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EZ_RegisterResourcesAll(3)      EZWGL Functions     EZ_RegisterResourcesAll(3)


EZ_RegisterResourcesAll - register a list of widget resources


#include <EZ.h> void EZ_RegisterResourcesAll( int type, int nresources, EZ_ResourceSpec resources, int (configure)(void*theWidget,intoption,EZ_Value*values)) typedef struct { int option; /* reference index, must > 1024 */ char *iname; /* resource name */ char *cname; /* resource class */ char *vtypes; /* value types, e.g "int,float,string" */ } EZ_ResourceSpec; typedef struct { int type; union { char c; unsigned char uc; short s; unsigned short us; int i; unsigned int ui; float f; void *p; void *function; char *str; unsigned long l; } value; } EZ_Value;


type Specifies a widget type. resources Specifies a list of resources. nresources Specifies the number of resources. configure Specifies a procedure that sets the widget attributes from resources.


EZ_RegisterResourcesAll register a list of resources for all widget of the given type. Once registered, future invokation of EZ_CreateWidget will consult the specified resource handle to parse and set widget attributes from the resource database. To register a list of resources for a single widget, use the configuration option


EZ_RegisterApplicationResources(3) EZWGL EZ_RegisterResourcesAll(3)

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