtrailingAttachedRight | XmCTrailingAttachedRight | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNtrailingFixedColumns | XmCTrailingFixedColumns | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNtrailingFixedRows | XmCTrailingFixedRows | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNtraverseCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNtraverseFixedCells | XmCTraverseFixedCells | Boolean | False | CSG |
| XbaeMatrix Resource Set (continued) |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNuseXbaeInput | XmCUseXbaeInput | Boolean | False | CSG |
|XmNvalueChangedCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNverticalScrollBar | XmCVerticalScrollBar | Widget | NULL | G |
|XmNverticalScrollBarDisplayPolicy | XmCMatrixScrollBarDisplayPolicy | unsigned char | XmDISPLAY_AS_NEEDED | CSG |
|XmNvisibleColumns | XmCVisibleColumns | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNvisibleRows | XmCVisibleRows | Dimension | 0 | CSG |
|XmNwrapType | XmCWrapType | Boolean | XbaeWrapNone | CSG |
|XmNwriteCellCallback | XmCCallback | Callback | NULL | CSG |
|XmNxmColumnLabels | XmCXmLabels | XmString * | NULL | CSG |
|XmNxmRowLabels | XmCXmLabels | XmString * | NULL | CSG |
This resource cannot be specified in a resource file
If True, allows the columns to be dynamically resized via the
ResizeColumns() action. The default value is to allow column
If True, allows the rows to be dynamically resized via the
ResizeRows() action. The default value is to allow row resizing.
Specifies the number of rows to use for each of the
XmNevenRowBackground and XmNoddRowBackround colors. This resource
is ignored if XmNevenRowBackground and XmNoddRowBackround are not
Overstrikes the row and column labels to create a bold font
appearance when True.
When set to True, the labels will be drawn with a shadow around
them similar to an XmPushButton widget. A ButtonPress event
generated on the labels, when XmNbuttonLabels is True will cause
the label to reverse the shadow and take on a pushed in
appearance. A ButtonRelease event on the same label will invoke
callbacks on the XmNlabelActivateCallback, list. The default value
is False.
Specifies a Pixel value in which to draw the XmNbuttonLabels.
If set to True, the insertion position on the text field is
calculated with respect to where the pointer was clicked in the
cell. The default value is False. The insertion position will be
overridden if the position member of the
XbaeEnterCellCallbackStruct is set to a valid position.
Points to an array of pointers to rows. Each row is an array of
Pixel values, one for each column in that row. This data structure
is the same as that for XmNcells, except each entry is a Pixel
instead of a String. The background of a cell will be drawn in
the color specified for that cell. If XmNcellBackgrounds is NULL,
backgrounds will be drawn using the color specified by
XmNbackground. This resource is copied. XmNcellBackgrounds may
be specified in a resource file but due to the two dimensional
nature of the XbaeMatrix widget, it must be done by terminating
each line with a \n character. If the XbaeMatrix widget had
XmNrows set to 5 and XmNcolumns set to 5, XmNcellBackgrounds would
be specified as:
*mw.cellBackgrounds: blue, white, blue, white, blue\n\
white, blue, white, blue, white\n\
blue, white, blue, white, blue\n\
white, blue, white, blue, white\n\
blue, white, blue, white, blue\n
Care must be taken when specifying these values in a resource
file as an incorrect format can produce undesirable results.
Specifies the XmNhighlightThickness resource of the XmText cell
edit widget. This resource is also used to compute the size of
each cell. See the description of XmNhighlightThickness in
Specifies the XmNmarginHeight resource of the XmText widget. This
resource is also used to compute the size of each cell. See the
description of XmNmarginHeight in XmText(3X).
Specifies the XmNmarginWidth resource of the XmText cell edit
widget. This resource is also used to compute the size of each
cell. See the description of XmNmarginWidth in XmText(3X).
Specifies the XmNshadowThickness resource of the XmText cell edit
widget. This resource is also used to compute the size of each
cell. See the description of XmNshadowThickness in XmText(3X).
Specifies the type of shadow drawn around each cell. Possible
values for this resource are XmSHADOW_OUT, XmSHADOW_IN,
type is XmSHADOW_OUT.
Specifies on a per cell basis, the XmNcellShadowType. Values for
the resource are the same as for XmNcellShadowType. This resource
is copied.
Points to an array of pointers to individual user defined data
areas associated with each cell. The data should be set using
XbaeMatrixSetCellUserData() and retrieved using
XbaeMatrixGetCellUserData(). This resource cannot be specified in
a resource file and is copied.
Points to an array of pointers to rows. Each row is an array of
String, one for each column in that row. For example, the cells
for a 2x3 Matrix could be set up as follows:
String rows[2][3] =
"00", "01", "02",
"10", "11", "12"
String *cells[2];
cells[0] = &rows[0][0];
cells[1] = &rows[1][0];
Now cells could be used as the XmNcells resource. If XmNcells is
NULL, XbaeMatrix will not generate an internal table of empty
Strings. This implies that if XmNcells is NULL, no cells have been
set. This resource is copied. See the discussion in
XmNcellBackgrounds for how to specify XmNcells in a resource file.
The widget ID of the clip window. The clip window is the widget
that contains the non-fixed region of cells. This resource can not
be set to a new value.
Points to an array of pointers to rows. Each row is an array of
Pixel values, one for each column in that row. This data structure
is the same as that for XmNcells, except each entry is a Pixel
instead of a String. The text in a cell will be drawn in the
color specified for that cell. If XmNcolors is NULL, text will be
drawn using the color specified by XmNforeground. This resource
is copied. See the discussion in XmNcellBackgrounds for how to
specify XmNcolors in a resource file.
Points to an array of alignments (unsigned char), one for each
column. Each element can be one of XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING,
alignment of the text or pixmap in each cell of that column. See
the description of XmNalignment for XmLabel(3X). If
XmNcolumnAlignments is NULL, each column will default to
XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING. This resource is copied.
An array of Booleans that tells the XbaeMatrix which column labels
should be drawn as a button. Each Boolean can be specified as a
Boolean string or integer. In order to use this resource,
XmNbuttonLabels should be set to False.
Points to an array of alignments (unsigned char), one for each
column label. Each element can be one of XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING,
alignment of the text of each column label. See the description of
XmNalignment for XmLabel(3X). If XmNcolumnLabelAlignments is
NULL, each column label will default to XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING.
This resource is copied.
Specifies a Pixel value in which to draw the XmNcolumnLabels.
Points to an array of Strings to be drawn above each column. Each
String may have embedded newline characters, in which case the
label will be drawn on multiple lines. If there is a
XmNxmColumnLabels defined for this coluumn it will be displayed in
place of the XmNcolumnLabels. If XmNcolumnLabels and
XmNxmColumnLabels are NULL, no labels will be drawn. This resource
is copied.
Points to an array of int, one for each column. These specify the
maximum length of a String which can be entered in the cells in
that column. See the description of the XmText(3X) XmNmaxLength
resource. If XmNcolumnMaxLengths is NULL or an element of the
array is equal to 0, then the corresponding width from
XmNcolumnWidths is used. This resource is copied.
Specifies on a per column basis, the XmNcellShadowType. Values
for the resource are the same as for XmNcellShadowType. This
resource is copied.
Points to a user defined data area associated with a particular
column. The data should be set using
XbaeMatrixSetColumnUserData() and retrieved using
XbaeMatrixGetColumnUserData(). This resource cannot be specified
in a resource file.
Specifies wether the elements of XmNcolumnWidths are measured in
pixels or characters.
Points to an array of short, one for each column. These specify
the visible width of the cells in each column. See the description
of the XmText(3X) XmNcolumns resource. This resource is copied.
Specifies the total number of columns of cells. XmNcolumns must
be at least one. If the number of columns is changed via
XtSetValues, then XmNcolumnMaxLengths must change or be NULL,
XmNcolumnLabels must change or be NULL, XmNcolumnAlignments must
change or be NULL and XmNcolumnLabelAlignments must change or be
NULL. The preferred way to dynamically change the number of
columns is to use XbaeMatrixAddColumns() or
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when a double click
occurs in a cell. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixDefaultActionCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks.
Events are reported to the cell in which the double click occurs
regardless of whether or not a callback exists. This callback is
called by the DefaultAction() action and is NULL by default. The
XmNdefaultActionCallback is ideal for popping up a dialog or other
window when a double click occurs.
Specifies the amount of time between mouse clicks before it is
considered a double click. A double click is defined to be the
time between the realease of the mouse button and subsequent press
in the same cell. The default value is inherited from the
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when a cell needs to be
drawn. A pointer to an XbaeMatrixDrawCellCallbackStruct is passed
to the callbacks. The application can specify what to put in a
cell by modifying the callback struct's data fields. When the
application callback returns to the widget code, the type field
will determine what the widget draws on the screen. If the value
is XbaeString, then the regular string drawing function for the
widget will be called with the value the applicaton assigned to
the string field in the struct. If the value is XbaeStringFree the
widget also calls XtFree on the string when it is not needed
anymore. Else, if the value is XbaePixmap, the widget will do an
XCopyPlane(), in the case of a single plane bitmap, or
XCopyArea(), in the case of a color pixmap. The width and height
of cell is passed in the struct so the application can know how
big to make the pixmap. In no case will a copy of the string or
the pixmap value be made. The widget also uses the
XmNcolumnAlignments resource to determine the horizontal alignment
of the Pixmap. To have an editable array of data when the
XmNdrawCellCallback is used and the cell is of type XbaeString or
XbaeStringFree, use the XmNwriteCellCallback.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called immediately before a
cell is to be edited. This callback list is called by the
EditCell() action. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixEnterCellCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks. The
application can specify the editability of specific cells using
this callback list as well as specifying configuration options for
the XmText.
Specifies a background cell Pixel value to use on even rows. This
allows the matrix to look like computer paper. For wider bands of
color, increase the size of XmNaltRowCount.
If True, controls whether the matrix should fill all of its
available space when additional space if available, or if it
should simply size itself as large as necessary, regardless of any
additonal available space.
If True, controls whether the matrix should highlight available
space on the right of the selected cell(s) when the selected
cell(s) are in the last column of the matrix.
If True, controls whether the matrix should highlight available
space below the selected cell(s) when the selected cell(s) are in
the last row of the Matrix.
Specifies the number of leading columns (starting from the left
column) which should not be horizontally scrollable.
XmNfixedColumns must be less than
XmNcolumns-XmNtrailingFixedColumns. Cells in fixed columns are
not editable unless XmNtraverseFixedCells is set to True.
Specifies the number of leading rows (starting from the top row)
which should not be vertically scrollable. XmNfixedRows must be
less than XmNrows-XmNtrailingFixedRows. Cells in fixed rows are
not editable unless XmNtraverseFixedCells is set to True.
If the value of XmNrenderTable is NULL this resource specifies the
font list to be used for the text displayed in the cells and the
XmText cell edit widget. See XmFontListCreate(3X) to create a font
list. This resource is copied. The preferred way of specifying a
font for the table is in a resource file.
When drawing a cell, the matrix uses the first entry with the tag
XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG if no tag has been set on the cell using
XbaeMatrixSetCellTag. If a tag has been set on the cell the first
entry with a matching tag is used.
Specifies the color in which the grid line should be drawn if
XmNgridType is set to XmGRID_CELL_LINE, XmGRID_ROW_LINE or
XmGRID_COLUMN_LINE. The default is that of XmNforeground.
Sets the way the matrix grid is drawn. The grid types available
XmGRID_COLUMN_SHADOW. All of the grid types vary the way the
shadow or line is drawn around the cell. XmGRID_ROW_LINE,
only draw a border around the rows and columns, giving a more
tabular rather than spreadsheet appearance. The default is
XmGRID_CELL_LINE which draws a solid line around the cells.
Points to an array of pointers to rows. Each row is an array of
unsigned char values, one for each column in that row. This data
structure is the same as that for XmNcells, except each entry is
an unsigned char instead of a String. Each entry in the array will
have a value that is either HighlightNone, HighlightCell,
HighlightRow, HighlightColumn, HighlightOther or the bitwise OR of
those values, depending on the value of XmNgridType and which call
was used to highlight the cell. A cell will be drawn as
highlighted if the corresponding unsigned char does not have the
value HighlightNone. If XmNhighlightedCells is NULL, XbaeMatrix
then no cells have been highlighted. This resource is copied, and
cannot be specified in a resource file.
The widget ID of the horizontal XmScrollBar. This resource exists
only for those applications that need to tie another scrollbar to
the matrix's for synchronized scrolling. This resource can not be
set to a new value.
Determines when to display a horizontal scrollbar in the matrix.
Possible values are XmDISPLAY_NONE, which makes the matrix never
display the scrollbar, XmDISPLAY_AS_NEEDED, which makes the matrix
display the scrollbar when the list is too large, and
XmDISPLAY_STATIC, which makes the matrix always display the
If the value of XmNrenderTable is NULL this resource specifies the
font list to be used for the text displayed in row and column
labels. If XmNlabelFont is not specified, the value of XmNfontList
is used for the label fonts. See XmFontListCreate(3X) to create a
font list. This resource is copied. The preferred way of
specifying a font for the labels is in a resource file.
When drawing a label, the matrix uses the first entry with the tag
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called after a button label
has been pressed. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixLabelActivateCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks
on this list.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called immediately after a
cell has been edited. This callback list is called by the
EditCell() and CommitEdit() actions. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixLeaveCellCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks. The
application can perform cell specific data checks using this
callback list.
Allows the programmer to specify the first non fixed column to
appear on the leftmost side of the matrix. This resource
compliments the XmNtopRow resource. See the discussion of
XmNtopRow for more details.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called before text is deleted
from or inserted into the XmText cell edit widget. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixModifyVerifyCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks.
See the description of the XmText(3X) XmNmodifyVerifyCallback
is a boolean (default False) which specifies whether the matrix
displays more than one line of text in a cell, when appropriate.
Indicated that empty space should be displayed after the fixed
rows. This resource only has effect when XmNfill is true and
XmNfixedRows is greater than zero.
Indicated that empty space should be displayed after the fixed
columns. This resource only has effect when XmNfill is true and
XmNfixedColumns is greater than zero.
Specifies a background cell color to use on odd rows. This allows
the matrix to look like computer paper. For wider bands of color,
increase the size of XmNaltRowCount.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called from the ProcessDrag()
action A pointer to an XbaeMatrixProcessDragCallbackStruct will be
passed to the callbacks. The application can use this callback
list to perform particular processing during a drag.
Specifies the render table used to derive a font set or a font to
draw the text displayed in the cells, the XmText cell edit widget
and the labels.
When drawing a cell, the matrix uses the first entry with the tag
_MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE if no tag has been set on the cell using
XbaeMatrixSetCellTag. If a tag has been set on the cell the first
entry with a matching tag is used.
When drawing a label, the matrix uses the first entry with the tag
"labels". If there is no such entry the first entry with the tag
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when the matrix is
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when a column is
dynamically resized by the user.
Overrides the default XmNselectedForeground and
XmNselectedBackground and draws a selected cell in the colours
specified by XmNcellBackgrounds and XmNcolors for the particular
cell. If these values are not set then the default colours will
be used.
An array of Booleans that tells the XbaeMatrix which row labels
should be drawn as a button. Each Boolean can be specified as a
Boolean string or integer. In order to use this resource,
XmNbuttonLabels should be set to False.
Specifies the alignment of the row labels. It can be one of
the description of XmNalignment for XmLabel(3X).
XmNrowLabelAlignment defaults to XmALIGNMENT_END.
Specifies a Pixel value in which to draw the XmNrowLabels.
Specifies the width of the row labels. XmNrowLabelWidth defaults
to the width of the longest row label.
Points to an array of Strings to be drawn to the left of each row.
Each String may have embedded newline characters, in which case
the label will be drawn on multiple lines. If there is a
XmNxmRowLabels defined for this row it will be displayed in place
of the XmNrowLabels. If XmNrowLabels and XmNxmRowLabels are NULL,
no labels will be drawn. This resource is copied.
Specifies wether the elements of XmNrowHeights are measured in
pixels or lines.
Points to an array of short, one for each row. These specify the
visible height of the cells in each row. This resource is copied.
Specifies on a per row basis, the XmNcellShadowType. Values for
the resource are the same as for XmNcellShadowType. This resource
is copied.
Points to a user defined data area associated with a particular
row. The data should be set using XbaeMatrixSetRowUserData() and
retrieved using XbaeMatrixGetRowUserData(). This resource cannot
be specified in a resource file.
Specifies the total number of rows of cells. XmNrows must be at
least one. If the number of rows is changed via XtSetValues, then
XmNrowLabels must change or be NULL. The preferred way to
dynamically change the number of rows is to use
XbaeMatrixAddRows() or XbaeMatrixDeleteRows().
Determines where the scrollbars will be drawn. See the discussion
of XmNscrollBarPlacement in XmScrolledWindow(3) for a complete
discussion on this resource.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called from the SelectCell()
action. A pointer to an XbaeMatrixSelectCellCallbackStruct will
be passed to the callbacks. The application can use this callback
list to perform selection/deselection of cells using the provided
widget methods.
Specifies whether the matrix will scroll to make the selected cell
visible. This flag is only checked when cells are selected
programmatically, as when the user selects a cell with the mouse,
it will already be visible.
Allows the background of selected cells in XmNselectedCells to be
Points to an array of pointers to rows. Each row is an array of
Boolean values, one for each column in that row. This data
structure is the same as that for XmNcells, except each entry is a
Boolean instead of a String. A cell will be drawn as selected if
the corresponding Boolean is True. If XmNselectedCells is NULL,
then no cells have been selected. This resource is copied. It
cannot be specified in a resource file.
Allows the foreground of selected cells in XmNselectedCells to be
Specifies the type of shadow drawn around the border of the
matrix. Possible values for this resource are XmSHADOW_OUT,
default shadow type is XmSHADOW_OUT.
Specifies whether arrows should be drawn when data in a cell has
been obscured due to the value of XmNcolumnWidths.
Specifies the distance that separates the ScrollBars from the cell
grid. The default value is 4 pixels.
Specifies the background of the XmText cell edit widget. This can
be used to make the XmText stand out against a uniformly colored
Specifies if the background of the XmText cell edit widget
defaults to the core background of the matrix or the background of
the cell being edited when XmNtextBackground has the value
The widget ID of the XmText. This resource cannot be set to a new
Specifies the XmNshadowThickness of the XmText. Interesting
effects can be achieved by setting the XmNcellHighlightThickness
to 0 and replacing the highlight with an indented shadow.
Specifies the XmNtranslations resource of the XmText cell edit
widget. See the description of XmNtranslations in XmText(3X).
Specifies the row which should be displayed at the top of the non-
fixed rows. XmNtopRow is specified relative to the first non-
fixed row, so (XmNfixedRows + XmNtopRow) is the actual row number
which will be moved to the top. If (XmNtopRow > (XmNrows -
(<number of rows visible> + XmNfixedRows), then the actual row
which will be moved to the top is (XmNrows - (<number of rows
visible> + XmNfixedRows).
specifies a list of callbacks to be called when the mouse pointer
is being moved.
Indicated that any trailing fixed rows should be attached to the
bottom of the matrix. This resource only has effect when XmNfill
is true and XmNtrailingFixedRows is greater than zero.
Indicated that any trailing fixed columns should be attached to
the right of the matrix. This resource only has effect when
XmNfill is true and XmNtrailingFixedColumns is greater than zero.
Specifies the number of trailing columns (starting from the right
column) which should not be horizontally scrollable.
XmNtrailingFixedColumns must be less than
XmNcolumns-XmNfixedColumns. Cells in trailing fixed columns are
not editable unless XmNtraverseFixedCells is set to True.
Specifies the number of trailing rows (starting from the bottom
row) which should not be vertically scrollable.
XmNtrailingFixedRows must be less than XmNrows-XmNfixedRows.
Cells in trailing fixed rows are not editable unless
XmNtraverseFixedCells is set to True.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called before a new cell is
edited. These callbacks are called by the EditCell() action and
when XbaeMatrix receives or looses focus. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixTraverseCellCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks.
The application can specify the next cell which should be edited
via this callback list, thereby performing custom traversal.
If True, this resource allows fixed cells and columns to be
edited. The default is to not allow fixed rows or columns to be
This boolean value determines whether to use XbaeInput or
XmTextField as the widget used for editing cells. Default is not
to use XbaeInput.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called after text is deleted
from or inserted into the XmText cell edit widget. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixValueChangedCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks.
See the description of the XmText(3X) XmNvalueChangedCallback
The widget ID of the vertical XmScrollBar. This resource exists
only for those applications that need to tie another scrollbar to
the matrix's for synchronized scrolling. This resource can not be
set to a new value.
Determines when to display a horizontal scrollbar in the matrix.
Possible values and their effects are listed under
Specifies the number of non-fixed columns which should be visible.
The widget will request a size which will allow XmNvisibleColumns
columns to be displayed. The programmer should take into
allowance any XmNfixedColumns that are specified. This feature
becomes even more apparent if the number of XmNfixedColumns
changes at runtime as the value may need to be adjusted to avoid a
Specifies the number of rows which should be visible at any one
time. The widget will request a size which will allow
XmNvisibleRows rows to be displayed.
When XmNmultiLineCell is true this resource specifies how to break
the lines. When set to XbaeWrapNone, lines are broken on newlines
only. When set to XbaeWrapContinuous, long lines are further
broken up so they fit in their cell. When set to XbaeWrapWord the
breaking of long lines occures preferably on spaces.
Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when a cell value
changes and an XmNdrawCellCallback is defined. A pointer to an
XbaeMatrixWriteCellCallbackStruct is passed to the callbacks. The
XmNwriteCellCallback allows data to be written back into the
application's data structure and must be defined for an editable
XbaeMatrix with an XmNdrawCellCallback.
Points to an array of XmStrings to be drawn to the left of each
row. If XmNxmRowLabels is NULL, XmNrowLabels will be used. This
resource is copied.
Points to an array of XmStrings to be drawn above each column. If
XmNxmColumnLabels is NULL, XmNcolumnLabels will be used. This
resource is copied.
Inherited Resources
The following table lists the resources which XbaeMatrix inherits from
it's superclasses XmManager, Compositeand Core. For a complete
description of each resource, refer to the man page for that
superclass. The codes in the ``Access'' column indicate whether the
given resource can be set at creation time (C), or set by using
XtSetValues (S), or retrieved by using XtGetValues (G).
| XmManager Resource Set |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNbottomShadowColor | XmCBottomShadowColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNbottomShadowPixmap | XmCBottomShadowPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNforeground | XmCForeground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNhighlightColor | XmCHighlightColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNhighlightPixmap | XmCHighlightPixmap | Pixmap | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNinitialFocus | XmCInitialFocus | Widget | NULL | CSG |
|XmNnavigationType | XmCNavigationType | XmNavigationType | XmTAB_GROUP | CSG |
|XmNshadowThickness | XmCShadowThickness | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNstringDirection | XmCStringDirection | XmStringDirection | dynamic | CG |
|XmNtopShadowColor | XmCTopShadowColor | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtopShadowPixmap | XmCTopShadowPixmap | Pixmap | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNtraversalOn | XmCTraversalOn | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNunitType | XmCUnitType | unsigned char | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNuserData | XmCUserData | XtPointer | NULL | CSG |
| Composite Resource Set |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNchildren | XmCReadOnly | WidgetList | NULL | G |
|XmNinsertPosition | XmCInsertPosition | XtOrderProc | NULL | CSG |
|XmNnumChildren | XmCReadOnly | Cardinal | 0 | G |
| Core Resource Set |
|Name | Class | Type | Default | Access |
|XmNaccelerators | XmCAccelerators | XtAccelerators | NULL | CSG |
|XmNancestorSensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | dynamic | G |
|XmNbackground | XmCBackground | Pixel | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNbackgroundPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderColor | XmCBorderColor | Pixel | XtDefaultForeground | CSG |
|XmNborderPixmap | XmCPixmap | Pixmap | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG |
|XmNborderWidth | XmCBorderWidth | Dimension | 1 | CSG |
|XmNcolormap | XmCColormap | Colormap | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdepth | XmCDepth | int | dynamic | CG |
|XmNdestroyCallback | XmCCallback | XtCallbackList | NULL | C |
|XmNheight | XmCHeight | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean | True | C |
|XmNmappedWhenManaged | XmCMappedWhenManaged | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNscreen | XmCScreen | Screen | dynamic | CG |
|XmNsensitive | XmCSensitive | Boolean | True | CSG |
|XmNtranslations | XmCTranslations | XtTranslations | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNwidth | XmCWidth | Dimension | dynamic | CSG |
|XmNx | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
|XmNy | XmCPosition | Position | 0 | CSG |
Callback Information
A callback struct that is suitable for all callbacks that require
the reason, event, row and column to be available. Any callback
called may therefore cast the third parameter to the following
struct in XbaeMatrix and can rest assured that evrything in it
will be available.
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
int row;
int column;
XEvent *event;
} XbaeMatrixAnyCallbackStruct;
Each of the members are set to the appropriate struct for the
If this idea is a little foreign to you, recommended reading is
K&R II page 213.
Callbacks on the XmNdefaultActionCallback list are called when the
DefaultAction() action occurs. The application can bind the
DefaultAction() action to any pointer based event. When a double
click occurs on this pointer event, DefaultAction() will call the
callbacks on the XmNdefaultActionCallback list. A pointer to the
following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNdefaultActionCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
} XbaeMatrixDefaultActionCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeDefaultActionReason .
event The event that invoked this callback.
row The row number of the cell in which the double click
column The column number of the cell in which the double click
If an application has an XmNdefaultActionCallback, then the
callbacks on the list will be called when the user clicks twice in
a cell within XmNdoubleClickInterval, enabling some action to
occur for the particular cell.
Callbacks on the XmNdrawCellCallback list are called when the
widget needs to draw a cell. A pointer to the following structure
is passed to each callback on the XmNdrawCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
int width;
int height;
XbaeCellType type;
String string;
Pixmap pixmap;
Pixmap mask;
Pixel foreground;
Pixel background;
int depth;
} XbaeMatrixDrawCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeDrawCellReason.
event Always set to NULL
row The row number of the cell that needs to be drawn.
column The column number of the cell that needs to be drawn.
width The width of the cell that needs to be drawn.
height The height of the cell that needs to be drawn.
type The type of ``data'' the programmer wants drawn in the
cell, or which field should be looked at for data to
draw: string or pixmap.
string The string to draw if type is set to XbaeString or
pixmap The pixmap to copy if type is set to XbaePixmap. It
will be clipped to width by height if necessary.
mask A mask for the pixmap as obtained from the XPM library.
mask is only necessary when pixmap has a depth greater
than one.
The foreground color of the cell.
The background color of the cell.
depth The depth of the pixmap image (in bits per pixel).
If the application adds this callback, when the XbaeMatrix
determines that a cell at (row, column) needs to be redrawn, the
normal cell drawing mechanism will be skipped and this callback
called so the application can tell the widget what to put in the
The type field is defaulted to XbaeString and no cacheing or
saving of the string or pixmap is done.
If the application sets type to XbaePixmap, the width, height and
depth of the returned pixmap will be calculated with a call to
XGetGeometry(). If the programmer wishes to supply the width,
height and depth there is a marked improvement as a round trip to
the X server is avoided. Note that all geometry parameters must
be supplied to ensure successful display of the pixmap.
If a mask is also provided, it will be used to display the pixmap
transparently. Pixmaps drawn in cells also respect the value of
By defining an XmNdrawCellCallback the need for the storage of the
XbaeMatrix data within the matrix is eliminated and can prove to
be advantageous for memory usage.
To write the data back to the application, use the
XmNwriteCellCallback described below.
Callbacks on the XmNenterCellCallback list are called from the
EditCell() action just before a cell is edited to determine it's
editability. A pointer to the following structure is passed to
each callback on the XmNenterCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
int position;
String pattern;
Boolean auto_fill;
Boolean convert_case;
Boolean overwrite_mode;
Boolean select_text;
Boolean map;
Cardinal num_params;
String *params;
Boolean doit;
} XbaeMatrixEnterCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeEnterCellReason.
event The event that invoked the callback.
row The row number of the cell about to be edited.
column The column number of the cell about to be edited.
position The location of the cursor in the text field. The
default is to place the cursor at the end of the string
in the cell.
pattern A pattern for the XbaeInput widget (see XbaeInput(3)).
The default is to not specify a pattern.
auto_fill Used in conjunction with the setting of the pattern to
allow literals in the pattern to be automatically
If the pattern specifies an upper or lower case letter,
the character typed in the position can automatically be
converted to the appropriate case when set to True. The
default is to not convert the case of the typed letter.
Normally, the cursor appears as the familiar I caret.
By setting overwrite_mode to True, the text field will
go into overwrite mode where keystrokes replace the
character underneath the block cursor.
Indicates whether the text in the cell should be
highlighted (only valid if doit is set to True also.
map Tells the matrix if the XmText should be mapped onto the
cell. Only makes sense if doit is set to False.
The number of String parameters passed to the EditCell()
params An array containing the num_params String parameters
passed to the EditCell() action.
doit Indicates whether or not this cell is editable. Setting
doit to False will make this cell not editable. The
default value is True.
If the application determines that the cell at (row, column) is
not editable, it should set the doit flag to False. If the map
flag is also set to False, XbaeMatrix will not place the XmText
cell editor on the cell. If map is left as True, the XmText will
be placed on the cell but the user will not be able to add or
delete characters from it. If the application leaves doit as True,
then the TextField will be editable. In addition, if select_text
is set to True, the text in the cell will be selected via
XmTextSetSelection. Assuming XmNpendingDelete for the XmText is
also True, the selected text will be deleted as soon as the next
text insertion occurs.
Callbacks on the XmNlabelActivateCallback list are called after a
button label has been activated via a mouse click. A pointer to
the following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNlabelActivateCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
Boolean row_label;
String label;
} XbaeMatrixLabelActivateCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeLabelActivateReason.
event The event that invoked this callback.
row The row number of the button label or -1 if the button
was a column label.
column The column number of the button label or -1 if the
button was a row label.
row_label If the button label that invoked the callback is a row
label, then this value is set to True. If it was a
column label then it is set to False.
label The label on the button that was pressed.
When the XbaeMatrix receives a ButtonRelease event on the same
button label that it received a ButtonPress event, the
XmNlabelActivateCallback is called to allow the programmer to
respond to the event. The callback has been provided to emulate
some popular spreadsheets on the market.
Callbacks on the XmNleaveCellCallback list are called from the
EditCell() and CommitEdit() actions just before the edit to the
current cell is committed. The application can validate the
changes made to the cell, and allow or disallow them. A pointer to
the following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNleaveCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row, column;
String value;
Boolean doit;
} XbaeMatrixLeaveCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeLeaveCellReason.
event The event that invoked this callback.
row The row number of the cell being edited.
column The column number of the cell being edited.
value Contains the new data which will be stored in this cell
if doit is True. The memory pointed to by value may be
modified, or if the new contents are larger than the
current contents, then value should be set to point to a
larger piece of allocated memory.
doit Indicates whether the edits applied to this cell should
actually be stored into XbaeMatrix. Setting doit to
False will cause the changes to be discarded and the
cell will retain its original value. The default value
is True.
If the application determines that the value entered in the cell
at (row, column) is not valid, it should set the doit flag to
False. This will prevent the changes from being stored in the
cell. The TextField edit widget will remain on the current cell.
If the application leaves doit as True, then the changes made to
the cell will be committed and the TextField will move to the next
cell or be unmapped. The application can also modify the String in
value, e.g. to force a String to be all upper case.
Callbacks on the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback list are called while a
cell is being edited. The callbacks are called before text is
inserted into or deleted from the TextField edit widget. A pointer
to the following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNmodifyVerifyCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *verify;
const char *prev_text;
} XbaeMatrixModifyVerifyCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeModifyVerifyReason.
event Always set to NULL.
row The row number of the cell being edited.
column The column number of the cell being edited.
verify The contents of this structure and its use are
documented in the XmText(3X) man page.
prev_text The contents of the cell as seen by this user before the
new text. If other text has already been entered, this
value will not match the official XbaeMatrix value of
the cell. This pointer and the string should not be
Callbacks on the XmNprocessDragCallback list are called from the
ProcessDrag() action. The application can bind the ProcessDrag()
action to any pointer based event, though by default it is bound
to the Button2Down event. When this event occurs, ProcessDrag()
will call the callbacks on the XmNprocessDragCallback list. A
pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback on
the XmNprocessDragCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
String string;
XbaeCellType type;
Pixmap pixmap;
Pixmap mask;
Cardinal num_params;
String *params;
} XbaeMatrixProcessDragCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeProcessDragReason.
event The XEvent which invoked the ProcessDrag() action.
row The row number of the cell where the drag was
column The column number of the cell where the drag was
string The string in the cell where the drag was initiated if
type is XbaeString or XbaeStringFree. This is provided
as a convenience to the application.
type The type of the cell in which the drag was initiated.
pixmap The pixmap in the cell where the drag was initiated if
type is XbaePixmap. This is provided as a convenience
to the application.
mask A mask for the pixmap as obtained from the XPM library.
mask is only necessary when pixmap has a depth greater
than one. Also provided as a convenience to the
The number of String parameters passed to the
ProcessDrag() action.
params An array containing the num_params String parameters
passed to the ProcessDrag() action.
The application can use the XmNprocessDragCallback list to
implement particular processing for Motif's drag-and-drop.
Callbacks on the XmNresizeCallback list are called when the
XbaeMatrix widget is resized. A pointer to the following
structure is passed to
each callback on the XmNresizeCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
Dimension width;
Dimension height;
} XbaeMatrixResizeCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeResizeReason.
event Always set to NULL
row Set to the number of rows in the matrix (provided for
column Set to the number of colums in the matrix (provided for
width The new width of the XbaeMatrix widget.
height The new height of the XbaeMatrix widget.
The application can use the XmNresizeCallback to adjust such
resources as XmNcolumnWidths, XmNvisibleColumns and XmNvisibleRows
when the widget containing an XbaeMatrix widget is resized.
Callbacks on the XmNresizeColumnCallback list are called when a
column of the XbaeMatrix widget is dynamically resized by the
user. A pointer to the following structure is passed to each
callback on the XmNresizeColumnCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
int which;
int columns;
short *column_widths;
} XbaeMatrixResizeColumnCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeResizeColumnReason.
event The XEvent that ended the resize. The event will be of
type XButtonReleasedEvent.
row The row in which the ResizeColumn() action began.
column The column in which the ResizeColumn() action began (and
which The column that was resized in the ResizeColumn()
columns The number of columns in the XbaeMatrix widget.
The widths of each column as they stand after the
ResizeColumn() action.
The application can use the XmNresizeColumnCallback to perform
post processing after a column has been resized. By adjusting the
values contained in column_widths the XbaeMatrix widget will use
the values upon return from the callback. Changing the number of
columns in the matrix in the XmNresizeColumnCallback should be
used carefully as it may cause unexpected results.
Callbacks on the XmNselectCellCallback list are called from the
SelectCell() action. The application can bind the SelectCell()
action to any pointer based event. When this event occurs,
SelectCell() will call the callbacks on the XmNselectCellCallback
list. A pointer to the following structure is passed to each
callback on the XmNselectCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
Boolean **selected_cells;
String **cells;
Cardinal num_params;
String *params;
} XbaeMatrixSelectCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeSelectCellReason.
event The XEvent which invoked the SelectCell() action.
row The row number of the cell which was selected.
column The column number of the cell which was selected.
The value of the XmNselectedCells resource. This is
provided as a convenience to the application and will be
NULL if no cells have yet been selected.
cells The value of the XmNcells resource. This is provided as
a convenience to the application and will be NULL if no
cells have been specified or the XmNdrawCellCallback is
being used.
The number of String parameters passed to the
SelectCell() action.
params An array containing the num_params String parameters
passed to the SelectCell() action.
The application can use the XmNselectCellCallback list to
implement it's own selection model. The
XbaeMatrixSelectCellCallbackStruct contains the array of String
parameters passed to the SelectCell() action which invoked this
callback. By binding the SelectCell() action to various events via
the translation manager, and using String action parameters to
distinguish them, the application can implement various selection
models. For example, the following translations could be used to
implement a model in which a modifier key indicates whether a
single cell or an entire row should be selected. The callbacks on
the XmNselectCellCallback list would examine the parameter and
take the appropriate action.
Shift<Btn1Down>: SelectCell(cell)\n\
Ctrl<Btn1Down>: SelectCell(row)
The callbacks on the XmNselectCellCallback list can also be used
in other ways, e.g. to pop up a cell specific menu.
NOTE: If no cells have been selected, the value of selected_cells
will be NULL. The same applies for cells. Care must be taken so
as not to dereference these members of the callback struct.
Callbacks on the XmNtrackCellCallback list are being called by the
HandleTracking() action, which is triggered by pointer motion.
One of the purposes of this callback list is to figure out from
which cell to which cell the pointer is being moved. A pointer to
the XbaeMatrixTrackCellCallbackStruct structure is being passed.
Its fields are defined as :
typedef struct _XbaeMatrixTrackCellCallbackStruct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row, column;
int prev_row, prev_column;
Position pointer_x, pointer_y;
} XbaeMatrixTrackCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeSelectCellReason.
event The XEvent which invoked the HandleTracking() action.
row This is the row number that the pointer is currently in.
column This is the column number that the pointer is currently
prev_row The row that the pointer was previously in.
The column that the pointer was previously in.
pointer_x The x position of the pointer.
pointer_y The y position of the pointer.
Callbacks on the XmNtraverseCellCallback list are called from the
EditCell() action and when XbaeMatrix receives or looses focus.
The application can customize cell traversal using these
callbacks. XbaeMatrix has a default traversal order, outlined
below, which the application can override. A pointer to the
following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNtraverseCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
int next_row;
int next_column;
int fixed_rows;
int fixed_columns;
int trailing_fixed_rows;
int trailing_fixed_columns;
int num_rows;
int num_columns;
String param;
XrmQuark qparam;
} XbaeMatrixTraverseCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeTraverseCellReason.
event The event that invoked this callback.
row The row number of the cell currently being edited.
column The column number of the cell currently being edited.
next_row The row number of the next cell to be edited, this can
be changed by the application.
The column number of the next cell to be edited, this
can be changed by the application.
The value of the XmNfixedRows resource. This is provided
as a convenience for the application in calculating the
next_row and next_column fields.
The value of the XmNfixedColumns resource. This is
provided as a convenience for the application in
calculating the next_row and next_column fields.
The value of the XmNtrailingFixedRows resource. This is
provided as a convenience for the application in
calculating the next_row and next_column fields.
The value of the XmNtrailingFixedColumns resource. This
is provided as a convenience for the application in
calculating the next_row and next_column fields.
num_rows The value of the XmNrows resource. This is provided as a
convenience for the application in calculating the
next_row and next_column fields.
The value of the XmNcolumns resource. This is provided
as a convenience for the application in calculating the
next_row and next_column fields.
param The String value of the parameter passed to the
EditCell() action.
qparam The XrmQuark value of the parameter passed to the
EditCell() action.
The EditCell() action takes an arbitrary parameter which it passes
through to the callbacks on the XmNtraverseCellCallback list in
both String and XrmQuark forms. The EditCell() action recognizes
five special parameters which it uses to implement it's default
cell traversal. These parameters and their corresponding traversal
results are:
Pointer Set next_row and next_column to the cell underneath the
mouse pointer.
Left If we are currently editing cell (XmNfixedRows,
XmNfixedColumns), then do not move. Otherwise move one
column to the left, if that column is less than
XmNfixedColumns , then move up to the last column of the
row above.
Right If we are currently editing cell (XmNrows - 1,
XmNcolumns - 1), then do not move. Otherwise move one
column to the right, if that column is greater than or
equal to XmNcolumns , then move down to column
XmNfixedColumns of the row below.
Up Move up one row. If that row is less than XmNfixedRows ,
then move to the last row.
Down Move down one row. If that row is greater than or equal
to XmNrows , then move to row XmNfixedRows.
If the EditCell() action recognizes one of these special
parameters, it calculates the new cell to be edited accordingly
and stores the results in the next_row and next_column fields of
the XbaeMatrixTraverseCellCallbackStruct. If EditCell() does not
recognize it's parameter, it sets next_row and next_column to the
current row and column. It also stores a String and XrmQuark
version of it's parameter in the param and qparam fields.
EditCell() then calls the callbacks on the XmNtraverseCellCallback
list. These callbacks can examine the parameter and recalculate
the next_row and next_column fields appropriately. The
application can override the default calculation for the special
parameters, or it can define an entirely new parameter with a
corresponding new calculation. It would do this by binding
EditCell() with a new application specific parameter to an event
in a translation table. It is expected that application callbacks
will use the XrmQuark version of the parameter for efficiency
reasons (by statically creating the new XrmQuarks and comparing
them against the incoming qparam).
When XbaeMatrix receives the focus it will also call the
XmNtraverseCellCallback callbacks before returning to the current
cell or the upper left most visible cell if no cell is currently
edited. The XbaeMatrixTraverseCellCallbackStruct will have param
and qparm set to Focus. If there is no current cell row and
column will be set to -1.
When XbaeMatrix looses the focus it will also call the
XmNtraverseCellCallback with param and qparm set to LoosingFocus.
Callbacks on the XmNvalueChangedCallback list are called while a
cell is being edited. The callbacks are called after text is
inserted into or deleted from the TextField edit widget. A pointer
to the following structure is passed to each callback on the
XmNvalueChangedCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
} XbaeMatrixValueChangedCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeValueChangedReason.
event The event that triggered this callback.
row The row number of the cell being edited.
column The column number of the cell being edited.
Callbacks (although it probably only makes sense to have one) on
the XmNwriteCellCallback list are called when the widget needs to
write data to a cell, but only when XmNdrawCellCallback is
defined. A pointer to the following structure is passed to each
callback on the XmNwriteCellCallback list:
typedef struct
XbaeReasonType reason;
XEvent *event;
int row;
int column;
XbaeCellType type;
String string;
Pixmap pixmap;
Pixmap mask;
} XbaeMatrixWriteCellCallbackStruct;
reason Set to XbaeWriteCellReason.
event Always set to NULL
row The row number of the cell that needs to be written.
column The column number of the cell that needs to be written.
type The type of ``data'' contained in the cell, either
XbaeString or XbaePixmap.
string The string to store if type is set to XbaeString.
pixmap The pixmap to store if type is set to XbaePixmap.
(maybe a little meaningless unless you can edit a pixmap
in a cell)
mask A mask for the pixmap as obtained from the XPM library.
mask is only necessary when pixmap has a depth greater
than one.
If the application adds this callback, when the XbaeMatrix is
editable and has been assigned an XmNdrawCellCallback, data on the
widget can be edited and stored back in the application's data
structure. Only if an XmNdrawCellCallback has been assigned to
the XbaeMatrix widget, will the XmNwriteCellCallback be called.
At the moment, pixmap and mask will be sent to the
XmNwriteCellCallback as NULL.
XbaeMatrix inherits translations from XmManager. In addition,
XbaeMatrix uses the following translation:
:<Btn1Up>: DefaultAction()\n\
:<Btn1Down>: DefaultAction() EditCell(Pointer)\n\
:Shift<Btn2Down>: ResizeColumns()\n\
:<Btn2Down>: ProcessDrag()\n\
:<Btn1Motion>: HandleMotion() HandleTracking()()\n\
:<Motion>: HandleTracking()()\n\
:<Btn4Down>: ScrollRows(-50)()\n\
:<Btn5Down>: ScrollRows( 50)()
XbaeMatrix installs the following default XmNtextTranslations on the
TextField edit widget:
Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Tab: EditCell(Left)\n\
~Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Tab: EditCell(Right)\n\
<Key>osfUp: EditCell(Up)\n\
<Key>osfDown: EditCell(Down)\n\
<Key>osfActivate: CommitEdit(False)\n\
~Shift ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Return: CommitEdit(False)\n\
<Key>osfCancel: CommitEdit(False)\n\
Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Tab: TraversePrev()\n\
Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>Tab: TraverseNext()\n\
<Key>osfPageDown: PageDown()\n\
<Key>osfPageUp: PageUp()\n
Action Routines
If the single parameter to CancelEdit() is the String True, then
it unmaps the edit TextField, discarding any changes which were
made to the cell being edited. If the parameter is False, then
CancelEdit() restores the edit TextField to the original
contents of the cell, discarding any changes made to the cell
being edited. The TextField is not unmapped.
CommitEdit() first calls any callbacks on the
XmNleaveCellCallback list to determine if the changes made to
the current cell are valid. If they are, it then saves any
changes made to the cell into the cell. If the callbacks on the
XmNleaveCellCallback list return that the changes are not valid,
CommitEdit() does nothing.
If the changes are valid, CommitEdit() examines it's one
parameter, which must be the string True or False. If the
parameter is True, then the edit TextField is unmapped. If it is
False, then the TextField is not unmapped.
DefaultAction() sets up a mechanism for determining whether two
successive mouse clicks form a double click. The
DefaultAction() should normally be used in conjunction with
other pointer based events and provides a mechanism for acting
on double clicks in a cell.
EditCell() edits a new cell. EditCell() first calculates the new
cell to edit based on it's single parameter. It then calls the
callbacks on the XmNtraverseCellCallback list to allow them to
specify a different cell to edit (see the discussion of
XmNtraverseCellCallback above). EditCell() then calls the
callbacks on the XmNleaveCellCallback list to determine if the
changes made to the current cell are valid. If they are, it then
saves any changes made to the cell into the cell. If the changes
are not valid, EditCell() does nothing further.
If the changes are valid, EditCell() attempts to scroll the new
cell to be edited so that it is fully visible. If the new cell
is in a fixed row or column, EditCell() returns and does nothing
further (these cells are not editable). Otherwise, EditCell()
calls the callbacks on the XmNenterCellCallback list to
determine if the new cell is editable. It then moves the XmText
edit widget to the new cell, setting it's editability based on
the return from the XmNenterCellCallback callbacks.
ProcessDrag() calls the callbacks on the XmNprocessDragCallback
list, passing them a pointer to a
Allows the user to dynamically resize the column widths,
provided that XmNallowColumnResize is True.
ScrollRows() makes the rows of the matrix scroll by the pixel
amount specified by it's argument.
ScrollColumns() makes the columns of the matrix scroll by the
pixel amount specified by it's argument.
SelectCell() calls the callbacks on the XmNselectCellCallback
list, passing them a pointer to a
XbaeMatrixSelectCellCallbackStruct. This structure will contain
the String parameters passed to the SelectCell() action, among
other things (see the discussion of XmNselectCellCallback
TraverseNext() will traverse out of the Matrix and into the next
tab group.
TraversePrev() will traverse out of the Matrix and into the
previous tab group.
PageDown() causes the Matrix to scroll down a full page. The
text widget is placed on the first non fixed row of the new
PageUp() causes the Matrix to scroll up a full page. The text
widget is placed on the first non fixed row of the new page.
Type Converters
In addition to the standard type converters registered by Xt and Motif,
XbaeMatrix registers the following additional type converters:
Converts a comma separated list of Strings to an array of String
pointers, one for each substring. Commas in the list may be
escaped with the character `\'. This converter allows the
XmNrowLabels and XmNcolumnLabels resources to be specified in
resource files.
Converts a comma separated list of numeric Strings to an array
of short integers. This converter allows the XmNcolumnWidths
resource to be specified in resource files.
Converts a comma separated list of numeric Strings to an array
of integers. This converter allows the XmNcolumnMaxLengths
resource to be specified in resource files.
Converts a comma separated list of alignments to an array of
unsigned chars. This converter allows the
XmNcolumnLabelAlignments and XmNcolumnAlignments resources to be
specified in resource files.
Converts a single string as discussed in XmNgridType to a grid
type value. This converter allows XmNgridType to be specified
in resource files.
Converts a single string as discussed in
XmNhorizontalScrollBarDisplayPolicy and
XmNverticalScrollBarDisplayPolicy to a display policy value.
This converter allows XmNhorizontalScrollBarDisplayPolicy and
XmNverticalScrollBarDisplayPolicy to be specified in resource
Converts a comma separated list of Strings with \n delimited
rows to a two dimensional array of String pointers. This
converter allows the XmNcells resource to be specified in
resource files.
Converts a comma separated list of color names with \n delimited
rows to a two dimensional array of Pixel values. This converter
allows the XmNcellBackgroundsandXmNcolors resources to be
specified in resource files.
Converts a comma separated list of string or numeric values to
an array of Booleans. The converter recongnises a comma
separated list of values. Each value is parsed such that if the
first character is This converter allows the
XmNcolumnButtonLabels and XmNrowButtonLabels resources to be
specified in resource files.
Public Functions
The following external entry points to XbaeMatrix class methods are
Widget XbaeCreateMatrix()
Widget parent;
String name;
ArgList arglist;
Cardinal argcount;
parent Specifies the parent widget ID.
name Specifies the name of the created widget
arglist Specifies the argument list
argcount Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the
argument list (arglist)
XbaeCreateMatrix() creates an unmanaged instance of an
XbaeMatrix widget and returns the associated widget ID.
void XbaeMatrixAddColumns()
Widget w;
int position;
String *columns;
String *labels;
short *widths;
int *max_lengths;
unsigned char *alignments;
unsigned char *label_alignments;
Pixel *colors;
int num_columns;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The column position before which to add the new
columns. Must be greater than or equal to zero, and
less than or equal to XmNcolumns.
columns Points to an ordinary two dimensional array of String,
or NULL. These Strings will be used to modify the
XmNcells resource to populate the new columns. Each
row in the array must have XmNrows elements and
represents one of the new columns. columns must have
num_columns rows. If columns is NULL, empty columns
will be added.
labels Points to an array of String, or NULL. These Strings
will be used as the XmNcolumnLabels for the new
columns. The labels array must have num_columns
elements. If labels is NULL, and XmNcolumnLabels is
set, then blank column labels will be used.
widths Points to an array of short or NULL. These values
will be used as the XmNcolumnWidths for the new
columns. The widths array must have num_columns
elements. if widths is NULL then a default width will
be used for the new columns.
Points to an array of int, or NULL. These values will
be used as the XmNcolumnMaxLengths for the new
columns. The max_lengths array must have num_columns
elements. If max_lengths is NULL, then the
corresponding value from widths will be used.
Points to an array of unsigned char, or NULL. These
values will be used as the XmNcolumnAlignments for the
new columns. The alignments array must have
num_columns elements. If alignments is NULL, then
Points to an array of unsigned char, or NULL. These
values will be used as the XmNcolumnLabelAlignments
for the new column labels. The label_alignments array
must have num_columns elements. If label_alignments is
NULL, then XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING will be used.
colors Points to an array of Pixel, or NULL. These values
will be used to set the corresponding columns in the
XmNcolors table for the new columns. The colors array
must have num_columns elements. If colors is NULL,
then XmNforeground will be used.
The number of columns which are being added to the
XbaeMatrixAddColumns() allows the application developer to
dynamically add new columns anywhere in the Matrix. The columns
will be added before the column specified in position. Columns
are numbered starting at zero. To append new columns onto the
end of the Matrix, specify position as the total number of
columns. Most of the arguments to XbaeMatrixAddColumns() may be
specified as NULL. Default values will be used by the widget.
If the programmer attempts to add columns using
XbaeMatrixAddColumns() when there are no rows, it will result in
a warning message. There must be at least one row in the
XbaeMatrix widget to add columns.
To maintain backward compatability, the cell backgrounds cannot
be set in a call to XbaeMatrixAddColumns() and must be set (if
so desired) in a separate call to XtVaSetValues().
void XbaeMatrixAddRows()
Widget w;
int position;
String *rows;
String *labels;
Pixel *colors;
int num_rows;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The row position before which to add the new rows.
Must be greater than or equal to zero, and less than
or equal to XmNrows.
rows Points to an ordinary two dimensional array of String,
or NULL. These Strings will be used to modify the
XmNcells resource to populate the new rows. Each row
in the array must have XmNcolumns elements and
represents one of the new rows. rows must have
num_rows rows. If rows is NULL, empty rows will be
labels Points to an array of String, or NULL. These Strings
will be used as the XmNrowLabels for the new rows. The
labels array must have num_rows elements. If labels is
NULL, and XmNrowLabels is set, then blank row labels
will be used
colors Points to an array of Pixel, or NULL. These values
will be used to set the corresponding rows in the
XmNcolors table for the new rows. The colors array
must have num_rows elements. If colors is NULL, then
XmNforeground will be used.
num_rows The number of rows which are being added to the
XbaeMatrixAddRows() allows the application developer to
dynamically add new rows anywhere in the Matrix. The rows will
be added before the row specified in position. Rows are numbered
starting at zero. To append new rows onto the end of the Matrix,
specify position as the total number of rows.
To maintain backward compatability, the cell backgrounds cannot
be set in a call to XbaeMatrixAddRows() and must be set (if so
desired) in a separate call to XtVaSetValues().
void XbaeMatrixCancelEdit()
Widget w;
Boolean unmap;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
unmap Specifies whether the TextField cell edit widget
should be unmapped after the edit is canceled.
XbaeMatrixCancelEdit() allows the application developer to
programmatically cancel a cell edit in progress, discarding any
changes made by the user. This function unmaps the TextField
edit widget if the unmap flag is True. If unmap is False, the
contents of the TextField are restored to their original value,
and the TextField is not unmapped.
Boolean XbaeMatrixCommitEdit()
Widget w;
Boolean unmap;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
unmap Specifies whether the TextField cell edit widget
should be unmapped after an edit is successfully
XbaeMatrixCommitEdit() can be used by the application developer
to programmatically commit an edit, saving any changes made by
the user. This will cause the callbacks on the
XmNleaveCellCallback list to be called to verify that the
changes the user made are valid. If the changes are valid, then
they are saved into the cell and if the unmap flag is True, the
TextField widget will be unmapped.
void XbaeMatrixDeleteColumns()
Widget w;
int position;
int num_columns;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The column position at which to begin deleting
columns. Must be greater than or equal to zero, and
(position + num_columns) must be less than or equal to
The number of columns to delete from the widget.
XbaeMatrixDeleteColumns() allows the application developer to
dynamically delete columns from anywhere in the Matrix. Columns
will be deleted starting at the column specified by position.
void XbaeMatrixDeleteRows()
Widget w;
int position;
int num_rows;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The row position at which to begin deleting rows. Must
be greater than or equal to zero, and (position +
num_rows) must be less than or equal to XmNrows.
num_rows The number of rows to delete from the widget.
XbaeMatrixDeleteRows() allows the application developer to
dynamically delete rows from anywhere in the Matrix. Rows will
be deleted starting at the row specified by position.
void XbaeMatrixDeselectAll()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixDeselectAll() allows the application developer to
programmatically deselect all cells. XbaeMatrixDeselectAll()
redraws the cells in normal video. All Booleans in the
XmNselectedCells array will be set to False.
void XbaeMatrixDeselectCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to deselect.
column The column of the cell to deselect.
XbaeMatrixDeselectCell() allows the application developer to
programmatically deselect a cell. XbaeMatrixDeselectCell()
redraws the cell in normal video. The corresponding Boolean in
the XmNselectedCells array will be set to False.
void XbaeMatrixDeselectColumn()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column to deselect.
XbaeMatrixDeselectColumn() allows the application developer to
programmatically deselect a column. XbaeMatrixDeselectColumn()
draws the column in normal video. The corresponding Booleans in
the XmNselectedCells array will be set to False.
void XbaeMatrixDeselectRow()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row to deselect.
XbaeMatrixDeselectRow() allows the application developer to
programmatically deselect a row. XbaeMatrixDeselectRow() draws
the row in reverse video (or selectedForeground /
selectedBackground if set). The corresponding Booleans in the
XmNselectedCells array will be set to False.
int XbaeMatrixDisableRedisplay()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixDisableRedisplay() and XbaeMatrixEnableRedisplay()
allow an application to make multiple changes to a matrix
without immediate visual updates. When multiple changes are made
with redisplay enabled, visual flashing often occurs. These
routines help eliminate this problem.
void XbaeMatrixEditCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to be edited.
column The column of the cell to be edited.
allows the application developer to programmatically force a
specific cell to be edited. This function will first attempt to
commit the edit in the current cell. If the XmNleaveCellCallback
callbacks disallow this commit, then XbaeMatrixEditCell() will
return. Otherwise the specified cell is scrolled until it is
visible. If the specified cell is in a fixed row or column, it
cannot be edited and XbaeMatrixEditCell() will return. Next, the
callbacks on the XmNenterCellCallback callback list are called
for the specified cell to determine it's editability. Then the
TextField edit widget is mapped on top of the specified cell.
int XbaeMatrixEnableRedisplay()
Widget w;
Boolean redisplay;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
redisplay Force the matrix to redisplay if True and no other
calls to XbaeMatrixDisableRedisplay() have been made.
XbaeMatrixDisableRedisplay() and XbaeMatrixEnableRedisplay()
allow an application to make multiple changes to a matrix
without immediate visual updates. When multiple changes are made
with redisplay enabled, visual flashing often occurs. These
routines help eliminate this problem.
Boolean XbaeMatrixEventToXY()
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
int *x;
int *y;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
event An X event structure pointer, usually from an
XEventHandler function.
x The translated x coordinate.
y The translated y coordinate.
XbaeMatrixEventToXY enables the programmer to determine the x
and y values of a given event with respect to the XbaeMatrix
widget. The returned values are also adjusted to allow for the
XbaeClip widget.
void XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedCell()
Widget w;
int *row;
int *column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The first selected row.
column The first selected column.
XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedCell() allows the application developer
to find out which cell is the first selected. The function
traverses the XbaeMatrix widget in a left to right, top to
bottom manner to determine this value. If no cell is selected,
row and column are set to -1.
int XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedColumn()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedColumn() returns the column number of the
first selected column in the XbaeMatrix widget. The function
traverses the matrix from column 0. A column must be entirely
selected for the column to be considered selected. If no column
is selected then -1 is returned.
int XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedRow()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixFirstSelectedRow() returns the row number of the first
selected row in the XbaeMatrix widget. The function traverses
the matrix from row 0. A row must be entirely selected for the
row to be considered selected. If no row is selected then -1 is
String XbaeMatrixGetCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose value should be retrieved.
column The column of the cell whose value should be
XbaeMatrixGetCell() returns the String value stored in the
specified cell. This String should not be freed. To examine many
cells, it is more efficient to do an XtGetValues() on XmNcells
and examine the values in that array.
Pixel XbaeMatrixGetCellBackground()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w A XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose background color should be
column The column of the cell whose background color should
be retrieved.
Pixel XbaeMatrixGetCellColor()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w A XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose foreground color should be
column The column of the cell whose foreground color should
be retrieved.
int XbaeMatrixGetCellPixmap()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Pixmap *pixmap;
Pixmap *mask;
w A XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose pixmap and mask should be
column The column of the cell whose pixmap and mask should be
pixmap A pointer to a Pixmap variable, in which the function
will store the cell's pixmap.
mask A pointer to a Pixmap variable, in which the function
will store the cell's pixmap mask.
XmStringTag XbaeMatrixGetCellTag()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w A XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose tag should be retrieved.
column The column of the cell tag should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetCellTag returns the font tag of the indicated cell.
The application should not modify or free the returned value.
XtPointer XbaeMatrixGetCellUserData()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose data should be retrieved.
column The column of the cell whose data should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetCellUserData() returns a pointer to the data
assigned to the cell in the given coordinates. The data should
be set using XbaeMatrixSetCellUserData(). If no data is found
to be associated with the particular cell, NULL is returned.
int XbaeMatrixGetColumnWidth()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column whose width we're querying.
XbaeMatrixGetColumnWidth() is a convenient way to query a column
String XbaeMatrixGetColumnLabel()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the label that should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetColumnLabel() returns a pointer to the label of the
given column. If no column labels exist or the given column is
not a valid column NULL is returned. If no data is found to be
associated with the particular column, NULL is returned.
XtPointer XbaeMatrixGetColumnUserData()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the cell whose data should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetColumnUserData() returns a pointer to the data
assigned to the given column. The data should be set using
XbaeMatrixSetColumnUserData(). If no data is found to be
associated with the particular column, NULL is returned.
void XbaeMatrixGetCurrentCell()
Widget w;
int *row;
int *column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell the ``cursor'' or TextField is in.
column The column of the cell the ``cursor'' or TextField is
XbaeMatrixGetCurrentCell() allows the application developer to
determine what cell is being edited or has focus.
int XbaeMatrixGetEventRowColumn()
Widget w;
XEvent *event;
int *row;
int *column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
event An X event structure pointer. This is usually from an
XEventHandler function. It can be either a button or
a key event.
row The row of the cell the ``cursor'' or TextField is in.
column The column of the cell the ``cursor'' or TextField is
XbaeMatrixGetEventRowColumn() allows the application developer
to determine what cell corresponds to an (x, y) in an event. If
the (x, y) of the event is a legal cell, row and column are set
and True is returned. However, if the (x, y) is not over a
cell, False is returned, and row and column will have undefined
int XbaeMatrixGetNumSelected()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixGetNumSelected() returns the number of cells that are
currently selected in the given matrix. The widget maintains an
internal variable as cells are selected and deselected so a
complete traversal of the widget is avoided.
int XbaeMatrixGetRowHeight()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row whose height we query.
XbaeMatrixGetRowHeight() is a convenient way to query a row
String XbaeMatrixGetRowLabel()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the label that should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetRowLabel() returns a pointer to the label of the
given row. If no row labels exist or the given row is not a
valid row NULL is returned.
XtPointer XbaeMatrixGetRowUserData()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose data should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetRowUserData() returns a pointer to the data
assigned to the given row. The data should be set using
XbaeMatrixSetRowUserData(). If no data is found to be
associated with the particular row, NULL is returned.
XmString XbaeMatrixGetXmColumnLabel()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the xmLabel that should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetXmColumnLabel() returns a pointer to the xmLabel of
the given column. If no xmColumnLabels exist or the given
column is not a valid column NULL is returned. If no data is
found to be associated with the particular column, NULL is
XmString XbaeMatrixGetXmRowLabel()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the xmLabel that should be retrieved.
XbaeMatrixGetXmRowLabel() returns a pointer to the xmLabel of
the given row. If no xmRowLabels exist or the given row is not
a valid row NULL is returned. If no data is found to be
associated with the particular row, NULL is returned.
void XbaeMatrixHighlightCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to highlight.
column The column of the cell to highlight.
XbaeMatrixHighlightCell() allows the application developer to
programmatically highlight a cell. XbaeMatrixHighlightCell()
draws the highlight around the cell. The corresponding unsigned
char in the XmNhighlightedCells array will be have its
HighlightCell bit set.
void XbaeMatrixHighlightColumn()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column to highlight.
XbaeMatrixHighlightColumn() allows the application developer to
programmatically highlight a column.
XbaeMatrixHighlightColumn() draws the highlight around the
column if XmNgridType is XmGRID_COLUMN_SHADOW or from around
each cell in the column otherwise. The corresponding unsigned
chars in the XmNhighlightedCells array will be have its
HighlightColumn or HighlightOther bit set, depending on whether
XmNgridType is set to XmGRID_COLUMN_SHADOW or not.
void XbaeMatrixHighlightRow()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row to highlight.
XbaeMatrixHighlightRow() allows the application developer to
programmatically highlight a row. XbaeMatrixHighlightRow()
draws the highlight around the row if XmNgridType is
XmGRID_ROW_SHADOW or from around each cell in the row otherwise.
The corresponding unsigned chars in the XmNhighlightedCells
array will be have its HighlightRow or HighlightOther bit set,
depending on whether XmNgridType is set to XmGRID_ROW_SHADOW or
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsCellSelected()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to check.
column The column of the cell to check.
XbaeMatrixIsCellSelected() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular cell is selected. The
function returns True if the cell is selected and False
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsCellVisible()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to check.
column The column of the cell to check.
XbaeMatrixIsCellVisible() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular cell is in the visible
area of the XbaeMatrix widget. The function returns True if the
cell is visible and False otherwise.
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsColumnSelected()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the matrix to check.
XbaeMatrixIsColumnSelected() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular column is selected. The
function returns True if the column is selected and False
otherwise. A column must be selected in its entirety for
XbaeMatrixIsColumnSelected() to return True.
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsColumnVisible()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the matrix to check.
XbaeMatrixIsColumnVisible() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular column is in the visible
area of the XbaeMatrix widget. The function returns True if the
column is visible and False otherwise.
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsRowSelected()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the matrix to check.
XbaeMatrixIsRowSelected() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular row is selected. The
function returns True if the row is selected and False
otherwise. A row must be selected in its entirety for
XbaeMatrixIsRowSelected() to return True.
Boolean XbaeMatrixIsRowVisible()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the matrix to check.
XbaeMatrixIsRowVisible() allows the application developer to
determine whether or not a particular row is in the visible area
of the XbaeMatrix widget. The function returns True if the row
is visible and False otherwise.
int XbaeMatrixMakeCellVisible()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row to scroll into the visible area of the matrix.
column The column to scroll into the visible area of the
XbaeMatrixMakeCellVisible() allows a cell to be programatically
scrolled into the visible area of the XbaeMatrix widget. By
calling this function, the XmNselectScrollVisible resource is
ignored. For a more accurate cell location after scrolling, the
programmer should use the XmNleftColumnandXmNtopRow resources.
int XbaeMatrixNumRows()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixNumRows() returns the number of rows in the given
int XbaeMatrixNumColumns()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixNumColumns() returns the number of columns in the
given matrix.
int XbaeMatrixNumRows()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixNumRows() returns the number of rows in the given
void XbaeMatrixRefresh()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixRefresh() allows the application developer to force
the widget to redraw itself. This might be used when the
programmer knows the widget's values have changed, but the
widget has not detected the change. For example, the quickest
way to swap the values of 2 rows would be to do an XtGetValues
on XmNcells, swap the values of the 2 rows, and then do an
XtSetValues on XmNcells with the same StringTable variable.
Because of the way the Intrinsics work, the widget will not see
this change and will display the old values until a redraw is
preformed because of a resize or scroll event (assuming no other
change in the XtSetValues caused a redraw). Calling
XbaeMatrixRefresh() will cause the correct values to be drawn
and overcome this limitation in the Intrinsics. While this
function should rarely be needed, it is provided ``just in
void XbaeMatrixRefreshCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to redraw.
column The column of the cell to redraw.
XbaeMatrixRefreshCell() allows the application developer to
redraw a specific cell of the matrix. This function is
particularly useful when used with the
XbaeMatrixDrawCellCallback as it allows updates of the data
without an explicit expose event.
void XbaeMatrixRefreshColumn()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the matrix to redraw.
XbaeMatrixRefreshColumn() allows the application developer to
efficiently redraw a specific column
of the matrix.
void XbaeMatrixRefreshRow()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the matrix to redraw.
XbaeMatrixRefreshRow() allows the application developer to
efficiently redraw a specific row
of the matrix.
int XbaeMatrixRowColToXY()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
int *x;
int *y;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row the of the cell in question.
column The column the of the cell in question.
x The x coordinate returned that represents the left
coordinates of the given cell.
y The y coordinate returned that represents the upper
coordinates of the given cell.
XbaeMatrixRowColToXY() allows the application developer to
determine the coordinates of the upper left corner of a given
cell. If the given widget is not an XbaeMatrix widget, False
will be returned and the values of x and y will be undefined.
This function is useful for drag and drop calculations.
void XbaeMatrixSelectAll()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixSelectAll() allows the application developer to
programmatically select all cells. XbaeMatrixSelectAll()
redraws the cells in reverse video. All Booleans in the
XmNselectedCells array will be set to True.
void XbaeMatrixSelectCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to select.
column The column of the cell to select.
XbaeMatrixSelectCell() allows the application developer to
programmatically select a cell. XbaeMatrixSelectCell() first
scrolls the specified cell until it is visible, and then draws
the cell in reverse video (or selectedForeground /
selectedBackground if set).
The corresponding Boolean in the XmNselectedCells array will be
set to True.
void XbaeMatrixSelectColumn()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column to select.
XbaeMatrixSelectColumn() allows the application developer to
programmatically select a column. XbaeMatrixSelectColumn()
first scrolls the specified column until it is visible, and then
draws the column in reverse video (or selectedForeground /
selectedBackground if set). The corresponding Booleans in the
XmNselectedCells array will be set to True.
void XbaeMatrixSelectRow()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row to select.
XbaeMatrixSelectRow() allows the application developer to
programmatically select a row. XbaeMatrixSelectRow() first
scrolls the specified row until it is visible, and then draws
the row in reverse video (or selectedForeground /
selectedBackground if set). The corresponding Booleans in the
XmNselectedCells array will be set to True.
void XbaeMatrixSetCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
const String value;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose value should be set.
column The column of the cell whose value should be set.
value The new value to set this cell to.
XbaeMatrixSetCell() allows the application developer to
programmatically set the value of the specified cell. To set the
values of many cells, it may be more efficient to do an
XtSetValues() on the XmNcells resource.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellBackground()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Pixel color;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose backgroundshould be set.
column The column of the cell whose background should be set.
color The new color to which to set this cell's background.
XbaeMatrixSetCellBackground() is a convenient way to specify and
modify the XmNcellBackgrounds resource when changing the
background of a single cell. If XmNcellBackgrounds is NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetCellBackground() will create a Pixel table
initialized to XmNforeground except for the cell specified in
it's arguments. If XmNcellBackgrounds is not NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetCellBackground() will changed the specified cell in
that resource to the specified color.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellColor()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Pixel color;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose color should be set.
column The column of the cell whose color should be set.
color The new color to which to set this cell.
XbaeMatrixSetCellColor() is a convenient way to specify and
modify the XmNcolors resource when changing the color of a
single cell. If XmNcolors is NULL, then XbaeMatrixSetCellColor()
will create a Pixel table initialized to XmNforeground except
for the cell specified in it's arguments. If XmNcolors is not
NULL, then XbaeMatrixSetCellColor() will changed the specified
cell in that resource to the specified color.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellPixmap()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Pixmap pixmap;
Pixmap mask;
w A XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose pixmap and mask should be
column The column of the cell whose pixmap and mask should be
pixmap the function will store the contents of this Pixmap
mask the function will store the contents of this variable
as the pixmap mask
XbaeMatrixSetCellPixmap will set the pixmap and the associated
mask of the indicated cell. If the row or column are out of
bounds, or the widget is not an XbaeMatrix widget, then nothing
is changed; this erroneous condition is silently ignored.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellShadow()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
unsigned char shadow_type;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose shadow should be set.
column The column of the cell whose shadow should be set.
The value to which to set the cells shadow
XbaeMatrixSetShadow() allows the application developer to
programmatically set the shadow of a specified cell.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellTag()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
XmStringTag tag;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose tag should be set.
column The column of the cell whose tag should be set.
tag The value to which to set the cells tag
XbaeMatrixSetTag() allows the application developer to
programmatically set the font tag of a specified cell. This
value is copied (quarkified).
void XbaeMatrixSetCellUserData()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
XtPointer data;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell whose value should be set.
column The column of the cell whose value should be set.
data A pointer to a user defined data area.
XbaeMatrixSetCellUserData() allows the application developer to
programmatically set the user data of a specified cell. To set
the data value of many cells, it may be more efficient to do an
XtSetValues() on the XmNcellUserData resource. This resource is
void XbaeMatrixSetCellWidget(w, row, column, widget)
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Widget widget;
XbaeMatrixSetCellWidget() is a function to attach a widget to a
matrix cell. The cell is selected by specifying its row and
column , widget is the cell widget to be associated with that
cell. XbaeMatrix will manage the cell widget's position and
size so it is displayed inside the cell at all times, including
when scrolling.
Using a NULL widget removes the link between a widget and its
cell. Only one widget can be in a cell, a widget should also be
in only one cell at a time.
void XbaeMatrixSetCellWidget(w, row, column, widget)
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
Widget widget;
XbaeMatrixSetCellWidget() is a function to attach a widget to a
matrix cell. The cell is selected by specifying its row and
column , widget is the cell widget to be associated with that
cell. XbaeMatrix will manage the cell widget's position and
size so it is displayed inside the cell at all times, including
when scrolling.
Using a NULL widget removes the link between a widget and its
cell. Only one widget can be in a cell, a widget should also be
in only one cell at a time.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnBackgrounds()
Widget w;
int position;
Pixel *colors;
int num_colors;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The column position at which to begin applying the new
backgrounds. Must be greater than or equal to zero,
and (position + num_colors) must be less than or equal
to XmNcolumns.
colors Points to an array of Pixel. These specify the
backgrounds for the cells in the specified columns.
The colors array must have num_colors elements.
The number of colors in the colors array.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnBackgrounds() is a convenient way to specify
and modify the XmNcellBackgrounds resource when setting the
background of an entire column or columns. If XmNcellBackgrounds
is NULL, then XbaeMatrixSetColumnBackgrounds() will create a
Pixel table initialized to XmNforeground except for the columns
specified in it's arguments. If XmNcellBackgrounds is not NULL,
then XbaeMatrixSetColumnBackgrounds() will changed the specified
columns in that resource to the specified colors.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnColors()
Widget w;
int position;
Pixel *colors;
int num_colors;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The column position at which to begin applying the new
colors. Must be greater than or equal to zero, and
(position + num_colors) must be less than or equal to
colors Points to an array of Pixel. These specify the colors
for the cells in the specified columns. The colors
array must have num_colors elements.
The number of colors in the colors array.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnColors() is a convenient way to specify and
modify the XmNcolors resource when setting the color of an
entire column or columns. If XmNcolors is NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetColumnColors() will create a Pixel table
initialized to XmNforeground except for the columns specified in
it's arguments. If XmNcolors is not NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetColumnColors() will changed the specified columns
in that resource to the specified colors.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnWidth()
Widget w;
int column;
int width;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column whose width we'll be changing.
width The new width of this column. A column width can be 0
to hide a column.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnWidth() is a convenient way to change the
width of a column without the need to allocate an array with
column width numbers. Passing -1 as the new width will reset
the column width to the default value.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnLabel()
Widget w;
int column;
String value;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the label is to be set.
value The new value of the label.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnLabel() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the label of a specified column.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnShadow()
Widget w;
int column;
unsidned char shadow_type;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column for which the shadow to be set.
The new value of the shadow.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnShadow() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the shadow of a specified column.
void XbaeMatrixSetColumnUserData()
Widget w;
int column;
XtPointer data;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column whose value should be set.
data A pointer to a user defined data area.
XbaeMatrixSetColumnUserData() allows the application developer
to programmatically associate user data for the specified
void XbaeMatrixSetRowBackgrounds()
Widget w;
int position;
Pixel *colors;
int num_colors;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The row position at which to begin applying the new
colors. Must be greater than or equal to zero, and
(position + num_colors) must be less than or equal to
colors Points to an array of Pixel. These specify the
backgrounds for the cells in the specified rows. The
colors array must have num_colors elements.
The number of colors in the colors array.
XbaeMatrixSetRowBackgrounds() is a convenient way to specify and
modify the XmNcellBackgrounds resource when setting the
background of an entire row or rows. If XmNcellBackgrounds is
NULL, then XbaeMatrixSetRowBackgrounds() will create a Pixel
table initialized to XmNforeground except for the rows specified
in it's arguments. If XmNcellBackgrounds is not NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetRowBackgrounds() will changed the specified rows in
that resource to the specified colors.
void XbaeMatrixSetRowColors()
Widget w;
int position;
Pixel *colors;
int num_colors;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
position The row position at which to begin applying the new
colors. Must be greater than or equal to zero, and
(position + num_colors) must be less than or equal to
colors Points to an array of Pixel. These specify the colors
for the cells in the specified rows. The colors array
must have num_colors elements.
The number of colors in the colors array.
XbaeMatrixSetRowColors() is a convenient way to specify and
modify the XmNcolors resource when setting the color of an
entire row or rows. If XmNcolors is NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetRowColors() will create a Pixel table initialized
to XmNforeground except for the rows specified in it's
arguments. If XmNcolors is not NULL, then
XbaeMatrixSetRowColors() will changed the specified rows in that
resource to the specified colors.
void XbaeMatrixSetRowHeight()
Widget w;
int row;
int height;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row whose height we'll be changing.
height The new height of this row. A row height can be 0 to
hide a row.
XbaeMatrixSetRowHeight() is a convenient way to change the
height of a row without the need to allocate an array with row
height numbers. Passing -1 as the new height will reset the
row's height to the default value.
void XbaeMatrixSetRowLabel()
Widget w;
int row;
String value;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the label is to be set.
value The new value of the label.
XbaeMatrixSetRowLabel() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the label of the specified row.
void XbaeMatrixSetRowShadow()
Widget w;
int column;
unsigned char shadow_type;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row whose shadow should be set.
The value of the new shadow.
XbaeMatrixSetRowShadow() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the shadow for the specified row.
void XbaeMatrixSetRowUserData()
Widget w;
int column;
XtPointer data;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row whose value should be set.
data A pointer to a user defined data area.
XbaeMatrixSetRowUserData() allows the application developer to
programmatically associate user data for the specified row.
void XbaeMatrixSetXmColumnLabel()
Widget w;
int column;
XmString value;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column of the xmLabel is to be set.
value The new value of the xmLabel.
XbaeMatrixSetXmColumnLabel() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the xmLabel of a specified column.
void XbaeMatrixSetXmRowLabel()
Widget w;
int row;
XmString value;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the xmLabel is to be set.
value The new value of the xmLabel.
XbaeMatrixSetXmRowLabel() allows the application developer to
programmatically change the xmLabel of a specified row.
void XbaeMatrixSortColumns()
Widget w;
int (*proc)(Widget, int, int, void *);
void *user_data;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
proc a pointer to a function that can compare columns.
user_data a pointer the application can use for its own needs.
XbaeMatrixSortColumns allows you to sort the columns in the
XbaeMatrix widget according to criteria determined by the proc
function. The proc function should have the above signature and
functionality as demanded by the qsort(3) function. It will be
called with a the matrix being sorted, the indices of two
columns to compare and the user_data pointer
XbaeMatrixSortColumns was called with. It should return -1, 0,
or 1 as appropriate. It is guaranteed that the matrix does not
change while sorting and the necessary reordering will only take
place after the last call to proc has been made.
void XbaeMatrixSortRows()
Widget w;
int (*proc)(Widget, int, int, void *);
void *user_data;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
proc a pointer to a function that can compare rows.
user_data a pointer the application can use for its own needs.
XbaeMatrixSortRows allows you to sort the rows in the XbaeMatrix
widget according to criteria determined by the proc function.
The proc function should have the above signature and
functionality as demanded by the qsort(3) function. It will be
called with the matrix being sorted, the indices of two rows to
compare and the user_data pointer XbaeMatrixSortRows was called
with. It should return -1, 0, or 1 as appropriate. It is
guaranteed that the matrix does not change while sorting and the
necessary reordering will only take place after the last call to
proc has been made.
void XbaeMatrixUnhighlightAll()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightAll() allows the application developer to
programmatically unhighlight all cells.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightAll() erases the highlight from all cells.
All unsigned chars in the XmNhighlightedCells array will be set
to HighlightNone.
void XbaeMatrixUnhighlightCell()
Widget w;
int row;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row of the cell to unhighlight.
column The column of the cell to unhighlight.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightCell() allows the application developer to
programmatically unhighlight a cell.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightCell() erases the highlight from the cell.
The corresponding unsigned char in the XmNhighlightedCells array
will be have its HighlightCell bit cleared.
void XbaeMatrixUnhighlightColumn()
Widget w;
int column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
column The column to unhighlight.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightColumn() allows the application developer
to programmatically unhighlight a column.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightColumn() erases the highlight from around
the column if XmNgridType is XmGRID_COLUMN_SHADOW or from around
each cell in the column otherwise. The corresponding unsigned
chars in the XmNhighlightedCells array will be have its
HighlightColumn or HighlightOther bit cleared, depending on
whether XmNgridType is set to XmGRID_COLUMN_SHADOW or not.
void XbaeMatrixUnhighlightRow()
Widget w;
int row;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
row The row to unhighlight.
XbaeMatrixUnhighlightRow() allows the application developer to
programmatically unhighlight a row. XbaeMatrixUnhighlightRow()
erases the highlight from around the row if XmNgridType is
XmGRID_ROW_SHADOW or from around each cell in the row otherwise.
The corresponding unsigned chars in the XmNhighlightedCells
array will be have its HighlightRow or HighlightOther bit
cleared, depending on whether XmNgridType is set to
int XbaeMatrixVisibleCells()
Widget w;
int *top_row;
int *bottom_row;
int *left_column;
int *right_column;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
top_row The first row that is currently visible in the matrix.
The last row that is currently visible in the matrix.
The leftmost column that is currently visible in the
The rightmost column that is currently visible in the
XbaeMatrixVisibleCells() allows the the application developer to
obtain the currently visible portion of the XbaeMatrix w.
int XbaeMatrixVisibleColumns()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixVisibleColumns() allows the the application developer
to programmatically check how many columns are currently
displayed in the XbaeMatrix w. A partially visible column will
be declared an entire column.
int XbaeMatrixVisibleRows()
Widget w;
w An XbaeMatrix widget.
XbaeMatrixVisibleRows() allows the the application developer to
programmatically check how many rows are currently displayed in
the XbaeMatrix w. A partially visible row will be declared an
entire row.
int XbaeGetVersionNum()
XbaeGetVersionNum() is a function that returns the numeric
representation of the version of the Xbae library that your
program is working with. This is the run-time version of the
Xbae widgets, where XbaeVersion is a macro that represents the
compile-time version.
The numeric representation is a simple calculation based on the
major, minor, and pico numbers representing an Xbae widget
release. E.g. version 4.8.1 would be represented as 40801.
Releases prior to 4.8.0 didn't have this functionality.
char * XbaeGetVersionText()
XbaeGetVersionText() is a function that returns the textual
representation of the version of the Xbae library that your
program is working with. This is the run-time version of the
Xbae widgets, where XbaeVersionTxt is a macro that represents
the compile-time version.
Additional Behavior
Using XtSetValues to set the Matrix's XmNwidth resource to 0 will cause
it to recompute it's horizontal size. It will request a new size which
results in XmNvisibleColumns columns being displayed. If
XmNvisibleColumns is 0, then it will request a new size such that it
does not need a horizontal ScrollBar (full horizontal size).
Using XtSetValues to set the Matrix's XmNheight resource to 0 will
cause it to recompute it's vertical size. It will request a new size
which results in XmNvisibleRows rows being displayed. If XmNvisibleRows
is 0, then it will request a new size such that it does not need a
vertical ScrollBar (full vertical size).
An XtSetValues on XmNvisibleRows will cause the Matrix to request a new
size which results in XmNvisibleRows non-fixed rows being displayed,
only if the new value is different than the old one.
An XtSetValues on XmNvisibleColumns will cause the Matrix to request a
new size which results in the first XmNvisibleColumns non-fixed columns
being displayed, only if the new value is different than the old one.
An XtSetValues on any other resource will not result in a request for a
new size. Setting other resources in conjunction with setting XmNwidth
and/or XmNheight to 0 allows for more control of the Matrix's geometry.
An XtSetValues setting XmNrowLabelWidth to 0 will cause
XmNrowLabelWidth to be set to the width of the longest row label.
Virtual Bindings
The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific. For information
about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3X).
Andrew Wason (aw@bae.bellcore.com) of Bellcore, Piscataway NJ, wrote
the original version of the Xbae widgets. His final release of the
widgets was version 3.8.
Kevin Brannen (kbrannen@metronet.com) took over maintainership
following Andrew Wason's departure and released version 4.0.
Andrew Lister (lister@db.com) maintained from 1995 to 1999.
Andrew Wason for the original idea and source code.
Jay Schmidgall for his contributions.
Nick Banyard for providing the multibyte extensions.
Callum Gibson for the pattern parsing in the XbaeInput widget.
Sascha Goebel for debugging the scroll-per-pixel code.
Tobias Oed for lots of code cleanup and debugging.
The people from Arcad Systemhaus for code submission for XbaeMatrixSort
and a couple of related functionalities, and easier pixmap support.
This document describes XbaeMatrix, version 4.60.4.
Core(3X), Composite(3X), XmManager(3X), XmScrollBar(3X), XbaeInput(3X),
Notice of Limitation
Bellcore, previous and current maintainers of the Xbae widgets
(collectively 'authors') provide this information solely to
professionals who have the appropriate degree of experience to
understand and interpret its contents in accordance with generally
accepted engineering or other professional standards and applicable
regulations. No recommendations as to products or vendors is made or
should be implied.
While the information contained herein has been prepared from sources
deemed to be reliable, the authors reserve the right to revise the
information without notice, but has no obligation to do so. Unless the
recipient has been expressly granted a license by Bellcore under
separate applicable written agreement with Bellcore, no license,
expressed or implied, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other
intellectual property rights. Use of the information is at your
discretion and shall not be deemed an inducement by Bellcore to
infringe any existing or later-issued patent, copyrights or other
intellectual property right.
Copyright 1991, 1992 Bellcore.
Copyright 1995-99 Andrew Lister All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 1999-2002 LessTif Developers
The above no warranty extends to all additions and contributions. No
contributor shall be held liable; this work is provided ``as is''. If
this is a problem for you, then don't use this software.
4.60.4 2016-02-17 XbaeMatrix(3x)